Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:22 pm
[quote="uc pseudonym"]You misunderstand Bobtheduck (unless I do). His point was merely that Nintendo could benefit from allowing hacks to be performed on their programs. Consider VBulletin (the software with which this forum is made)]
That's almost exactly what I meant... Some of my favorite games of all time were the "programmable" series on the NES. Excite Bike, Mach Rider, Wrecking Crew, Lode Runner... That was rather limited, but if the game makers and the console companies were to give their users a bit more power (IE by making a console version of GMAX) I think it would be a big boost for consoles in general. It would be especially good if they'd include editing tools for other aspects of the game. I mean, GMAX can only change graphics or include a different model, and that's usually used in things like FPS games, but if there were additional editing tools, it would be much better. Map editors, dialogue editors, maybe even voice over recording... I would love to, say, redub parts of Final Fantasy X. I've got so much stuff I could do with that. I just think there are a lot of possibilities if the Game developers would just embrace it.
Maybe, after a game has been around a year or so, after that point editing tools should be released. Very powerfull ones that would even let you edit code? Lot's of possibilities. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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