I am sorry about these triple posts, but this is an important moment for the two. This haunts them for a while.
This episode is one of those moments, that Chloe talked about.
Hmm, I didn't think that alchemy was glorified there.
The chimera is cute.
'twas a sad moment. I am uncertain as to your motivation for posting those pages here Lochaber Axe, but I see no problem with.
I apologize for hijacking awsam007's thread, but I wish to ask the following question: how many volumes of Fullmetal Alchemist are there currently?
uc pseudonym wrote: I would question the motivation of anyone watching hentai for such a reason. There is little art involved, and little need to warn others... it is called hentai for a reason. My purpose in stating this is the following: things that are not sin can cause sin in the viewing of them. Even the Bible has been used by certain sects to justify terrible things.
uc pseudonym wrote: It is more than alleged]
Again, I was being facetious about FMA "allegedly" containing some questionable occult stuff. Still, I loved seeing the word "futile" in print. That never gets old. Good call. And a special shout out to Star Trek TNG's Borg for making that term popular again.
uc pseudonym wrote:While occult practices are indubitably sin, there are a great many other sins. Is it truly any worse than the main character having the sin of pride? I can tell you that children are far more likely to act prideful than they are to practice witchcraft. Sin, regardless of its nature, is still sin.
Again you speak the truth kind sir. Indeed it is all too easy to forget (I catch myself all the time) that sin is sin. Even Charles Manson is no worse than I am if he was saved before being executed. Ah, the power of Our Redeemer, how great it is.
That said, I still believe something like pride, while still being even on the sin scale, is not as dangerous as occult stuff like witchcraft. I know because I used to be into some of that junk, not heavily like joining a cult or drinking blood or anything, but I know how addictive Satan makes that lifestyle, even if it's just being into TV shows and books which study supernatural things like ESP, telekenesis, ghosts and the like (which is what I was into). I just get concerned about things like Harry Potter where the hero is shown to use magik because I know younger viewers sometimes can become interested in being like the hero in real life, which then could lead to interest in tarot cards, casting spells etc. Doesn't mean they will nesessarily, but let's just say watching Lassie reruns never caused anybody to take up spoon bending. Now I'm rambling, sorry...
mangafanatic wrote:I believe a major point to consider when deciding what fictional stories that contain certain occult elements you should watch is to see how the other characters and the characters themselves come to view their occult practices in the end. Are there consequences for what the character does that it wrong? Is the sinful behavior exalted as something to be imulated?
I can't answer these questions because I haven't seen FMA yet. But I'd be interested to know
Another great point. I too would be interested to know how it plays out by the end of FMA.
Ashley wrote:Those questions have been my guiding compass as far as what is or isn't ok for me to watch too, MangaFan. First off I ask myself, who's sinning? If the villians are, ok--it cements their role as villanous. But if the heroes are, that's a bit different. Secondly, does it glorify the sin? What happens to the characters after they sin--is it realistically shown to worsen their lives or are they made better? Things like that I think make a firm foundation that allows you both the freedom in Christ to enjoy entertainment and the Christian stance to take with it. I know that's a bit offtopic, but I felt like it needed to be said.
And Awsam, I just want to say I really respect the way you handled yourself. It would have been very easy to jump in with a quick temper and hurt feelings and force us to close this thread. But you acted maturely, handled yourself well, and presented logical and courteous counterpoints. That's so good to see.
I think that mangafan and Ashley are on to something here with their 'anime sin compass'. Maybe we can trademark that and sell it in Japan right along side the plush Grunty dolls and strawberry Pocky! ]I happen to live with a big FMA fan, so I took it too personally. And for that, I am very sorry, awsam
Lochaber Axe wrote:I wanted to make clear how alchemy is treated. It is not an occultic practice reveled in the story, but is a fantasy style magic that is shown to many times be completely evil. This moral lesson gets even deeper, sadder, and more graphic as the series goes along. *Salutes Hughes*
Lochaber Axe wrote:*Salutes Hughes*
ShiroiHikari wrote:I have scans to volume 6, but 5 and 6 are by a different translator and aren't done as well. And 6 isn't the last of them. Check out http://www.fullmetal-alchemist.com if you're interested.
awsam007 wrote:You should join a debate team!
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