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Don't look back

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Don't look back

Postby shadowblade » Thu Oct 07, 2004 10:16 am

I wrote this a while ago, but I figured I might as well post it and see the reaction.

Don't look back
Look at how far we've come
Not nearly enough
But further than yesterday
Keep progressing
Don't look down, don't look back
You'll fall, stay focused
Here, take my hand
Never fear, I'll help you
There you go, keep moving
I'm right here.
Don't look down, don't look back
You'll fall, stay focused
The mountain's steep
Don't let that bother you
I know you've tripped often
But that's why I'm here
Don't look down, don't look back
You'll fall, stay focused
The cold wind bites your skin
You shiver violently
Against its bitterly icy touch
Don't let yourself go numb
Don't look down, don't look back
You'll fall, stay focused
Remember, I'm here beside you
I'll always support you
I'll always help you
I'll always stay
Don't look down, don't look back
You'll fall, stay focused
Look at the peak!
It's not that far!
Yes, always look ahead
We're very high... don't be scared!
Hold on tight
And don't look back.

Proud Member of the Challengers Guild ^_^

Life is not about us using God for our purposes, but about Him using us for His purposes.

Faith is not creating a false reality, but acknowledging God's promises for us.

The dreams I dream for you
Are deeper than the ones your clinging to
Let the old dreams die
Like stars that fade from view
And take the cup I offer
And drink deeply of the dreams I dream for you

[color=Navy]Bill: Ted, you and I have witnessed many things, but nothing as bodacious as what just happened.
Besides, we told ourselves to listen to this guy...
Ted: But what if we were lying?
Bill: Why would we lie to ourselves?
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Postby Dragon Master » Fri Oct 08, 2004 11:57 am

Wow! I really like it, kinda makes me think about my own life...
I like hitting things :lickbash:
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Postby Ssjjvash » Fri Oct 08, 2004 1:56 pm

Awesome! most impressive and also...what's the word?? *is tired. thinks hard*

I think the word is uplifting. ^_^
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone
And so hold on when there is nothing left in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!''ll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling

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"You are not who your mistakes say you are; you are not the sum of your failures!"---Rev. Billy Miller

Proverbs 18:24
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Postby Swordguy » Fri Oct 08, 2004 8:56 pm

sounda like what GOd is always telling us....and He will truly never leave
I used to "Follow" Him because i had i would give everything to follow Him.

Me check it out!

Quest for the True Grail

rei wrote:"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."

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Postby agasfas » Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:45 pm

sounda like what GOd is always telling us....and He will truly never leave

Well said, i totally agree with his interpretation; that God is always telling us to keep moving foward. I also got (from the poem) that God forgives us if we mess up, it's just a part of life. And what is done is done and it's best to keep moving forward. Also, that God is helping poeple from straying away too far and helping them remain strong and focused on the path to glory.

I really enjoyed the poem shadowblade. It's nice to see poems with a positive message, we don't get to much of that now days.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.." Prov 17:22

The word 'impossible' isn't in my dictionary... but I don't really have a dictionary you know? - Eikichi Onizuka.
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