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what do you think of dubbing?

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what do you think of dubbing?

Postby elmode1337 » Wed Jul 07, 2004 3:40 am

I personally think dubbing is teh most awful thing they do to anime. after it gets licensed the show is banned :banned: from downloading legally. some dubbings I can stand for like Inuyasha, Trigun and Cowboy Bebop... theres Yu-gi-oh which I dont watch but the rest seem wrong like what I feel of what funimation is going to do to Ed and Alphonse' voice I have a bad feeling already from the narrarators voice on this preview Funimation made FMA preview (in english) . whats your opinion of dubbing?
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Postby Vyse » Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:32 am

I love the Inu Yasha and Trugun dubs, Cowboy Bobop had a great dub too, and no I'm not joking.
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Postby inkhana » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:11 am

Most of the time, I don't mind dubs that much. For instance, I agree with Vyse that the CB, Trigun and Inuyasha dubs are pretty good (particularly the first of those). However, in the last couple of months, I've heard some dubs that were soooo bad that it made me hurt to think that any of us could have done better...and would have given teeth to be able to try it.

On another note, some people simply aren't able to follow subtitles. I myself have trouble with it sometimes.

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Postby Master Kenzo » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:14 am

I havn't seen you around before (at least, I don't think so), so, welcome to the forums elmode!

And yeah, I really hate what the companies do to dubs. Although the Trigun dub was quite good. I find that if I can get over the voices, I can stand uncut dubs - but edited ones are just pure blech.

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Postby AngelSakura » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:30 am

Dub = Barfo
That's the usual formula, but I've seen some really good dubs lately. Cowboy Bebop had a wonderful dub, with great voices, a nice script, and I'm pretty sure it's unedited. However, Kagome's dub voice makes my teeth hurt.
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Postby randomclassic » Wed Jul 07, 2004 1:23 pm

I love dubs... It just makes it much easier to understand and I get to laugh at the jokes played in the anime more.. Because if I have to sit and read the subtitles, than I can't get the jokes fast enough and by than its not funny anymore. LOL.. But thats just my opinion..

I personally love alot of dubs... Fruits Basket is by far my favorite, with Trigun ( Johnny Young Boch!) , and Cowboy Bebop comming in second. I also love the Wolfs Rain dub (Johnny Young Boch again!). lol.. Ahh well there is a lot of dubs that I love...

Baiscally I am a dubbing junkie.. lol...

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Postby Haibane Shadsie » Wed Jul 07, 2004 1:34 pm

As a very story-oriented person rather than a "voice" oriented person, I don't mind dubs at all if nothing is edited out. I like both Japanese and dubs... sometimes, I prefer dubs. I don't like having to pay attention to subtitles and need to be in the right "mood" to watch subtitled anime. Maybe I have a short attention span? I don't know.

As for Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, and InuYasha... I've only seen the dubs. I saw Trigun before it went to TV, but I got dub tapes. InuYasha... I feel weird watching on TV just because so many fans of it hate the dub with vitrol... and have made me feel like I can't be a "real fan" of the show if I'm only watching dub... also, Kagome's voice is annoying, though I have yet to hear her original.

What I HATE in anime fandom is people acting snobbish about their subs and fansubs - like you cannot be a real fan if you are watching the dub. UGH. The feeling that I get that I'm less of a fan for my dub watching and prefrence. That annoys me to no end.

I cannot download anime. You see, I have a 56k modem, and, not only can I not afford to get high speed internet, um.. cableing doesn't come out to my area. I live in the boonies and the companines don't string cable out here. I cannot get it - so sometimes, dubs on TV are my easiest/cheapest/only access to anime.

I would like to see "Detective Conan" subtitled/fansubbed, though. I watch it on Cartoon Network, ("Case Closed") and find it very charming, but it's done by Funimation and I know a lot of things got cut out/changed in it. I'd like to see InuYasha subbed someday just becaue I want to hear the original voices...

I have seen the Cowboy Bebop movie in subtitles - I prefer the dub voices. ^_^.

Trigun - I fell in love with the dub... I doubt I'll like the Japanese voices much.

Azumanga Daioh - seen fansub, want to see the dub for curiosity, because I've heard that they changed the girls' English class to a Spanish class (I might enjoy the jokes that come with that as I took Spanish in high school nearly as much as I enjoyed the Japanese-to-English jokes in the original)... I've heard from a dub-skeptical friend that the dub is actually pretty good.

Haibane Renmei - is not televised, for good reason as it would probably bore the majority of "action-loving" tv anime fans as it's a non-action story. I've seen the whole series through twice, and I've seen the dub version on my DVDs halfway through. The dub for that is very good. I like the voices, and of course, the story is unchanged. The dialogue matches up with the Japanese. I like Reki's dub voice.

So.. um.. I like both, and... as long as things aren't butchered/cut, I like dubs.
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Postby Xeno » Wed Jul 07, 2004 1:42 pm

I hate dubbing. The only good dubbed series was Cowboy Bebop, and it out did the original Japanese cast. Other than that though, it's just horrid. I would much rather watch it in Japanese with subtitles.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:30 pm

thread moved to Anime~
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Postby Hitokiri » Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:48 pm

thiers some animes that I watch in Japanese but for the most part, I like dubbing. That way I can draw while watching or listening cause the only time I draw, is when Im watching anime.

The only reason why I might watch in subtitled is to avoid swear words. I love Trigun, Outlaw Star, and Cowboy dubbed. I also like Voices of a Distant Star dubbed as wel as Princess Mononoke.

Byw atching that trailer, i want to see FMA even more.
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Postby Zilch » Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:37 pm

Sometimes dubs are good for an anime, but other times...ouch...St. Tail dubs, for example(shudders). But I guess it sometimes depends on which one you watched first. If you get used to the dub, the original sounds odd, and vice versa.
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Postby Chazz » Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:36 pm

dubbing is great. it lets you focus on the animation, and not on reading the text. and no one is going to stop you from downloading. plus, you don't get wierd looks from your friends... as much. ;D
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:53 pm

I have mixed feelings about ubs. Some are ok, but when they can't even pronoucne character names, it can be annoying :/ And sometimes the dubs can have bad voice actors, so the character isn't the same as they used to. Inuyasha is an example of both. Ok some of the voices suit the character, but when it comes to Miruku etc., his personalities made a bit too serious. But on that show, they can't pronounce half the names! Shippou, Kagome, Naraku, and Miroku's are all way off! It would be ok if they did the names without the Japanese 'r' pronounciation, but they totally cahnge the vowels!

Forgot to mention the dialogue they change to make "jokes" and aim it more at little kids, like on Sailor Moon and Digimon especially.

But yeah, I just don't complain anymore because I don't really watch dubs, therefore I can't complain. Just the ones I know that.... ok I ranted for too long!
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Postby Mangafanatic » Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:13 pm

I know I"m probably blaspheming anime or something, but I truly like tasteful dubbing. Maybe I'm just lazy, but I do.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:21 pm

I almost always prefer subs. not to brag, but I can read them pretty fast without it taking my focus away from the show too much. I'd rather read than listen to bad voice acting >_o
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Postby Vyse » Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:23 pm

Guys seriously, don't but yourselves down for liking dubs, there's NOTHING wrong with it, its just a preference, don't let a bunch of elletst subfans get you down.
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Postby Htom Sirveaux » Wed Jul 07, 2004 6:31 pm

Dubbing is a good thing for people who are just stepping into the anime pool. I myself prefer to watch a DVD dubbed the first time around so I can be sure I catch all of it, then anytime I watch it again, I do so subbed.
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Postby Lynx » Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:30 pm

i like dubs, that way i can look at the animation instead of the subs, like chazz said:)
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Postby Chazz » Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:35 pm

Lynx wrote:i like dubs, that way i can look at the animation instead of the subs, like chazz said:)

rock on with your bad self ;D
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Postby Kireihana » Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:45 pm

I think anyone can appreciate a well-done dub. I like the Rurouni Kenshin dub, but that's mostly because I don't like Kenshin's Japanese voice (although I love hearing the "Oro!") I also think Wolf's Rain along with fanfavorites Cowboy Bebop and Trigun are pretty good. The thing I hate most about dubs though is when they cast females with those annoying, high-pitched voices. Ugh.

Dub pros:
+ can pay more attention to animation
+ easier to follow (for me anyway)
+ no text covering up part of the frame
+ some reason, for me it's just funnier to see comedic antics played out in English O.o

Dub cons:
- if there's a bad voice cast, or badly performed overall
- mispronunciation/changing of names
- change of script

Sub pros:
+ just the fact that it's the way the original Japanese producers/artists/seiyuu made it
+ fun to hear the Japanese (and also I've picked up a lot of Japanese from watching subs)
+ very funny when the characters talk in English (e.x., Yukari from Azumanga Daioh)

Sub cons:
- hard to follow
- poorly/carelessly translated

Overall though, for me its just more comfortable to watch shows in my own native language. XD
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:10 pm

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Postby Debitt » Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:17 pm

I don't mind dubs as long as the voices fit the character and as long as they all don't sound overly emotive/dramatic. Unfortunately I can't think of many dubs that fit this role - first two that come to mind are Cowboy Bebop and Trigun. ^.^;

However I do prefer subs for one main reason (aside from the voices fitting better): There are animes, DNAngel and the Mythical Detective Loki, for example, that include plays on words that are excruciatingly entertaining. (IE Whizzu pronouncing Daisuke's name daisuki) - so to fill in the gaps with these plays on words, they'd either have to do some uber creative rewriting of the script or flash subs at the audience - both rather inconvinient and awkward.

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Postby emoanimechild » Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:48 pm

I love anime so really I'll watch it anyway i can. If they make a good dub of the original than I would probably rather watch that. (because then I won't have to read the screen) Right now I'm watching One Piece, but the subtitles are so bad that Luffy's name is Spelled Ruff. Makes you want to yell at the t.v., anyway I still enjoy watching it especially since it lisenced by 4kids (I can only imagine how they will change it)
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Postby Ren_sama » Wed Jul 07, 2004 9:25 pm

Well, for some people who can't get ahold of undubbed ver. of their favorite animes, the second bet thing woul be watching it dubbed, no matter how bad it may be. Anyway, some dubs are quite well done! do admit though, that some are not to good, such as Shaman King, Angelic Layer, and Rave Master...
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Postby HeavensTek » Wed Jul 07, 2004 10:18 pm

i usually don't have the option of watching dubs........since most of the anime i like is stuff find on bit torrents that won't be released in the states for a few years (if ever)........although i do occassionally pick up the really good US stuff just for collectibility.....cowboy bebop, ghost in the shell ect....

you tend to get so used to subs after awhile that you don't even realize you're reading them from the corner of your eyes.....
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Postby Mr_Anderson » Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:18 am

Some dubs are good, some are bad, i preferably prefer subbed, although they sometimes overrate the language :(
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Postby Psycho Ann » Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:02 am

I believe it's pretty obvious what I'm going to say already ^^;; I am Psycho "Death to Dubs" Ann afterall....

Anyway, I grew up with subtitles and boy do I want to keep it that way. Besides, I personally love to read and I generally read fast. It never bothered me reading and watching at the same time. I learn all the 'anime-speak' for subs as well XD I agree that Cowboy Bebop is one of the best dubs.... but that's about it. Everything else just pales to the original IMHO, especially if I saw the originals first. I hate script hacking the most, but equally I can't stomach a badly dubbed anime--it doesn't even have to be badly dubbed, all they need to do is 'change' the voices and I'm already running in the opposite direction. Kinda how Heero Yuy's (one of my first and favorite bishie crushes) "omae wo korosu" just isn't right if it isn't by Hikaru Midorikawa (who's my fav male seiyuu as well ^^;; ). Is it just me, or do American dubbers don't 'scream' well? I doubt some could top Megumi Ogata's tormented anime screams.... Either that, or they overreact, not quite getting anime is slightly less dramatic than cartoons.

Besides, the two languages have different paces, and to keep up it just sounds wrong in english. Though subs won't do since people here generally don't like to read stuff under the pictures. I wish they had an option like in Indo where you can select to hear the original with subs... Also I yearn for the channels back in Indo where all the anime are subbed... AXN... come back to me....

This doesn't limit to anime, but to everything else. I'll cringe to hear english cartoons done in Japanese. Though, truthfully, Disney sure can pull off dubbing in whatever language... heard many convincing ones in INDONESIAN.

Whatever reason, I'm just a purist. ;P
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Postby elmode1337 » Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:23 am

I agree and disagree with some of you. well, yea i think subs are good but reading them is easy. (no offense) if its that hard to read the subs while watching i think your moniter might be too big, so might as well minimize it for better quality. and dubbing for kenshin is NASSSSTY no offense again.
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Postby Elric_kun » Thu Jul 08, 2004 6:23 am

i cant stand dubs >.> 'specially for FMA(who's heard Ed and Al's voices in english? they make me cry TT__TT) so subs all the way for me :3
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Postby Debitt » Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:12 am

Hear hear, Elric-kun, I heard Ed's voice and my ears began to bleed. ^^;

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