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my fanfic (Nack the Weasel, who I bet noone has ever heard of)

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my fanfic (Nack the Weasel, who I bet noone has ever heard of)

Postby Slater » Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:16 pm

I've been working on this fanfic for about a year now... it's also my first fanfic that I've ever attempted so some of the first chapters are low-quality, but the later ones people have really been enjoying. I decided to name it "Nack's Legendary Tale"
I rate the current content of this fic PG-13, for violence and stuff.

Chapter order:

Part 1: Before his Time
Nack's Golden Mistake: Chapters 1 and 2 (completed)
Fallen Angel: Chapter 1 (completed but I really really need to clean typos up.)
I Call for the Master (completed)

Part 2: Crystal Clear Love (and Dark Horizons)
Nightmare Come True (completed)
Whispers of Love and Hate (completed)
Whispers in the Night (non-related, something I wrote one night for my literature class. Got an A+ )

Part 3: Emerald Sword's War
Emerald Sword (completed)
Dargor, Shadowlord of the Black Mountain (completed)
Rain of a Thousand Flames (completed)
Power of the Dragonflame (Work In Progress)
Dawn of Victory (Not yet started)

I do have to go back through some of these chapters and do some editing... chose to do some reformatting of their systems and flashbacks in the story (these are where I see readers having the most confusion nowadays) are no longer well marked. In any event, if you like Sonic the Hedgehog and the obscure characters attatched to that universe, then I think you'll like this fiction.
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