There's only really one rule for wicca and that is "Do what ye will, as long it harms none."
Anything that separates you from God or is against His will is harmful to at least one, yourself. It is therefore His will that we should seek first. To do otherwise denies God’s nature as a loving God. (1) If God really loves us, then He will want what is best for us. Consider your own nature? Is what you have wanted always been the best in the long run? Or others. If we are separated from God how can that be good for us? We can keep ourselves from knowing the God who sent His son to die for us, the God who loves us and wants what is good for us. We live in a corrupt world and have a sinful nature. (2) Sin brings death, at least spiritual death. God gives life. Sooner or later our nature is going to take us away from the life that God has for us. If we just do our will, it will eventually hurt others.
If we are really seeking God’s will, then out of the new nature that He gives us as His children will flow love. We love because He first loved us. Love is what really makes us care about not harming others. It then makes us care about the good of our fellow people. Without love like we learn from God, when pressed it is each man for himself. Sure someone like that may seem good and speak and act like they care, but it’s not that love. It’s just what makes them look good or feel good, and yes doing something good for someone else can make a person feel good, but it’s not the same selfless love. People waffle: God is faithful. (3) God is more faithful and selfless than any one else can be. His glory shines in His power and strength of love for us. I would rather follow that than my own foolish self. I by myself am a fool and if not for the love of God, I would not be who and where I am today.
Wiccans believe that there is a God and a Godess and both are worshipped.
Deuteronomy 5:7 You shall have no other gods before Me.
They do not believe in Satan as how can there be any absolute evil?
How can you not believe there is absolute evil? We have terrorism, poverty, literal enslavement even of children! There are places where women are kidnapped and put on window display in there underwear as sex slaves. People starve! There are genocides! Thousands and millions of people dying. There have people in the past who had child sacrifice. There’s mass oppression, people enslaved to sin like drugs and porn. Is that only half bad, half good? It’s a miracle when God changes any of the lives caught up in that. Absolute evil exists somehow and so does good. God is behind good. Can Satan not be behind evil?
We are spiritual as well as physical beings. Because of our physical nature, we don’t usually go around seeing with our eyes the things of spirits. Satan is a liar. (4) He tries to deceive us in as couple of ways. 1. Satan as the angel of light. He tries to get people to think that he is good, that is the way and the truth. This is not true. Satan wants to separate us from God because he is in a battle for us. Christ is the only way to life. If we are truly saved, then he loses out of us and he doesn’t want that. God creates, Satan destroys. God will work in us so that we are freed from the bondages of sin. Satan temps us away from God. 2. He tries to make people think that he and hell are not real. If he is not real, then there is only God and everything is good. It can be like it doesn’t matter what you do, there is no hell. You’ll go to heaven. But this isn’t true because heaven comes with salvation and what Jesus went through for us and what sin is loses its meaning. What could Christ have saved us from if there was no hell and nothing evil? Ourselves? 3. This world is all there is. The lie that this world that we see with our physical eyes is all there is. He likes people to stay blind to spiritual truths because then they won’t even think about seriously believing that Christ is the way and he is the enemy. 4. Scare us into thinking that only darkness is the spiritual reality or make us not believe God.
Wiccans believe that everything you do to others is brought back to you threefold so if you do something bad to someone you will be punished for it and if you do something good you will be blessed. Is that not a good way to live?
Many times it doesn’t work that way. In physical life here on earth, the greatest example of this is Christ. Though what He did was only what was good and loving, He suffered death for us on the cross. He went to hell and he did not sin. We sinners who deserve hell, who have grieved God, we are offered the chance to heaven. The message of salvation isn’t about rewards for good and punishments for wrongs, it’s about grace-what we don’t deserve. Every mean or immoral thought, every lie, every hurtful word, every other wrong thing that we have done-we can not make up for that. In the light of who God is, we all deserve death and hell, but by the simple act of faith to accept Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior, we can have eternal life in heaven. Not only that, before we leave this earth, we can have a relationship with a creator who loves us so much that He send His son to die for us. Now this is a way to live.
As Christians, the world will not always see the blessings that God gives us. Our treasure is not of the world. Around the world, there are Christians who are persecuted. Even kind non-Christians can suffer for doing good. The world does not love the things of God but loves the things of this world. There are places where evil is rewarded and good is punished. The reward or those who follow the Lord is His eternal care, the rewards He has for us in heaven and pleasure of a Heavenly Father who delights in His children. We live in view of eternity great reward is already gained in salvation. Christ gave us two commands to follow. "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and "your neighbor as yourself." (5)
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.
Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")
It's cosplay, get used to it.
"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him."
"One of the nice things about diseases of the brain is they tend to slip your mind." Colbert