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Please help me with my signature

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Please help me with my signature

Postby Kaiwano » Fri Jul 09, 2004 4:25 am

I have a problem, I'm gonna put some lyrics in my signature and I want it to look like this

"blah blah blah blah "lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics
blah blah blah blah lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics
blah blah blah blah lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics
blah blah blah blah" lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics"

but it keeps ending up like this when I preview

"blah blah blah blah "lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics
lyrics blah blah blah blah lyrics lyrics lyrics
lyrics lyrics blah blah blah blah lyrics lyrics
lyrics lyrics lyrics blah blah blah blah" lyrics
lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics"

thank you for helping

EDIT: aaah! it looks wrong here too! Why does it delete all spaces?
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:20 am

Kaiwano wrote:I have a problem, I'm gonna put some lyrics in my signature and I want it to look like this

"blah blah blah blah "lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics
blah blah blah blah lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics
blah blah blah blah lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics
blah blah blah blah" lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics"

but it keeps ending up like this when I preview

"blah blah blah blah "lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics
lyrics blah blah blah blah lyrics lyrics lyrics
lyrics lyrics blah blah blah blah lyrics lyrics
lyrics lyrics lyrics blah blah blah blah" lyrics
lyrics lyrics lyrics lyrics"

thank you for helping

EDIT: aaah! it looks wrong here too! Why does it delete all spaces?

That's just the way these forums work... sorta like how HTML gets rid of line ends... You have to specify in code that is what you want...I don't think that what you want is even posible in the forums... No ascii art, no special formating... That's probably just the way it is... BTW< I can see the spacing when i reply... Just not on the message. It automatically deletes double spaces... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Kaiwano » Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:05 am

Ok, I guess I have to solve it otherwise. Thank you Bob
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Postby Jasdero » Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:20 am

umm...dunno if you've fixed it or not, but here's something that might help if it hasn't been cured already. at the ending of each line, add a
to it. So, it would kind of look like this:
Blah blah blah

Blah Blah Blah

Blah Blah Blah Blah

You might have to wrap some Code Tags on it. I'm not sure about this. Sorry if it doesn't work.
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