If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
This is only a prayer request!
I realize that most of us each belong to a different political party. But there should be one thing we have common: America is in pretty bad shape. The church has gotten lazy, and letting idols stand, tolorating cults, ect.. I don't even think "tolerate" is even written in the bible. (If you have a verse, post it.)
Now Islam is being taught to young minds, the church and state have been seprated, when in the beginning the state relied on the church, the government was a Presbyterian one, marriage is being rewitten, some "Christian" elect homo sexuall, and/or women preachers (we all know that's taboo in the bible), millions of children are murdered in their mother's own whomb, robbing them of life, liberty, and the pursiut of happiness, not to mention the severe lack of modesty. Girls these days hardly fit in their cloths and look as though they desire to show off to anyone.
I see no reason for any argueing here, or any thing like that.
Well, let us get the church of it's rear. Shall we not all come together and pray right here, that God will heal our country?
I will not be happy if this was to be locked! If you have anything, to say against it, please pm me, and perhaps I'll learn something from you or vice versa. Not all poli type threads need to be argued in or closed.
Besides, it is a prayer request that helps everyone. I've proably rampled too much all ready... Oh well.