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Anime Production Green-Lighted, Prayer Needed

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Anime Production Green-Lighted, Prayer Needed

Postby GraFX Boy » Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:23 pm

Praise God!!! Our Executive Management Team as green-lighted the anime production to move forward. Our Board of Directors will need to approve the budget...ALL things are possible through God:-) Prayer is greatly appreciated!

Because of non-disclosures and negotiations going on, I'm not at liberty to share plot lines. As things move forward and become finalize I'm sure our Marketing/PR departments will allow me to share news updates as they become available.

The main audience we are focusing our effort is for China. We are currently working with agencies for reviewing the resumes of directors, art directors and writing teams through China, Hong Kong, Japan and the Philippines. We are also looking with agencies in L.A. as well. A concept has been developed but will ultimately be decided by the team being hired on.

The video clips I provided below are what was shown at the presentation, this is not classified as a AMV. Keep in mind, this is for a board room presentation. This was a presentation for the powers to be in our organization to have a better understanding of different animation styles.

There are a lot of clips from the Animatrix mainly because I had that tape on VHS where everything else was on DVD. The network where I work uses both Sony Beta SP and Sony Digi Beta to digitize into our AVID Media Composers and Final Cut Pro workstations. We had to run the DVD's through sync generators and in the time base correctors built into the Beta decks. I simply did not have enough time to rip the DVDs and transcode then into a format where AVID or FCP could use for source video clips.

The presentation was shown to the Chairman, President and Vice President of our company to show the powerful reach and different styles of animation.

Like I stated above, due to non-disclosures I can NOT post the trailer for the series concept we presented:-(


Part I Anime Montage

Real Video

High Resolution:

Low Resolution:

Windows Media 8 - You may need to copy and paste the links in the appropriate player’s browser.

High Resolution:

Low Resolution:

Part II Anime Overview & Response

Real Video

High Resolution:
rtsp:// Overview_H.rm

Low Resolution:
rtsp:// Overview_L.rm

Windows Media 8 - You may need to copy and paste the links in the appropriate player’s browser.

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mms:// Overview_H.wmv

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mms:// Overview_L.wmv
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Postby Gypsy » Tue Jun 22, 2004 9:17 pm

That's good news! I despise time crunches with converting video formats ...
But how exciting! Excellent presentations! Please keep us informed?
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Postby shooraijin » Tue Jun 22, 2004 9:30 pm

Yes, please let us know.

I am a little concerned about your second clip, in which you say that anime is known for its "diet of death, destruction and extreme sexuality." I would hasten to add that this is not *all* anime, nor is it even an overwhelming majority. I think that would present a somewhat skewed view to your backers, who may already have that misconception, and I would want to see more effort made toward rectifying it.

However, the project seems very promising and we'd love to see the trailer!
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Postby GraFX Boy » Tue Jun 22, 2004 9:57 pm

shooraijin wrote:I am a little concerned about your second clip, in which you say that anime is known for its "diet of death, destruction and extreme sexuality." I would hasten to add that this is not *all* anime, nor is it even an overwhelming majority.

I agree with you Shooraijin. The producer who wrote this went over the top on those statements for my personal taste. The producer also knows how to write for the audience, and this particular audience was aimed at members of our board. I think the producer was trying to show an urgency why there should be Christian based animes in China and other Asian countries. My job is to take the written copy and make it visually happen. I have shown my collection of DVD's and Manga's and given my .02 to the powers to be to show a much different side of anime than what they perceive. This is an education process for them as well.

I will keep you guys posted...please keep this in prayer for the team here in the US and our team in Beijing.
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Postby Saint Kevin » Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:51 am

Yeah, I'll absolutely pray for you all. Keep us updated when you can.
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Jun 23, 2004 7:42 am

I have shown my collection of DVD's and Manga's and given my .02 to the powers to be to show a much different side of anime than what they perceive. This is an education process for them as well.

I'm very happy to hear that! :thumb:

Regardless, I'll keep the project in prayer, and please do keep us informed.
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Postby lj1958 » Wed Jun 23, 2004 11:07 am

NICE presentation clips (except for the over-the-top generalizations, of course). Do you work for CBN? I remember their children's anime series (you had some sketches from it, I think) ...I hope that you guys are considering a more mature series at this point, because I'd love to see an anime for adults with a fully Christian worldview.

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Postby GraFX Boy » Wed Jun 23, 2004 12:18 pm

lj1958 wrote:Do you work for CBN? I remember their children's anime series (you had some sketches from it, I think) ...I hope that you guys are considering a more mature series at this point, because I'd love to see an anime for adults with a fully Christian worldview.

Hey Liz,

I do work for CBN as both Director of Digital Post Production for our head quarters located in Virginia Beach and as Creative Director for Special Projects going on overseas; mainly in Asia.

Back in the late 70's, early 80's CBN worked with an animation facility in Japan and created 2 anime series; SuperBook and Flying House. Currently we are looking to update SuperBook with a whole new look without taking away the message.

However, the series (26 episodes) I'm personally most excited about is much more mature, edgier and dramatic series. In some countries we can not make the Christian worldview so obvious or censor's could permit it from not airing. So we are developing a true to the sense multi-media experience that will be an anime video series that will tie directly into a Manga series and an on-line interactive, choose your own path experience. Both the Manga and on-line experience will allow us to go much deeper into a Christian worldview. This is why it is so important that we have prayer for our teams in the US and our teams through out Asia.

I will keep you guys posted. Sites like CAA and AnimeAngels have been a blessing to me, just as CBN does ministry programs such as The 700 Club; this site is a ministry. Many people that you may never meet in your life time, may have had a seed planted by going through the forums lurking about here. With anime taking off on a such a huge scale and this site being available to a global audience; who knows from where somebody is being ministered to right now on one of these very pages.

God Bless,
GraFX Boy
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Postby lj1958 » Wed Jun 23, 2004 1:15 pm

GraFX Boy,

This is just so cool.

If I could do a "Christian Anime Series" it would be something a cross between Frank Peretti and Witch Hunter Robin. Or based on something like one of the decent Christian sci-fi novels in recent years, along the lines of Oxygen or Arena.

Anyhow, I'm right down the road from you, two hours in-state, and can't wait to tell my hubby and kids about this project. We're all very big into the arts (I'm mgr. of internet development for a large company based here, with a graphic design background) and we'll definately be praying for your efforts.

I'm encountering a lot of people at church with kids into anime too (LOL, not too many 40-something moms like me at church, though, although I've run into a few at bookstores) I do hope that as a sideline, just like they did with the earlier kids series, CBN will consider releasing this in the US.


PS...editing this to add one thing -- I didn't mean to imply that the only kids we're running to that are in to anime are in the church. Both my kids report that anime is becoming a lot more popular among their peers, both at the older elementary/middle school level and the high school level.
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Postby GraFX Boy » Thu Jun 24, 2004 4:44 am

lj1958 wrote:If I could do a "Christian Anime Series" it would be something a cross between Frank Peretti and Witch Hunter Robin. Or based on something like one of the decent Christian sci-fi novels in recent years, along the lines of Oxygen or Arena.

Hey Liz,

I have two dreams, you could say desires in my heart. I would love to have an opportunity to work for Lucasfilm for a season. The second is to be involved in the production of "This Present Darkness". The cool thing about working for CBN is we get to meet most of the guests that appear on The 700 Club. I have had the chance to meet and talk with Frank Peretti. The dramatic anime series being developed has spiritual warfare not as a primary element but it will be in the background. In countries overseas such as India, they believe in the spiritual realm (I think India has over 3000 different idols) so this subject matter is something they can grasp on right away.

lj1958 wrote:I do hope that as a sideline, just like they did with the earlier kids series, CBN will consider releasing this in the US.

Both series will be released GLOBALLY, China as the primary will be making it's way in back to the states:-)
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Postby lj1958 » Thu Jun 24, 2004 6:45 am

Frank seems like one really neat guy, definately one of the more creative Christian authors. I like his later works better, though. My kids are 11 and almost-15 and they love his recent teenage series.

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Postby Fireproof » Sat Jun 26, 2004 7:28 pm

Awesome! You have my prayers, and as soon as any (legal of course) glimpse of the anime is available anywhere, I'll pounce on it like a bowl of ramen. Keep up the good work! *Waits for a DVD, Online Video, TV Airing, or Graphic Novel* Don't worry. I can wait for quite a while... :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
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