uc pseudonym wrote:Pigeons certainly are. Though not as dumb as domestic turkeys. A turgeon would truly be one of the dumbest creatures in all of existence.
andyroo wrote:Hey, aren't they trying to kill all of the pigeons in London?
Shinja wrote:wow the french are evil
djnoz wrote:Why do the French hate Americans? They don't seem to hate British people all that much...
deleria wrote:Because the United States is a world super-power and France... isn't.
djnoz wrote:We're not a world superpower either, and we don't hate Americans
djnoz wrote:Why do the French hate Americans?
Technomancer wrote:Nor do I hate the US however much I may deplore it's actions at times, there is also much that is admirable.
oldphilosopher wrote:When you stop consider WHY the French were so ticked at us during that war, you may feel a little less hostile about it. Let's put it this way:
Suppose Canada exported a great deal of vitamins. Suppose also that they had an agreement to export vitamins to the US at 50% of the cost that they were exporting them to other countries, because the US had built elaborate vitamin mines and vitamin supply pipe-lines. America could sell vitamins at a great profit, and life would be happy. Now let's say Canada happened to be run by someone whose morality was questionable, and treated his people poorly (don't tangent off on me here people, OK?) Now let's suppose Italy atacked Canada for the reasons that the US attacked Iraq (at face value, let's say).
Would the US stock markets boom or bust? How would that affect our relationship to the Italians? I'll admit it's a streach, but that's kinda what the US did to the French. Go look into who fronted the $ for the most recent pipelines, and it's not US $.
So, who's up for some pigeon pie? (Now made from 2 different kinds of pigeons!)
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