I saw some vid on the Playboy one (guy at EB makes VCDs and DVDs of upcomming stuff, didn't preview the ones so they only put the DVD in once while no-one else was in the store)..... the Playboy one looks like a really bad rip-off of The Sims. I think that one is M for mature, not AO, but I could be wrong. I don't think it'll be a long-lasting game, though it may sell a few titles up front, I see it being more along the lines of that BMX XXX game that tanked a few years back.
The new Larry game (like the ones previosuly) is M, not AO.... least to the best of my knowlege anyway (AO games don't sell that well, I doubt they'd dump as much money as they'd need to for a licenced title like that for an AO game). I've played a few of the other Larry games years ago, and while Al Lowe (I think that was it) did some funny stuff with the games, he's not working on the current project and that would be about the only reason I'd say to play it.... even then I'd say it only to extremely mature people (which is kinda ironic since those aren't the ones the game is marketed for).... anyway.... I'll have to see some more on the new game, but I'm not sure it's going to be worth playing....
Oh, and the LL games have been more about puzzle solving than dating.
The Sims.... that's one series, God love those who like it. I can't stand the thing myself, I have a hard enough time living my own life, micro-managing virtual lives doesn't appeal to me... I'll farm and whatnot (as in Harvest Moon), but the only thing I got out of the copy of The Sims that someone loaned me is that I can better understand why my place is such a mess.... I really don't have time to do everything
I would suggest maybe checking with "Piro" over at Megatokyo, as he seems to be a fan of such things, but most/all haven't been released in this country, so, like Bob said you'll need to rely on fan-translated versions.