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This is a tough topic...

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This is a tough topic...

Postby Jephtih Mullins » Mon Aug 11, 2003 4:25 pm

*heavy sigh* Here it goes........I...might becomming Bi......
:sniffle: :sniffle: :sniffle: :sniffle:
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Postby Jephtih Mullins » Mon Aug 11, 2003 5:44 pm

....I can't think of a thing to say to was just to powerfull...
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Postby shooraijin » Mon Aug 11, 2003 6:06 pm

Plus, temptation or thought does in no way equal deed. What we do with them matters.

The example I always bring up is something like alcoholism, which is almost certainly familial. Alcoholics beget alcoholics for a variety of reasons, but just because we end up alcoholic (even if through no fault of our own) in no way excuses the behaviour. God gives us more grace to cover the burden we carry.

Confusion over sexual orientation is difficult, and harrowing, and unfortunately all too common in today's age. But God is there for us.
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Postby Spiritsword » Mon Aug 11, 2003 6:51 pm

I can't really help you with advice on this topic, Sora. But I will pray for you that you will seek and find God's will in your life and in this matter and that He will guide you according to His plan for you.

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Aug 11, 2003 6:58 pm

Well, I can say I've been there. But blufire, you kinda took the words outta my mouth. :] For a long time I was still struggling with some pretty screwed up temptation...but God has carried me through.

So I'll pray for you Kabin. :]
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Postby MillyFan » Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:10 am

shooraijin wrote:Plus, temptation or thought does in no way equal deed. What we do with them matters.

The example I always bring up is something like alcoholism, which is almost certainly familial. Alcoholics beget alcoholics for a variety of reasons, but just because we end up alcoholic (even if through no fault of our own) in no way excuses the behaviour. God gives us more grace to cover the burden we carry.

Confusion over sexual orientation is difficult, and harrowing, and unfortunately all too common in today's age. But God is there for us.


Sora, I'm praying for you when I can remember. . .and no matter what happens, you can talk to me anytime. :hug:

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Aug 13, 2003 8:05 am

Add my prayers as well.
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Postby Rashiir » Thu Aug 14, 2003 1:55 pm

Yah, I dunno if I can help you by saying anything really, but I'll pray for you. For sure.
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Postby DuelShocker3 » Thu Aug 21, 2003 7:28 am

I too am praying for you. :)
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Postby Rashiir » Sat Sep 06, 2003 4:20 pm

Besides, it's not your fault you're bi.

Truly, as it is not alcoholics are alcoholic, as that gene has also been isolated. Nor is it anyone's fault that they are tempted, as we are all tempted in different ways. Don't think there's nothing one can do about it though. It is our job to not give into temptation.

1 Corinthians 10:13 and James 1:2-3 might help, that and the wisdom of Vash the Stampede:

People who sin say this: That they had to, to survive. People who sin say this: That it's too late to stop. The shadow called Sin dogs them steadily without a word. Remorse and Agony are repeated, to finally end up at Despair. But sinners don't know... that if they turn around, there is a light... a light which keeps shining on them every so warmly.

Remember, God has not given you anything more than He knows you can bear. It might be tough, but He knows that through faith in Him, you will succeed.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Sep 06, 2003 4:32 pm

You know, I just had an interesting thought. What if he was really going to say "becoming bidental?" That's the situation of having two teeth, by the way. Not really, of course, but it could have been. Just goes to show what happens when you assume.
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Postby shooraijin » Sat Sep 06, 2003 5:31 pm

Besides, it's not your fault you're bi. There's an extremely hi chance that it's a genetic mutation, so if anything it's god's fault. A lot of people argue that it's behavioral, but the truth is we've isolated the homosexuality gene in many animals. You can even order lesbian fruit flies.

I've already posted my particular viewpoint on this earlier in this thread, but I'll tack on something here to "god's fault" [sic].

I submit that God leaves the world precisely in the state it's in because the concept of freewill wouldn't work otherwise, and the Bible is full of His desire for His creation to love Him by their own desires, not because He makes it impossible for them to do otherwise.

Heck, the desire for irresponsible *heterosexual* activity is inbuilt in lots of us. So? Does that mean we should be acting on it? (Safe sex? As an MD, all I can say is, you've got to be kidding.)

I think acting based on impulse and the way we are naturally created defeats any ability to transcend our nature, whether God-mandated or otherwise. In the case of Christianity, it's my belief God gave us the Bible to allow us to understand how He'll enable us to transcend the earthly bodies we're stuck in, and that's Christ, and the behaviour and spiritual walk standard of His that we aspire to.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Sep 06, 2003 6:25 pm

That is an interesting way to put it. However, this is a prayer request thread, and I'd ask that if you really want to discuss to do it elsewhere. I'd greatly appreciate it if this thread was allowed to remain true to the original purpose (ah, to lament the derailed topic).
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Postby Stephen » Sat Sep 06, 2003 7:49 pm

Eradon are you here to learn about Christ or just mock us on every post you can?
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Postby Michael » Sat Sep 06, 2003 7:59 pm

Eh, Kabin, don't.
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Postby Satsuki » Sat Sep 06, 2003 11:15 pm

Homosexuality is mentioned only once in the whole New Testament (It's mention in the Old Testament was toward the Isrealites and it along with all other commands were struck down by Jesus in the NT) and it was by Peter condemning it in a letter to the Romans. Jesus never condemned it yet fundies hate it with a passion. If you want to go nuts about something never condemned by Jesus or God than you probably shouldn't be watching godless anime filled with violence and LESBIAN UNDERTONES!
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Postby MillyFan » Sat Sep 06, 2003 11:41 pm

Just so everyone *knows,* Satsuki was a hentai troll covering as a "Christian." Among other things, he used a very demeaning term for a woman and posted hentai recommendations.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

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Postby majanthehun » Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:42 pm

all i can say is I Corinth 10.13: "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyone what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of excape, that you may be able to bear it."

hope that helps.
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Postby Saint » Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:49 pm

yes like Majan said, temptations at times may seem strong. pulling at us with everything they got, but God can sustain us and deliever us from these temptations. I will pray for you as well my friend. Don't let it ever get you down, just totally seek Gods Will all thru your day, each and everyday. Sadly there will be all sorts of different temptations our whole lives, just keep seeking God. :)
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Postby Jephtih Mullins » Sun Sep 07, 2003 9:18 pm

I've been gettin PM's some saying it's okay and others saying it's not! Now im more confused that I was from the begining!
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Postby inkhana » Sun Sep 07, 2003 9:34 pm

I'm really sorry that people have confused you. But it is certain that since homosexuality is a sin (a topic already well-covered), bi is also wrong. But that doesn't mean that I or anyone else here hate you, or even think ill of you in any way. We all have our weaknesses, and we can do nothing but bring them before God, ask for forgiveness, and then pray that He removes the temptation from our path. I pray that you find success in this! God loves you so much; I just know He wants to help you right now!

Father, I pray that you remove this temptation from Kabin's path and purify his heart and mind in Jesus' name!

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Postby Jephtih Mullins » Sun Sep 07, 2003 9:44 pm a girl but I really do like being refered to as a him...see...the feeling is not as strong as it use to be...I have a bf but Im not attracted to him :-/ I want to break us up but I don't have the heart.

Also, dose wanting to called him and so on so forth be considered a sin...?
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Postby inkhana » Sun Sep 07, 2003 9:51 pm

Ohmygosh, it's happened again. I'm sorry. But hey, people do it to me all the time...

To be honest, I'm not sure how to answer your question in terms of putting Bible verses with it, but in the end, God decided to make you female. He lovingly crafted you to be a certain way. If something tries to change the way that you were made by God, then it's of the devil, naturally, because anything done to oppose the works of God was constructed by Satan. So when you do feel this way, just begin to pray. Tell God exactly how you feel and pray that He will place purity and light in your heart and mind. Since I can't speak from experience on this, I'm not sure if it helps at all, but I do know that you can take anything to God in prayer. He knows your struggle.

BOOSTER: Hey, No.1! Where's my cake?!
SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
BOOSTER: What? THIS thing's a cake?

You have the power to say anything you want, so why not say something positive?
- Frank Capra

(in response to an interview question "Do you have a pet peeve having to do with this biz?")
People who write below their abilities in order to crank out tons of books and make a buck. Especially Christian authors who do that. Outsiders judge us for it, and make fun of us for it, and it makes Jesus look bad. We of all artists on earth should be the most concerned with doing our best possible work at all times. We of all people should write with all our hearts, as if writing for the Lord and not for men.
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Postby MillyFan » Mon Sep 08, 2003 3:23 am

One thing I want to note is that while God created you a woman and while He definitely does not want you to sin by forming immoral relationships with anyone (whether it be a man or another woman), there are many different things He could call you to do or be.

I may be somewhat too liberal, but I personally believe that not every woman is called to get married and have kids. That's just my opinion, but I think it is limiting God to say that He made all women for only one set purpose and calling while He made men for all callings and purposes.

I'm personally disgusted with the stereotype that a Christian woman must be more emotional than logical, must be the nurturing, nesting, at-home type, must find a man and have kids to truly be happy, and must be "feminine" according to the standards of those around her.

Personally, I believe that I'm called to celibacy (i.e. not being in romantic or sexual relationships), to helping others, to doing well in the field of work that I choose, and to above all else live a life that shines the love of God. . .even if I'm nowhere near the best reflector of Him LOL.

I don't like fashion, gardening, cooking, or much other typical "girl stuff," while I do like anime, sports, video games, travel, and other typically non-gender-specific pastimes. I find most "women's prayer books/devotionals" to be irrelevant to my life, and I'd prefer touring a museum or library or going to a baseball game to shopping or going to a home improvement and gardening show. I don't think any of that makes me any *less* of a woman, it just makes me less of what people assume a woman is. And I've always been one for not liking assumptions. . .

As for your boyfriend, if you really don't think you can be a good wife and mother (since IMHO those things go together, getting married and refusing to have children is selfish and not giving of yourself)-tell him that. If he's mature enough to understand, he will, and it will be a huge burden off of your mind-and if he's not mature enough to understand your feelings somewhat, he isn't the kind of man you'd want to marry even if you *did* feel that was your calling.

My point (one that I've learned myself in the hardest ways imaginable) is that while you definitely need to resist attractions to the same gender as they are sinful, don't let anyone shove you into a mold (even a "Christian churchwoman" mold) that isn't what God has in store for you personally.

If you force yourself to be something you're not (i.e. interested in guys, more culturally "feminine," and so on), it does no good for anyone involved, and even if you succeed, you'll "wake up" sometime and wonder who and what you really are or were. :sniffle:

My best advice for you right now would be to step back from all romantic relationships for a little while and see what you really feel called to in life.


Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Postby Jephtih Mullins » Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:10 am

Well, the good news is that feeling of being attracted to the same sex has been lifted but I still feel very boish. I even look like a boy, even ask Blufire! I want to wear thier clothes, I use thier kind of deoderent and I pretty much act like one. As for my bf he lives in the next town over so we don't get to see eachother. I was kinda hoping he called it off during the summer and thats why he didn't call...but he did -___- Anyways, thanks for all the prayers, they helped me alot. ^__^
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Postby majanthehun » Mon Sep 08, 2003 3:14 pm

thats funny that you say that, kabin...

i've always worn boys clothes and shoes- i buy everything baggy and you couldn't get me into a dress if you knocked me unconsious. i wear guys pants and shoes because their better made and designed to last longer. its just the way i am.

in dueteronomy (i'll find the verse later) it says that a woman wearing boys clothes is wrong, but i beleive that that is in reference to wearing boys clothes because you want to BE a boy (ie cross dressing). that's Biblically wrong.

but wearing boys clothes because you feel more comfortable in them (which i do) or because their made to last longer is not wrong. i don't think there's anything wrong with being a tomboy (ive always been one)

i praise God that your feelings for the same sex have been lifted!! Thats a praise report!! I'll continue to pray that you grow in the Grace of our Lord.
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Postby Rashiir » Mon Sep 08, 2003 3:51 pm

I agree. God has given you an opportunity to be single so that you can focus on him and not a relationship. At least, that's how I feel about my situation and I think it might apply to you. I think that my time to get married will come when God wants it to (or it won't ever happen) and I'm trying to focus on the present and let Him worry about what only He can see.
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Postby Jephtih Mullins » Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:30 pm

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Postby Razgriz » Wed Sep 17, 2003 9:43 pm


my thoughts exactly
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Postby Jephtih Mullins » Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:34 pm

Are you sure your thinking right now? You come here and try to deny everything! Not to mention adding confusion to new christians. I suggest you leave, because no one belives your outlandish thoughts, ideas, and sayings. Don't let the door hit ya where the Big Guy split ya ^_^
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