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July Art Contest - read the rules here!

Win the competitions and get free cookies! (sorry for lame description, perhaps Ink can come up with a better one)

July Art Contest - read the rules here!

Postby inkhana » Sat Jul 03, 2004 12:21 pm

Here are the rules for July's art contest!

Please note that we use the gallery as the database for art contest entries. Entries need to be placed only in the submission section, which can be reached here:


As before, entries appearing elsewhere will not be taken into consideration.

//You may use art you created before the contest as long as it follows the rules.

//Please do not enter if your entry is the only post you plan to make on the CAA forums. Entries from users with fewer than fifteen posts will be disqualified.

//All entries will, most importantly, comply with the general rules of CAA. Entries with a sexual connotation of any kind (including but not limited to hentai, yaoi and yuri), as well as those with graphic violence or profanity, are instantly disqualified. The judges reserve the right to exclude an entry. Entries that do not have some relation with the current art contest theme will be disqualified also.

//If any member posts work that is not his or her own (ie, official drawings or someone else's fanart), they will be disqualified from all future art contests and their current entry will be thrown out.

//All entries must be received before August 1. At the end of the contest, all entries will be submitted to a judging panel previously chosen by the admins and mods of CAA. When a winner is selected, the winning entry will be placed on the front page of CAA and their name will be announced in a new thread.

The theme of this month's contest - On the Beach!

Draw your favorite anime/manga characters having fun in the sun!

For this contest, please keep entries restricted to recognizable characters from actual anime/manga. Please remember that entries must fit within the board's pic guidelines, which you can read here:

And as always, if you have questions, please feel free to PM me.

BOOSTER: Hey, No.1! Where's my cake?!
SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
BOOSTER: What? THIS thing's a cake?

You have the power to say anything you want, so why not say something positive?
- Frank Capra

(in response to an interview question "Do you have a pet peeve having to do with this biz?")
People who write below their abilities in order to crank out tons of books and make a buck. Especially Christian authors who do that. Outsiders judge us for it, and make fun of us for it, and it makes Jesus look bad. We of all artists on earth should be the most concerned with doing our best possible work at all times. We of all people should write with all our hearts, as if writing for the Lord and not for men.
- Athol Dickson

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