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What Manga are you reading?

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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Fri Jul 31, 2015 3:09 pm

Liar Game chapter 158

Q.E.D. chapter 8

No.6 chapter 5

Bakuman chapter 6

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer chapter 9
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:19 pm

...Since I haven't posted in this thread in so long and I've read a bunch of new stuff lately along with my previously-ongoing series, I'm going to post all the new stuff first and leave the ongoing stuff for another post. :) So, here are all of the brand-new things I've read since my last update!

The Ancient Magus' Bride, a.k.a. Mahou Tsukai no Yome chapters 1-7 (dropped): Gah... I wanted to like this, I really did. :( I'll just give my thoughts on this in order: The whole auction and bride stuff was a bit "what the..."/facepalm (exacerbated by the magus' deadpan humor). :P The different kinds of magic (and how different people, like the 'Slay Vegas,' of which the MC is one, use them) were actually pretty interesting. I rolled my eyes a bit at the priest thing, although thankfully it was a little more positive than I was expecting. The dragons were beautiful and sad. And then came that arc with the cats... :pikka: Well, the cats themselves were awesome, but the backstory was horrific. :pikka: And what the heck was with that last chapter's title, "Love Conquers All"? :pikka: That is not 'love'-- that is psychopathy, and that dude deserved every agonizing second of SPOILER: Highlight text to read: getting eaten alive in return for what he was doing, not whatever supposed 'happy end' redemption thing their souls got afterwards or whatever-- because he never thought he did anything wrong at all, even right to the end. I could never, ever sympathize with that-- indeed, to be honest, I was surprised that the MC was crying by the end of it; I was just repelled-- so unfortunately that pretty much killed my interest. I can't enjoy a series that seriously considers that to be 'love,' or at the very least to be redeemable without any repentance/remorse. :shady: Dropped.

Blood Blockade Battlefront, a.k.a. Kekkai Sensen, vol.'s 1-3 (so far): Well, all I can say is that the anime did such a stunningly fantastic job at adapting this (not cutting out *anything* that was even marginally necessary, while at the same time still weaving in all of the anime-original stuff with Black and White {excellently, at that}, *plus* even toning down some of the manga's more... unsavory content {...uh, think the stuff with Zapp in the anime, and then turn it up a bit... :sweat: :sweat: }) that I'd actually just recommend watching the anime adaptation over reading the original (which, as you probably all know, is not something I say very often at all). I mean, sure, the manga had a tiny bit more info about the genetic modifications, and added a nice extra wrinkle to Steven Starphase's character, but neither of those elements were actually necessary, so at this point I'd say just go watch the anime instead. :)

Cheese In The Trap manhwa chapters 1-168 (so far): I had seen that this was a very highly-rated manhwa on MAL, and was intrigued by all the good things I'd heard about it, so I went ahead and started reading. And then I found that I just couldn't stop. :thumb: It's difficult to peg down the precise reason why it's so unbelievably addicting-- maybe because it's like a soap opera with sociopaths, LOL? :grin: (...That's an exaggeration, of course, though some of the characters pretty much are... ;) )-- but there's just something about this series that just draws you in more and more and more and more the farther along you read. The female MC, Sul Hong, is intelligent (she's attending a business university and doing very well at it), really likeable, intuitive/perceptive to the point that she might seem paranoid (...until it turns out that she's right :pikka: ), is one of the most normal-reacting characters I've seen, and just genuinely feels like such a real person; the main male character, Jeong Yu, is totally suspicious (and makes you want to try and figure out what's going on right along with Sul); and Sul's friends are really funny and just plain great people in and of themselves. And that's just scratching the surface. Going deeper: There are some broken people here. And the series makes no bones about how broken they are. (Key words for later on in the series: 'Victim mentality.') The aforementioned main male character-- while he has the capacity to be amusing and even genuinely likeable at times-- often uses his huge social and psychological leverage to be manipulative as heck against some characters while at the very same time still seeming to be perfectly nice to the majority of others (...and holy crap, those flashbacks to when he was a kid were pretty frightening in just how telling they were in that regard :wow!: )... and the series never glosses over this or makes it seem like a positive, even to the MC (in fact, she's one of the people most suspicious of him). The secondary male character, In Ho Baek, is hilariously adorable and completely impossible not to like even though he's often a jerk (and has a victim complex of his own)-- which is also not glossed over (except in his own mind). On the other hand, In Ho's sister is pretty much just a straight-up psycho. Then there's a really creepy criminal roaming around in one mini-arc (although he does get caught, which ends up being very unpleasant for him indeed... :pikka: ). And there's a stalker kid who can be really dumb at times and then genuinely terrifying at others (although the MC does manage to pretty much turn the tables on him later :thumb: ). And there's a not-so-smart girl who had such a complex that she basically tried to become the MC by imitating her and even stealing some of her stuff, among other things. And even the MC herself is hinted to have a darker, more manipulative side to her as well (which is basically a large part of why she and Jeong Yu end up drawn to each other despite it all). ...Of course, there are also other, more normal characters, such as the MC's brother (who is *precisely* what you'd expect, given their family-- in other words, perfectly, frustratingly-yet-endearingly hilarious/adorable :grin:), and all of her good friends, who provide just the right balance (as well as just the right amount of natural, situational humor :grin: ). As for content issues: The only real one of note would be that there's a secondary-character SPOILER: Highlight text to read: gay couple, but while they are fleshed out a little (they're rather dysfunctional/have some emotional issues themselves, unsurprisingly), they're never actually seen doing anything... uh, inappropriate 'onscreen,' and really are mainly just there to be targets for Jeong Yu's manipulation-- once he's finished with them, they pretty much disappear. *shrug* Otherwise, there's nothing stronger than some language and a few delinquent-style fights. TL;DR: It is unbelievable how addicting this series is, and if you don't mind that one little content note, I heartily recommend it. :thumb:

Etsusa Bridge Gaiden: 5656! Knights' Strange Night novel (complete, for now... ;) ): One more volume of Etsusa Bridge (see my comments on the rest of the series here), which continued the series' own particular blend of darkness, adorableness, and intrigue. :thumb: (Oh gosh, to go from that killer :pikka: ... to that one 'chapter of love' {SO MANY PAIRINGS. SO HILARIOUSLY ADORABLE <3 :grin: }... yeah, this series is unique-- but I mean that in a good way. :thumb: )

Natsu Yasumi Zero Zero Nichime one-shot (complete): This is a one-shot by Sorata Akizuki, and it was a nice, cute bit of fluff. :)

Olympos (also spelled Olimpos) omnibus volume (complete): This was loosely based on some Greek myths, and it was absolutely fascinating. One thing to note is that the ending was fairly open, but that's pretty much just how Aki writes, so really that was to be expected, LOL. :P Still, even despite both that and all of the Greek-gods stuff, I'd recommend it, because it was just so darn interesting. (And pretty to look at, too. Very, *very* pretty. :thumb: )

And Pandora Hearts: Caucus Race novel #1: ...Welp, I knew this was written by someone else (*not* Mochizuki-sensei), so it's not like I was expecting it to be as good as the original series; but I sure wasn't expecting it to basically be glorified fanfic. :pikka: :sweat: Granted, some of it was pretty darn amusing (like when Break and Oz mess with... uh, I mean, help Gil in the middle {that was just plain hysterical :lol: :lol: }, and some of when Reim gets trolled by Rufus Barma in the last bit :grin: ), and the (very few) pages of mini-manga drawn by Mochizuki herself were precious. <3 However, a lot of the rest of it was just kinda eyeroll-worthy (such as there being a sufficient amount of obvious 'pairing' bait, sometimes with slightly-OOC wishful-thinking writing to make it so :sweat: :shady: , etc.). So, yeah, while I'll personally continue to read the other volumes of this for completion's sake (as well as to see what the story about Leo and Elliot is like, which appears in one of the other volumes), I do not recommend this. :sweat: Please just go read the actual (fantastic!) manga instead. :thumb:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Kaori » Tue Aug 11, 2015 7:31 pm

Kaori's Japanese Culture Corner

Finished Planetes. America is colossally stupid, daily life in space can be pretty boring and unromantic, and in the end everything is about your relationships with your friends and loved ones. Good manga.

Sekirara ni Kiss ch. 1. The unfortunately-named story of a girl who puts on a perfect mask in order to be cute and liked by people. (Her family, however, runs an international store that sells foods and items from other countries, so it’s a very exotic and unique place.) She meets an art student who likes the stuff she makes to sell in her family's store, has no interest in her cute façade, and sees through her and is interested in her real self.

More importantly, it’s a very specific, pointed social commentary on that tendency one sometimes sees in Japanese culture to act in accordance with social ideals in order to appeal to other people. Really hit the nail on the head in that regard; I feel like the tendency it is pointing out is very Japanese and that the manga gets right at the way that that can have negative effects.

(If it seems like I am criticizing the harmony-valuing aspect of Japanese culture, I'm not. Actually, I think that the value of harmony and tendency to take into consideration the opinions of surrounding people are really wonderful things. But it can be developed in good ways and bad ways, and this manga gives an example of someone who takes conformity and social acceptance to the point of hiding her real self and being a complete fake, i.e. Japanese cultural tendencies developed in this individual in a way that is not healthy.)

Tonari no Kanata (oneshot): This was a little confusing (in terms of keeping names straight and figuring out who was speaking when), but I found it really interesting overall mainly in terms of cultural things. It's about a group of three girls who are friends and a guy who has not much personality or role other than to be a love interest for two of the girls (obviously this is NOT the manga's strong point).

The main thing I found culturally interesting was the way that the cheerful girl character has some good points, like her earnestness and her ability to bring other people along into her positivity, and also some bad points, namely that she is too 甘え ("spoiled," though the idea's not quite the same) and is always selfishly receiving favors from others to such an extent that they are resentful of it and think she is like a spoiled child. So there’s that youngest-child-like charisma and charm, the tendency to be the center of attention and to be loved by all, and also a childish tendency to be spoiled. (This ties into the way that the concept of 甘え in Japanese is sort of a two-edged thing: usually negative, because it's not good to be an immature and childish person who is always being indulged by others, but the Japanese also believe that there are times when it absolutely is appropriate and good to rely on other people and allow other people to do things for you or to help you, so there's a balance that is needed.) Besides that there were some other typically Japanese things to be seen, like one of the other girls talking a little bit about having had feelings of anxiety and difficulty facing other people (the feelings that would lead someone to become a hikikomori, though she herself didn't progress that far and was able to go back to school normally).

I've read some other things, and I've also been reading more chapters of some of the manga I've mentioned previously in this thread, but there's nothing else I particularly want to comment on.

Need to get back to the Japanese manga in Japanese that I have sitting on my bookshelf and haven't touched in quite a while. >.>
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:15 pm

...And now, as promised, here's all the *ongoing* stuff I've read recently:

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime chapters 67-68: I love how King Izana keeps testing Shirayuki in all sorts of subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways, and she keeps on passing (without even knowing that she's being tested-- although it's obvious to Zen, of course ;) ). :thumb: Also: Bwahaha, Zen was way too cute in the latter chapter... <3 :grin: :grin:

Cheese In The Trap chapter 169: Ah, this chapter felt really short! (Although I mean that in a good way, of course. :thumb: ) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: It's interesting that Sul has realized that she's getting a bit desensitized to abnormal/possibly dangerous situations and behavior...

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun chapters 64-68: Someone picked this back up! :jump: And ROTFL, as always. :lol: :lol: :thumb:

The Heroic Legend Of Arslan chapters 25-26: More Arslan, more politics, more fights. :grin:

Hibi Chouchou chapter 61: LOL, yeah, that 'advice' was pretty much the truth (even though it wasn't really advice... :grin: ). Don't know what his aim was at the end, though... :eyebrow:

Isshuukan Friends., a.k.a. One Week Friends, chapter 32: Ah, another short-but-sweet Shougo x Saki moment~ <3 <3 , and of course just more goodness in general. :)

Orange chapter 21: ...YES. YES. YES! :jump: :jump: Oh my gosh... the immense relief this chapter gave. <3 I mean, obviously, there's still SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the chance that it could turn out to be bittersweet-- for example, that "if there are some futures that can be changed and some that can't" line + the fact that they still have to get through the next day might be hinting that Kakeru (or someone else-- Suwa, perhaps?) does still die. :( However, I'm sure that even if something like that happens, it'll be an accident. I don't think Kakeru is going to try to kill himself anymore-- and that, in and of itself, is a victory, no matter what else may occur.

Spirit Circle chapter 37: ...Wow. :pikka: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I mean, obviously it wasn't much of a step to go from killing tens of thousands of people without even the slightest twinge of conscience to... *that,* but seriously, turning the dead into (essentially) zombies and then *directly* using/controlling them to wipe out another entire city just to make himself 'comfortable and carefree' was... :pikka: Yeah, "King Of The Dead" was quite an apt title for him. :pikka:

Taiyou no Ie vol. 13 extras 1-2 (end): OH MY GOSH, the first extra was just plain awesome! :lol: <3 :jump: :hug: I knew that the person Sugimoto was going to meet up with was going to SPOILER: Highlight text to read: turn out to be a guy ;) , but not only was it both amusing and *really* adorable <3 :hug: , it was also quite nice in terms of closure's sake for her character. :jump: As for the second (and apparently final?) extra: LOL at both Hina trying to SPOILER: Highlight text to read: get Daiki a girlfriend as well as the other extended family's reactions to SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Hiro and Mao dating. :grin: Also: Hina finally being glad... <3 And despite the somewhat-misleading Afterward text, given some of the details in those last few pages (the girl's hair length, the table, the dog pen, the 'house rules,' etc.) I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be SPOILER: Highlight text to read: 'a little Mao'-- in other words, Hiro and Mao's daughter. <3 <3 :) Really cute ending, though, regardless. :thumb: So yeah, good series, good ending. I am satisfied. :)

Natsume's Book Of Friends vol. 18: This volume was a beautiful showcase of just how far Natsume has come. <3 He's finally gotten to the point where he's no longer afraid of SPOILER: Highlight text to read: people being negative about his abilities... and once Natori overheard about the book, Natsume resolved to talk openly with him about it (and everything else that goes along with it) instead of letting Natori 'pretend not to have heard.' <3 (Also, as explained in the mangaka's Afterward, it meant so much more for and to both of them because of that. :) ) Also in this volume: Whoa, the first clue about Natsume's grandfather?! :thumb:

Until Death Do Us Part omnibus vol. 9 (Japanese volumes 17-18): Haha, oh, wow... I was *not* expecting that. :grin: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: So he guessed that's what she foresaw... and he's actually totally fine with it (in the future, of course)? :pikka: I mean, I'm pleased-- and it's not like he hasn't already been treating her more like a fellow member of a team, even giving her some intensive training, etc.-- but that was still pretty unexpected, LOL. I loved that entire sequence, though. <3 :thumb: (And oh my gosh, that "...I'm yours" line was just heartmelting. <3 )

Finally: I also re-read the Nineteen, Twenty-One manhwa because I needed a good little dose of cats and adorableness. <3 :)
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Sep 03, 2015 7:39 pm

After almost exactly a year, I finally finished Liar Game! Ahhhhh, what a great manga ^_^ It stayed really exciting through the whole thing, and I really grew attached to the characters (and just maaaaaaaybe started shipping NaoXAkiyama - just a little XD). I loved the message they kept bringing up again and again, about the power of honesty and trust. It was so ironic, yet so wonderfully fitting, in the context of a ruthless game where everyone is encouraged and practically required to lie and cheat and steal and betray. I thought the end of the final round was a little anti-climactic (as in, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I think Yokoya gave in too easily, making it possible for Akiyama to achieve the goal he was going for without putting up enough of a fight at the end), but was mostly just glad to get answers to the questions that had been raised from the very beginning about the true nature of the Liar Game. The very very last couple of pages in the last chapter ended the manga a little too abruptly for my taste; I kind of wish they hadn't ended it with an epilogue. Or at least...not with that epilogue. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I kind of wish they'd just had the characters meet up and talk about how they're anticipating watching Liar Game go up on the internet, rather than showing it being taken down as soon as it went up. I mean, I get that they kind of had to thwart this plan, because they set it up so that the Liar Game would change the world, and obviously the world is not changed...but still. It was kind of a downer! But overall, this was an excellent manga. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes complex mind games and reading lots of panels of people explaining their logical thought processes at each other rather than flashy physical battles :P If you like Death Note, you'll probably like this. (I've taken to describing Liar Game to people as "Death Note minus all the violence and all the supernatural elements.")

The Heroic Legend of Arslan chapters 23-26

I feel like the scanlation I read left out some important pages somewhere =_= Oh well, I was going to buy the volumes anyway :eyeroll:

Aaaaaand, after years and years of waiting, D.Grayman chapter 219 was finally released! :dance: And it was actually a good development of the plot; I think I understand everything a lot better now. But now it's time to settle back for another couple of years of waiting for chapter 220 :eyeroll:

Also, due to MangaRocks!'s description a while back, I decided to pick up HaruXKiyo. Sounded like the kind of romance I could get behind :P I've only just started it, but it looks promising so far.

I also read:

Silver Spoon chapter 113
No.6 chapters 6-7
Bakuman chapters 7-8
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer chapters 10-11
You can find out things about the past that you never knew. And from what you've learned, you may see some things differently in the present. You're the one that changes. Not the past.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Kaori » Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:32 pm

Imuri v. 6. I feel like I say this every volume, but a lot happened and there were some really huge changes. The main character completely has his life overturned. This volume is fairly action-oriented and does not quite have the same amount of world-building focus as previous volumes (now that we have had five volumes with substantial world-building and have a good sense of what the setting is like), though there is still some; in particular there is still more information shown about how one of the races is exploiting and oppressing the other. Also, this author does an excellent job of ending each volume with a good suspenseful cliffhanger (but without it seeming excessively contrived), and this volume is no exception and ends with the fates of multiple characters in the air.

This volume didn't quite impress me as much as some of the previous ones—I feel that with this setting and these characters there could have been more intrigue and mind games in terms of the plots being plotted by a certain group, e.g. if they had not all directly stated exactly what their intentions were to everyone in their in-group it could have been more interesting. Also the way that the atrocities perpetrated by the ruling class were repeatedly rubbed in started to feel a bit heavy-handed. However, despite my minor complaints this manga is still as of v. 6 a fantastic, fast-paced SF saga with sweeping action occurring on a grand scale. Really ought to be licensed and released in English.

Don't own any more volumes of Imuri at this time, so next up on my manga reading list is something I do own, part 2 of Galaxy Express 999 (vv. 15-21).
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:39 pm

^ I look forward to when my budding Japanese skills finally get to the level I'll need to read Imuri-- I'm always intrigued by your comments on it. :)

As for what I have been reading lately, I'm going to split up the brand-new and continuing series into separate posts again, since once again I've been reading a ton of great new stuff! :thumb: First, the new:

Boku dake ga Inai Machi chapters 1-31 (so far): OH. MY. GOSH. :pikka: I'd had this on my plan-to-read list for a while now because it was a very highly-rated/-reviewed manga with a premise right up my alley-- basically a psychological serial-murder mystery with time loops :thumb: (and BTW, that's not a spoiler; it's right in the synopsis, LOL :) )-- and while I'd put this on my list well before the anime adaptation was announced, that news did finally prompt me to get a move on and start reading this sooner rather than later. :) And ohhhhh man, am I glad I did! :wow!: :jump: First, the characters: The (adult! :thumb: ) MC Satoru's personality, thoughts, and actions are sympathetically realistic in context (...I mean, aside from his {mostly involuntary} 'reruns,' of course, but that's just part of the story's setting :) ), and he's smart in a normal-person way (while not always being logical, either; which is also pretty realistic). (Oh, and it is also hilariously adorable that he often just cannot keep his thoughts from slipping out of his mouth. :grin: ) Airi, the (present-day) female MC, is awesome SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (I laughed out loud when she punched the manager square in the nose :lol: :thumb: ). And the kid who ended up becoming Satoru's closest friend back in the past-- Kenya-- is also pretty interesting SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (his father is a lawyer, and the circumstances surrounding a recent case of his father's back then made Kenya decide to also take up that profession eventually, hence his honing some keen observation skills, etc.) And the other characters-- Satoru's mother, her associate, the rest of the group of past friends, and the kids-to-save are all great, too. :) As for the story itself: It's incredibly gripping. (Now, I do have to note just for warning's sake that it can also be rather disturbing at times-- the antagonist is a serial murderer doing terrible things to ten-year-old children, after all {although thankfully you don't actually see any of that onscreen}, and to top that off, another kid is brutally abused by her own mother multiple times {and that you *do* see onscreen :pikka: }. So you'll need to be able to handle that to read this. That said, however, that stuff is all portrayed just as it should be-- as unequivocally evil, and to be fought against with all you've got-- and it just makes the stakes that much higher; so IMO it's well worth the occasional {intended} unpleasantness.) There are some nice touches, too, like the fact that it's (again) fairly realistic in terms of the main characters' efforts to avoid the police failing pretty miserably pretty quickly :) , as well as the fact that there isn't even really a *true* 'reset button' for the main plot thread-- SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Satoru couldn't save the kids in the past at first, for instance, nor his own mother in the present. And even if he did manage it in the past the second time, not only will his life in the future now be on a quite different track, but there's also the really nagging problem that, to truly stop the criminal, a crime first has to be committed and then proved to have been done by the real culprit... and, obviously, this sicko is not going to stop just because a few of their original targets managed to be 'saved' (basically, the culprit is still going to do terrible things, they'll just switch their sights to different kids now {supposedly in a different town}... which is still just as horrible :pikka: , and brings a whole new level of "how are they going to stop this now?!" to the suspense that was already there :pikka: )... Also, the killer's planning is far more meticulously thought-out and twisted than you first suspect-- SPOILER: Highlight text to read: making sure to very thoroughly frame other, innocent people for their own actions, thus essentially committing even *more* murders indirectly (via the framed person's conviction and execution). :pikka: ...And oh man, this series jerks around your suspicions so effortlessly, and the rising dread/emotion at certain points are just *perfectly* done. (Finally: HOLY CRAP THAT CLIFFHANGER {at chapter 31}... :wow!: SERIOUSLY, HOW CAN YOU MAKE ME WAIT ON THAT?! SOMEONE HOLD ME... :?: :?: ) ...So, yeah, if you can handle those couple of things I mentioned, I *highly* recommend this. It's excellent! :jump:

Karneval Anthology chapters 1-6 (so far): Well, I really like the Karneval manga and I'd heard that the anthology was pretty good, so I figured I'd give it a shot. And LOL, I'm glad I did, because (so far, at any rate) it has indeed been surprisingly good! :thumb: I mean, it's still noncanon randomness written by other authors, of course :grin: , but it's decently-drawn, actually quite plausible/in-character, and (intentionally!) hilarious! :lol: (Chapters 1 and 4 had me literally LOL'ing, and chapters that didn't still had me smiling at the cuteness. <3 )

Minidura chapters 1-5 (so far): It's Durarara!!, chibified! :D ...This is so cute. I was grinning the whole way through it (and actually LOL'ing at the bit with Shizuo and Izaya in the Russian-sushi-place's kitchen... :lol: ). <3 :grin:

Seishun Kouryakuhon chapters 1-8 (complete): This is an excellent short series by Sorata Akizuki (the mangaka of Akagami no Shirayuki-hime)-- a little slice-of-life featuring a main cast of guys (although there are several female love-interests, too; but the main focus are the guys :) ). Both their friendships as well as some of the antics that they get up to totally feel like stuff boys would do (although I'm a girl, so I suppose you should take my opinion on that with a few hearty grains of salt, LOL ;) ) :grin: , and overall it was really amusing, really adorable, surprisingly touching at points, put a smile on my face, and just made me feel good. <3 :hug: (Also: The little extras after some of the chapters {particularly the ones at the end} were precious. <3 :) ) Highly recommended! :jump:

And Stealth Symphony chapters 1-20 (complete): ...Yes, I read this because I am a Ryohgo Narita mega-fan; and yes, I knew before reading it that the series had been cancelled (for some ridiculous reason... I mean, seriously, editors/readers/etc., did you know nothing about Narita-sensei's other works {novels/anime/etc.}? His stuff takes time to build up, y'know? And it's all the better for it! Not letting him play out his vision properly is nearly a crime :shady: ). However, while there was obviously a larger plan for this (some of the side-characters weren't fleshed out at all, and knowing how he writes they certainly would have been later if he'd had more time; the story's pacing sped up quite a bit in the second half; etc.), IMO Narita-sensei wrapped it up with as much closure-- and memorability-- as was possible (in fact, it's closed so well that it hardly seems cancelled at all, if not for the aforementioned character backgrounds and speed and such), and I commend him for it. Indeed, it's so good overall that it was well worth the read, IMO. The setting is pretty neat-- it's a blend of fantasy and futuristic technology (a bunch of different mythological/fantasy/etc. races along with humans + high tech cities, cyborgs, etc.); the particular use of dragons in this was fascinating (and their origins are completely unconventional); and the characters are as broken as you'd expect (after all, just about every single character Narita writes is messed up in *some* way :thumb: ). SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Indeed, the hints about the MC were already there back in the first few chapters; it's clear that ending (for the MC, I mean-- no idea if the series was originally planned to actually *end* with that event) was planned from the start, he just had to move up the timetable. On another note, was that a clever way of incorporating those characters into his 'Naritaverse' there at the end for possible later reuse/reference? :) Oh, and I've just been talking about Narita here, but the art was also really great and brought the story to life quite well. So, yeah, if you don't mind a rather tragic ending, this was actually a great short series, even if it could've been a lot longer. :thumb:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby NekoNinja16 » Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:47 pm

Finally got back to reading Love so Life. Sooo cute, it still makes me fangirl at those sweet moments. <3 I'm a little confused, since MAL says it's finished I think, but no one has translated chapter 94.... oh well, I'll wait. <3 (But would SOMEONE add more of AxK?? Just up to the current point of the anime! Right now it goes to like ep 3. @-@ But hey, at least I've gotten a peek at some of the finer moments, haha...)
Just gonna stick a couple favorite quotes here.

"You can die at anytime. But living takes true courage. I'm living too, that I am. To repent for all the lives I took." -Kenshin Himura

"I would rather die as Blues than live forever as someone else." -Proto Man

Weird, they seem to be about dying. XD
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Kaori » Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:42 pm


Love So Life is definitely at least 106 chapters in Japanese. Looking at my records, it seems I have read up to ch. 100 only, and at that point the manga showed no signs of ending anytime soon.


I'm glad you're enjoying the reviews! Sometimes I wonder about the usefulness of them, since right now only people who read Japanese can read Imuri.

For reading manga in Japanese, I would recommend starting with something that has furigana. With some exceptions, usually shonen and shojo both have furigana next to all of the kanji, since they are marketed to a younger audience, and seinen does not. Imuri is seinen and does not have furigana, and also the vocabulary level is higher than some other manga.

I have a hard time thinking of manga titles that are good for beginning Japanese study, since generally the shonen and shojo that I own have a lot of non-practical, out-of-the-way fantasy or sci-fi or military vocabulary or something. But probably the best title I can think of is Love So Life. The twins have a lot of childish mispronunciations of things, so you have to look at what they are saying and figure out what it is they were really trying to pronounce (not too hard if you have a decent enough vocabulary base that you already know the word they are trying to say), but the two leads both use very standard, polite Japanese with each other; also, it's a realistic manga, so the vocabulary that is used in it is very common, standard vocabulary like what is used in daily conversation. (Also, it's a nice, clean, sweet love story.)

But on the other hand, the first manga I ever read in Japanese was Tenkensai [Tenken], and my Japanese was very elementary and I didn't have an electric dictionary, so I had to look up kanji compounds by looking up the readings for each kanji separately to figure out the pronunciation of the word and then looking up the word by romaji in a paper Japanese-English dictionary . . . it took me 16 hours all told. So where there's a will there's a way. :p

Anyways, 日本語で漫画が読めるように頑張って下さいね。 :)
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby NekoNinja16 » Sun Sep 06, 2015 6:45 pm

@Kaori: Ah, okay. ^^ Guess they just haven't updated the translation, but it's still weird that MAL says it's finished at 17 volumes... Also, even though it wasn't directed to me, thanks for the ideas on what to try reading in Japanese, I'm also planning to learn it, though it'll probably be very slowly. X'D
Just gonna stick a couple favorite quotes here.

"You can die at anytime. But living takes true courage. I'm living too, that I am. To repent for all the lives I took." -Kenshin Himura

"I would rather die as Blues than live forever as someone else." -Proto Man

Weird, they seem to be about dying. XD
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Kaori » Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:36 pm

You're welcome!

. . . So I tried looking up Love So Life on, and it says in the summary for v. 17 that it is indeed the last volume (「感動の最終巻!!」 ). And the events it was describing were some of the same events that I was reading about in the last few chapters that I read.

It's a little harder to figure out what the total number of chapters is, though (Amazon only gives the total number of pages, not the number of chapters). I picked a random volume and looking at the scans online found that it had 8 chapters, and if every volume has that many chapters, that would make 136 total. But that every volume has the same number of chapters is not necessarily a given; there could very well be less than that.

Anyways, MAL is right about the total number of volumes, and I'm wondering if there is a big time skip in this last volume, since it seems like it would be hard to wrap this particular story up without one.

I guess I'll put in a few more thoughts about reading manga in Japanese that I forgot to mention last time, for the both of you and also anyone else who might be interested.

Reading something in Japanese that you've already read in English can be good because your familiarity with the content can help you figure things out, and that helps you avoid the sense of frustration of not knowing what's going on when you run into a difficult bit of Japanese. (I guess I've only done this with video games, though, not with manga, since I rarely reread manga.)

One thing I particularly wanted to mention in case you ever have the benefit of being able to actually flip through physical copies of Japanese manga (e.g. if you're looking at some Japanese Japanese manga at Half Price Books or you take a trip to Japan and go to a used bookstore) is the amount of text per page. Although it is possible to take 16 hours to slog through one volume of manga that has no furigana as a beginning Japanese student and still make it to the end, it might be necessary to be a little bit crazy. If on the other hand you start with something that is not too text-heavy, there's (I think) a huge psychological benefit to being able to actually see yourself making progress through the volume. It gives a great sense of satisfaction and reward.

But there is also no substitute for studying something that you like and are interested in, and that also has a huge benefit in terms of motivation, so there's that as well. And ultimately I can't really say "It's always best to start with something easy and work your way up" (i.e. you should read something easier instead of something you're interested in) or "It's always best to read whatever you are most interested in regardless of its difficulty" because learning is also a personal thing that depends on what works for you.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby NekoNinja16 » Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:16 pm

Cool! ^^ I'll try to be more diligent with learning the basics, and hopefully soon I'll be able to read it. :)
Just gonna stick a couple favorite quotes here.

"You can die at anytime. But living takes true courage. I'm living too, that I am. To repent for all the lives I took." -Kenshin Himura

"I would rather die as Blues than live forever as someone else." -Proto Man

Weird, they seem to be about dying. XD
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:57 pm

@Kaori: Thanks for the recommendations and all the advice! :) I'll be sure to check that out.

...And, as promised, here's the post about the continuing stuff:

Cheese In The Trap chapters 170-171: Welp, that escalated quickly. :sweat: Seriously, though, it was inevitable for a big fight to happen eventually-- that family has some real communication issues, on all four sides. :pikka: I do feel bad for *both* of the kids, though. :( Also: The timing of that last bit was beautiful~ <3 ...As for the second of the two chapters: That was a good talk. And a sweet ending. :) Quite looking forward to more (as always)! :thumb:

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun chapter 69: LOL, the editors~ <3 :lol:

Haru x Kiyo chapters 10-11: The first of these two chapters featured Valentine's Day. ;) LOL at Maruko. <3 :grin: And I really enjoyed how, once again, the typical formula (Kiyoshiro getting a bunch of other chocolates, Koharu getting hers accidentally destroyed, etc.) felt fresh due to the series' own unique little twist on it + everything being settled very quickly (and Koharu ending up giving Kiyoshiro a gift even nicer than chocolates, too! <3 :thumb: ). As for the second of the two chapters: ROTFL at Kiyoshiro's brother (and the teacher's and Kiyoshiro's reactions to him)... :lol: (And Koharu's shattered expectations... :sweat: :grin: ) And, again, even the brother's (well, attempted, anyway :grin: ) 'interference' just ends in amusing (and rather humiliated) futility. :grin: Oh my goodness this series is adorable. <3 :grin: :hug:

Kamisama Hajimemashita, a.k.a. Kamisama Kiss, chapters 130-131: Aaargh, just stop the feels, already! :pikka: :sniffle: (...Not that I actually mean that seriously, of course, LOL; that this arc is as emotional as this is a credit to it. I just have too many feels right now to fully appreciate that fact, LOL. :sweat: {Really, though, I *am* impressed. :thumb: })

Kimi ni Todoke vol.'s 21-22: There was some really great character development in these two volumes ( + some good romantic development, too!). :) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I'm basically just going to kinda randomly comment on all of this in the general order that things happened. First: Holy crap, Kento-- I know you're into Ayane, but (basically) a proposal at this point is really a bit soon... :sweat: Speaking of which: I've been thinking that it was going to end up going the way of Ayane x Pin for a while now due to many little details sprinkled throughout the series, and at first I wasn't sure what I thought of that (because poor Kento is clearly head over heels); however, actually, with these two volumes Ayane is finally bringing herself to a point of positive motivation and change, and not only is Kento not on the same page (he'd rather she stay as she is, and he has no intentions of changing/moving forward from his own issues), it's clear that if his attitude doesn't shift, he is only going to drag her down... so even if Pin wasn't part of the picture it's probably inevitable at this point that Ayane and Kento are heading towards a breakup. On another note: Every moment with Sawako and Shota was precious. <3 :) And all the stuff about trying to find something you love to do, etc. (mostly with Ayane) actually hit pretty close to home for me. And as for the latter of the two volumes: YES, YES, YES-- that was a *huge* "FINALLY!" moment for Chizu x Ryuu!! <3 <3 <3 :jump: :jump: :hug: This made me *seriously* happy. <3 :jump: Also: This volume shows even more clearly that Kento is dragging Ayane down and holding her back from the growth she so desperately needs. I'm curious to see if he realized that now that he overheard Chizu verbally beating herself up over her own actions (although it's quite a different dynamic there with Chizu and Ryuu, so I'm positive that it won't end up detrimental to them at all-- as opposed to Kento and Ayane, where it definitely *is* detrimental). And then there's Shota, who feels the same but is handling it in a much healthier way-- that is, letting Sawako decide for herself with no pressure at all one way or the other. :thumb: (Oh, and Sawako and Kurumi becoming true friends was a pleasant surprise, too. <3 :) ) So, yeah, these two volumes were great! :thumb:

One Week Friends, a.k.a. Isshuukan Friends., chapter 33: Shougo once again being the best. <3 :) Seriously, though, it was really nice to see Yuuki decide to not run away anymore, and for him and Kaori to agree to share the burden of her past together. <3 :)

Orange chapter 22 (complete {unless there's any volume bonuses? :) }): Oh my gosh, the blend of dread and humor and tears and love in this chapter was just... <3 <3 SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Naho and Kakeru opening up their feelings completely, and all of the friends working together, and Hagita vandalizing the bike :grin: , and them finally revealing the letters, and the last few pages (Kakeru not only not being able to go through with his attempted suicide, but actually being glad that he's alive and was saved :sniffle: <3 :jump: , and then, finally, showing that the original-timeline's Suwa and Naho are still there in their own parallel world, living on and happy that they did something... that just brought it all around full-circle <3 ). Now, all that said, the resolution at the very end was probably a little quick; but, overall, it was way happier of an ending than I was expecting (totally thought it would be at least a little bittersweet, but nope, it really wasn't at all!), and that pleases me. :) I loved this series, and am satisfied with this ending; what more can you ask? <3

Skip Beat! vol. 35: Last volume, Kyoko finally accepted herself; this time, it's Ren's turn! <3 :thumb: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: First things first: Haha, nice 'save' on the 'stats,' there, Ren. ;) :grin: I love that this particular part of Kyoko is so hilariously irrational, and Ren/Kuon was so unbelievably adorable that I was giggling most of the way through this ("kill with cuteness," indeed! :D ). And, as aforementioned, everything about Ren's personal growth here was great. <3 We had Ren flat-out telling Kyoko that he loves her :jump: :jump: ( + her reaction :grin: ) and a kiss (well, a really light peck first, LOL, to which Ren's reaction was even more adorable :grin: ; and then a *proper* kiss later! :jump: ), all of which was fantastic even if she doesn't think it was actually 'Ren,' LOL. :grin: :thumb: And not only does it look like Ren is becoming more comfortable with his true self, he even opened up about his 'curse' :wow!: <3 -- and Kyoko opened up about her own past and how she came to the realization that everything that had happened was necessary... and then Ren actually also accepted that truth for himself, and is finally able to say that he's glad he was born and is who he is! <3 :hug: :jump: (Oh, and on another note: 'Fairy ancestry,' ROTFL!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ) So, yeah, Ren's growth here was beautiful. <3 Looking forward to the next volume! :thumb:

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii chapters 30-31: ROTFL, yeah, that dude Luna's (unwillingly) engaged to seems like quite the j.a., indeed... :pikka: :eyeroll: :grin: (Oh gosh, I facepalmed so hard at some of his... uh... characteristics... :forehead: ) Also ROTFL at Luna's hilariously accurate (and blunt) description of Bard. :lol: And as for the latter of the two chapters: I like the fact that we've gotten to see some of the other countries over time here (like the rain kingdom, the sand kingdom, and now the sea kingdom, etc.). Also, LOL-- I totally was not expecting SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Nike to crossdress :grin:, but in a way that's totally fitting, LOL. :grin: I also like the fact that this time Nike's opponent isn't actually out for her-- that makes it more interesting. Let's see how this one plays out... :thumb:

And Spirit Circle chapter 38: TOO GOOD! :jump: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Oh man, that disconnect was priceless (...and a tad disturbing, but yeah :sweat: ). And holy crap, was he talking about literally destroying the entire 'current' universe (that world plane, in other words)-- and, by extension, literally everyone in it-- just so he can travel around? I can't even... :wow!: :?: :?: On another note, even though it's terrible, I did have to laugh at the skeleton-ferry thing... :grin: :sweat: And while I think his realization of what he'd become might have been a little quick, I like the fact that he didn't 'repent' (even though it's sad and depressing that he didn't)-- that's more logical for his character, after all. Oh, and that was a *really* interesting alternate explanation of the 'past'/'future lives'-- they're not really so much so in the mythical sense, but rather in more of a sci-fi sense. :thumb: Can't wait for the next chapter! :jump:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Cadence » Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:23 am

I recently read through all of Orange by Takano Ichigo. Very good stuff. I am shocked because I usually end up hating 90% of the shoujo manga I read by the time I get to the end. Maybe my tastes are changing.

I also recently finished Gunslinger Girl which I had a lot of problems with but ultimately ended up enjoying, mostly due to the surprisingly uplifting ending.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby artisticDreamer » Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:35 pm

Just finished Pandora Hearts vol. 8. That oneshot...
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby NekoNinja16 » Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:03 am

@Cadence: Your icon is awesome. .w.
Just gonna stick a couple favorite quotes here.

"You can die at anytime. But living takes true courage. I'm living too, that I am. To repent for all the lives I took." -Kenshin Himura

"I would rather die as Blues than live forever as someone else." -Proto Man

Weird, they seem to be about dying. XD
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Fri Oct 09, 2015 1:28 pm

The Heroic Legend of Arslan chapter 27

I am reeeeally liking the way this is all developing ^_^
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:03 pm

Read a bunch more new manga + some new novels, too! :thumb:

Naoki Urasawa's Monster vol.'s 1-18 (complete): Wow... what can I say? This is widely considered to be a masterpiece, and I absolutely agree. :jump: ...Now, just as a content warning, I will note that there is a fair share of (detailed upper female) nudity and... well, unsavory situations, but it's not fanservice-- it's dark and gritty instead. Still, it's there. :sweat: That element aside, though, this series is amazing in every other way. The awesome historical-fiction aspects; the deep moral tension and commentary; the way every little thing ends up being connected; the way Tenma betters people just by coming into contact with them-- even when he doesn't realize it <3 ; the thriller elements (the antagonist is genuinely frightening); and the fantastic characterization (which is so good that several secondary and even very minor characters' deaths are amazingly heartbreaking {I was tearing up something fierce for both SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Martin and Grimmer, and SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Martin is only around for a chapter or two! :wow!: :sniffle: :sniffle: ). And then that ending almost warrants a post in and of itself-- there's quite a lot going on thematically with the whole last sequence, and all of it is great. (Also: Holy crap, that scene when SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Johan suddenly {appears to?} sit up in bed was downright terrifying. :pikka: I've experienced many jump-scares in videogames/movies/TV/anime/etc., but I'd never come across one in a *book* {manga or otherwise} before. :wow!: And while I didn't actually physically jump at it, I sure came really darn close {in fact, I think my heart just might have}... :pikka: :pikka: Wow.) I mean, while I usually prefer endings to be a tad more conclusive/wrapped up than this was, and I'm still not quite sure whether that bit with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Johan in the hospital is supposed to be taken literally or figuratively/metaphorically, I really can't think of any other way it *could* end and still be as amazing. So, yeah, I approve. :) To sum it up, I personally rate this a 10, and if the red-light-district stuff wasn't a part of it I'd recommend it to everyone.

Orange Marmalade manhwa chapters 1-119 (complete): ...Well, while this certainly wasn't like high art or anything, LOL (not by a long shot) :grin: , I was actually pleasantly surprised by it, given its synopsis and genre(s). It is not a typical 'vampire romance' at all, and that's a good thing-- it deals more with the characters as people while combined with the heavy social issues surrounding the two groups (racism, ostracization, and violent discrimination); and the romance itself is... actually pretty 'normal,' as romantic dramas go. (...Well, I mean, as normal as it can be between a rather traumatized/tactless guy and a similarly traumatized girl who has to actively suppress her desire to drain him whenever he's around. :) ) Basically, she just confuses the heck out of him, he teases her back, and it just ends up being funny. :grin: (It's also nice that they're into playing/singing music. :thumb: ) That said, of course, there were still more than a few romance/drama clichés and such with the hatred and the identity reveals and the 'rivals' and etc. :sweat: ; however, the female MC actually handles most of it pretty well, aside from the (rather brief) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: blackmailing bit (and her quite understandable reluctance to reveal her identity, given all of the negative factors surrounding it, even from her own love interest :shady: ). Actually, the only thing that ended up being rather irritating was the male MC's attitude after he finds out who the female MC is; because while it's partially understandable once his history is revealed, it's also... well, just really bad. :shady: That said, he does kinda redeem himself a bit later on once he has a talk with his mom + gets Mari's letter + works through things on his own + finally has a really in-depth talk with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: his step-dad, and I was actually rather impressed with how he responded to the merciless bullying by almost all of the others once they also finally find out (I mean, I was expecting him to say/do *something* to support her then, but I was totally *not* expecting him to actually SPOILER: Highlight text to read: drink that blood himself, pig's blood or not :pikka: ), etc.-- so I guess he can be forgiven. :P Finally, the very end felt a bit rushed-- and too... easy, almost?-- however, it was 'nice' enough, so whatever. *shrug* In all, I guess it was a decent enough one-time read.

Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix vol.'s 1-2 (DROPPED): So... is there something I'm missing here? I know Tezuka is an absolute legend, obviously, and I'd also heard that Phoenix was his 'masterwork.' But I couldn't even get through it (not even *close,* in fact). :shady: I mean, yes, the overall concept and the back-and-forth chronological plotting and even some of the panel layout stuff was pretty awesome in theory, but in practice... :eyebrow: Firstly, I didn't like volume #1 at all. :shady: Between its at-times extra-cartoonish silliness + anachronistic/fourth-wall-breaking stuff (which all took me right out of what I thought was supposed to be a serious story), the uncaring/depressing brutality of many of the parts that *weren't* anachronistic/fourth-wall-breaking/silly, the more-than-slightly-offensive fact that the only apparent uses for the few female characters were for them to be either evil/crazy idiots or literal baby machines (?!), and then to top it all off the fact that the only character who was at all sympathetic met a *completely* unsatisfying end, you can imagine how underwhelmed, unimpressed, and disappointed I was with the introduction to this supposed 'masterpiece.' :eyebrow: :shake: :shady: Wanting to give it more of a chance, however, I went ahead and moved on to volume #2. And, at first, it seemed that the series had taken a vastly-improved turn. In comparison to the first volume, vol. 2 was at first quite engaging. As most of you probably know, sci-fi is very near and dear to my heart, having grown up on it; so the setting caught my interest immediately. And I thought that the characters were better, too. ...However, then the phoenix had to go and say that it/Earth was basically 'god' :eyeroll: , while another character derided the Bible :shady: :shady: ... and *then* there was that entire end section, in which a huge amount of page-time is given to that whole misanthropic evolution sequence. :forehead: :bootout: So, yeah, thanks to all of *that,* I ended up disliking volume #2, as well. :shady: :shake: :thumbsdow At this point, I tried to give the series one final chance by just skimming through all of the rest of the volumes, but nothing changed my mind. (And, of course, since the series was never finished, the big, connecting climax that *might* have redeemed it doesn't exist.) So, sorry, I tried, but I had to drop this. :shady:

Saturn Apartments, a.k.a. Dosei Mansion, vol.'s 1-7 (complete): Wow... what a beautiful series. The stylized character designs might take a little getting used to, but the sense of scale and space and the landscapes are downright *amazing.* The characterization is great, too, and there's just something so wonderfully atmospheric about this (and no, that's not a pun, intentional or otherwise, LOL! :P ); plus, it also has a good ending. 10/10 and heartily recommended. <3 :thumb:

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou chapters 1-142 (complete {including 'chapter 0' and the special epilogue}): Hmm... well, getting most of the negatives out of the way first, unfortunately there's rather more (detailed upper female) nudity in this than was really necessary (there's one character-- not human, since she doesn't age {although not necessarily a robot, either?}-- who lives in the wild and doesn't wear a stitch), and several ('female') robots' data transfer ability just so happens to involve tongues... :eyeroll: Otherwise, it's pretty calm and pleasant and occasionally even wonder-filled, and everything is beautifully framed and drawn; it's also nice how certain events and people end up connected later on, even though this is mostly a slice-of-life; and there's a gentle melancholy underneath it all (because it's post-apocalyptic, for one, and for another the MC is an ageless robot who knows that everyone she cares about will eventually be gone). That said, though, as it nears the end, the spans of time going on between each chapter get longer and longer, and it eventually just sort-of... floats to a stop-- with no closure on the Alpha robot flying on that high ship, or on what those gel-like 'mushroom' things with brain waves are, or really anything else. I mean, I know that wasn't really the point, but I'm not sure I liked that those things were never given any sort of explanation or end. :shady: Overall, I suppose it was worth the read once, though.

The Rokka no Yuusha, a.k.a. Rokka: Braves Of The Six Flowers, novels 1-4 (so far): I had said that I'd dive into these the instant the anime (which was an extremely {read: awesomely! :thumb: } faithful adaptation of the first volume, BTW! :jump: ) was over because I had fallen in love with the series so much, and that's precisely what I did. And guess what? The novels are not only every bit as awesome, they're even *more* so, because as fantastic as the anime/first book truly was, it's still merely the setup to a much larger tale, and that larger tale is even more awesome than expected!! :jump: :jump: :jump: To start with, that anime/first book finale twist does *not* turn out how you think it might *at all* :pikka: (and that is a very good thing! :thumb: )-- the story actually takes a turn in a very different (and even better!!) direction; and it also rather fascinatingly delves into certain characters' inside information, backgrounds, and relationships (and, consequently, a nice bit of world-building about a few other things, such as SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the Saints, the Kyouma, and even a few details about the fake crest; etc.)-- and, to top it all off, it also greatly improves several characters'... well, characterization :) , plus perfectly clears up the issues I originally had with another character's behavior in the first arc (it makes complete sense now, and is pretty darn ingenious, to boot!). There is also just a heck of a lot more going on than first appears-- the plots in play by the enemies are very long-game, quite complex, and take some turns that you won't be expecting, and the main baddie is fascinating. (Oh yeah, and there's more fighting, too ;) , as well as progress with the actual overall quest.) Book #4 in particular contains several major twists, one of which in particular is *massive* (and it actually makes perfect sense, too, given the previously-explained mechanics of SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the Saints' acquisition of powers). (BTW, that is one of my favorite things about this guy's writing-- sometimes people's 'foreshadowing' can be so heavy-handed/obvious as to not even *be* foreshadowing, LOL :P ; *however,* in contrast, *this* writer's foreshadowing is brilliantly, perfectly subtle. :jump: I *love* how he sets up little details well, well in advance which are so well embedded/woven into the world/setting/characters/narrative/etc. that you only realize their significance later on. It's awesome.) To sum it up, this series is 10/10 amazing and I cannot wait for more! :jump:

And the Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria, a.k.a. The Empty Box And The Zeroth Maria / HakoMari, novels 1-7 (complete): I had put this series in my plan-to-read list a while back because it was very highly-rated on MAL and the description/reviews/etc. I'd seen for it were quite intriguing. However, since there was only one more novel left to be written at the time I had added it, I decided to wait until the finale was released and translated so I could just read them all in one shot. And I'm glad I did, since literally everything from the end of book #2 straight through to the end of the series is one single narrative. :) As for the series itself: At first, some of the devices used seem a tad typical (for example, while the MC and the titular Maria are basically destined to be a couple and he even directly chooses her over everyone else, there's still a bit of a harem element; there's a bit of {described} fanservice; etc.), but then it gets real unique real fast-- and, eventually, gets far darker and goes far deeper than I ever expected. :pikka: (As the layers of the main characters are peeled back throughout the series, it's revealed that they're all actually pretty darn scarred and messed up mentally/emotionally/psychologically; and it really delves into their various disorders and traumas in a way I was not expecting.) Even just the first book pulls the rug out from under your assumptions quite neatly... multiple times. And while at first I thought book 2 wasn't quite as good as book 1, the entire endgame was actually very good, and had a *kicker* of a twist in the book's very final line that was just plain fantastic (and, of course, gives you an absolute *need* to read the third installment). :thumb: That third installment is even better, because while at first it (purposefully) doesn't seem to hold as much danger as the scenario might suggest, because given some of the previous book's scenarios/info you just naturally assume that SPOILER: Highlight text to read: even if it does come to the point of death, it likely won't have any lasting effect on them in the 'real world,' however it is in fact then revealed to be just the opposite-- which means that the consequences/stakes skyrocket instantly. :wow!: ...And then the twists *really* start. :pikka: And while, by the time that book ended and you realized SPOILER: Highlight text to read: that there's still one more round to go, I wasn't sure if I liked that (because of the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: killing and the personality twisting and all :sweat: ), it actually ends up being some magnificent setup for that next book (which shows an excellent new side of the protagonist plus clears up my original dislike of certain {apparent} characterizations SPOILER: Highlight text to read: of the secondary MC Daiya {...although, then again, what he does [with the protagonist's eventual tacit consent] at the end is certainly a [pretty tragic] game-changer... :pikka: }, and was pretty fantastic overall). :thumb: The fifth book then finally delves into Daiya's psyche for real SPOILER: Highlight text to read: along with his past with Kokone and that other girl mentioned in the previous book, and provides two of the most fantastic twists in the entire series. And then the sixth and seventh books go into that surprisingly even darker and deeper place (...holy crap, the goes-around-comes-around nature of the final volume was ingenious, even if the descent into complete and utter madness was both horrifying and terrifying... :pikka: ). I couldn't believe that there could be a happy ending after all of that for certain characters, but-- while not 'perfect,' obviously, since there were still some serious, lasting consequences-- miraculously, it actually did end relatively well for them (and I am not ashamed to admit that I was tearing up throughout the entirety of the epilogue :sniffle: , in a good way). So, yeah, this was a rather emotionally taxing series, but-- if you don't mind the described violence/psychologically-messed-up stuff :sweat: -- well worth the read.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Mouse2010 » Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:52 pm

Just read Volume 7 of Noragami. I galloped through it in a single day. This series is so good. The Bishamon arc was good, but this new arc is looking much more interesting. Hiyori SPOILER: Highlight text to read: giving Yato the shrine was one of the cutest, sweetest things I've ever seen in manga. I'd be happier if all the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Bishamon x Yato shiptease were dropped, but only because I'm so much of a Yato X Hiyori shipper.

OTOH, I was disappointed by Until Death Do Us Part omnibus 10. It felt like it completely undercut the progress that had been made in the previous volume. I kind of want to drop this one, because I'm tired of it. But . . . darn it . . . the writer is too good with the cliff-hangers. I can't stop with volume 10, because I have to find out what happens next. I will probably end up reading Volume 11. But I'll be cranky about it!
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Nov 05, 2015 4:21 pm

D.Gray-man chapter 220 (finally!)


...which has pretty much been my reaction to every DGM chapter ever.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Mave » Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:48 am

the_wolfs_howl wrote:D.Gray-man chapter 220 (finally!)


...which has pretty much been my reaction to every DGM chapter ever.

I did not get it too. I'm a little confused as to who is who now. I think this chapter gets extra "Huh?!" points than usual.

Other than that, I mostly keep up with Detective Conan and Ao no Exorcist.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Sheenar » Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:10 pm

Just finished volume 3 of the Trigun Maximum Omnibus. Having seen the anime several times, I decided to read the manga. I am loving it SO much. So much good stuff.

I'm (impatiently) waiting for volume 4 to come in the mail. Says it should arrive tomorrow.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby artisticDreamer » Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:08 am

Just read Durarara!! x 2. Izaya's coat was fabulous 100% of the time. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: And I can never get over the cellphone stomping. :lol:
PandoraHearts vol. 9 I finally am past where the anime ended!! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Now to just wait for everyone to die... *sob*
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:46 pm

Mave wrote:I did not get it too. I'm a little confused as to who is who now. I think this chapter gets extra "Huh?!" points than usual.

I KNOW. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Millenium Earl = Mana = Nea = Allen = a;ldkjg;lagh;wriu;qlwefjk;lj!#@@$%$^#$@ :drool: It would probably make at least a little more sense if we didn't have to wait five million years in between each chapter, but oh well :eyeroll:

Anyway, I last read No.6 chapter 8. Ohhhh, the misunderstandings that can ensue from chapters like this.... :shake:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Mouse2010 » Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:55 pm

Do we talk about Korean publications here? I just started reading Bride of the Water Godand am starting to really get into it. I read volume 2 in a single day, and am about to go get started on Volume 3! I love the full color illustrations.

Oh, and Noragami Volume 8 was as good as ever. I am wondering if the currently-airing anime is about to overtake where I am in the manga, though. As of Volume 8, I was a little bit ahead of the anime, but that could change in just an episode or two. It's been interesting watching Noragami Aragato after having read the manga. I think this may be the very first time that I've read the manga for something first, before seeing the anime that covers that material! (You can tell I'm still not much of a manga reader, can't you?)
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Sheenar » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:56 am

Finished the Trigun series a week or so back. Good series, but the ending was weird to me. Good, but a bit confusing. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Knives turned into a tree??

Also could have used a heads-up about a couple of scenes --was not expecting those and they were a bit triggering SPOILER: Highlight text to read: The flashback of Legato as a sex slave being raped --no private parts were shown, but it was still pretty graphic and the scene earlier in the series during another flashback where Vash attempts suicide but stabs Rem accidentally as she intervenes.

Overall, excellent series. I enjoy the anime greatly, but the manga was so, so good. I especially loved the blatant Gospel presentation at one part and just the fleshing out of the characters --they were so much more developed and relatable.

Highly recommend this series. Though, heads up for the above mentioned scenes --they were brief, but they definitely took me by surprise.
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:03 pm

Bakuman chapter 9

Interesting as always to get a bit of an inside look into how manga is made.

The Heroic Legend of Arslan chapters 28-29

In every chapter, I'm struck by how violent this manga is. For some reason, even though this isn't much more bloody or violent than FMA, it never seemed like FMA was that intense, I guess because it was more fantastical maybe? Anyway, the violence doesn't bother me; I think it shows exactly how desperate the situation is. I'm really enjoying the action, for sure.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby artisticDreamer » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:13 pm

Death Note- black edition vol. 1
Pandora Hearts vol 11
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby artisticDreamer » Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:16 pm

Noragami chapters 1-27.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Sat Dec 12, 2015 5:46 am

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer chapter 12

HaruXKiyo chapter 2

Both of which are shaping up nicely ^_^
You can find out things about the past that you never knew. And from what you've learned, you may see some things differently in the present. You're the one that changes. Not the past.
- Ellone, Final Fantasy VIII


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