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Angel Sanctuary

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Postby Yamato145 » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:54 pm

DanekJovax wrote:I already got this impression from the reviews I read from and an article I read from Animerica, and I guess I'm doubly lucky to not have seen an ep of it myself.

As an artist, I can appreciate well-done work, but my sense of spirituality in viewing a title comes first.

I'd rather watch Akira and Utena than see Angel Santuary, if that means anything.

That's my 3 yen.

whats so bad about Akira?
i've never seen utena but i imagine your referring to the lesbianism in it?
The loving, caring, and slightly bad-influencing father of 1balloonpopper and khakibluesocks!!!
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Postby Yamato145 » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:58 pm

Gabriel wrote:<naughty pic snipped by an admin>
Seriously, who watches hentai for the story? :eyebrow:

I'm sorry but i wanna know what the pic was!
The loving, caring, and slightly bad-influencing father of 1balloonpopper and khakibluesocks!!!
Also I'm not sure how -_-' but somehow I am the Master and Father of Spectro-King according to his signature ... but hey I'm up for having a minion ... so jump stupid ... I'll have him keeeeel you
:evil: Evil child of Fantasy Dreamer and Dark Disturbed Grandchild of Cephas VII
On a quest to adopt Cephas
:dance: WACKY BANANA!!! :rock: ROCKER!!! :hug: glomp of DOOM!!!
Ive noticed something interesting, when a place is really amazing people say it must be seen to believed ... but the most amazing place ever must be believed to be seen.
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Postby Ashley » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:58 pm

Off Topic Answers
Akira- I have never seen it personally, but from what I have heard the violence and gore is unrivaled in anime

Utena- yes, lesbianism is a huge turn-away for this title, and I believe there is some incest as well.

I know for sure Archan wrote a review on Utena a while back (check in the archives under my name) and it's on our list of titles to import to the new database.

Edit: as for the pic, it is not necessary to delve into details. It was highly offensive and deemed inappropriate by the staff. Enough said.
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Postby Yamato145 » Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:13 pm

Ashley wrote:Off Topic Answers
Akira- I have never seen it personally, but from what I have heard the violence and gore is unrivaled in anime

Utena- yes, lesbianism is a huge turn-away for this title, and I believe there is some incest as well.

I know for sure Archan wrote a review on Utena a while back (check in the archives under my name) and it's on our list of titles to import to the new database.

Edit: as for the pic, it is not necessary to delve into details. It was highly offensive and deemed inappropriate by the staff. Enough said.

ah i see ... heh violence just doesn't faze me ... i guessthat would be why i like it more than most of you
The loving, caring, and slightly bad-influencing father of 1balloonpopper and khakibluesocks!!!
Also I'm not sure how -_-' but somehow I am the Master and Father of Spectro-King according to his signature ... but hey I'm up for having a minion ... so jump stupid ... I'll have him keeeeel you
:evil: Evil child of Fantasy Dreamer and Dark Disturbed Grandchild of Cephas VII
On a quest to adopt Cephas
:dance: WACKY BANANA!!! :rock: ROCKER!!! :hug: glomp of DOOM!!!
Ive noticed something interesting, when a place is really amazing people say it must be seen to believed ... but the most amazing place ever must be believed to be seen.
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Postby Kisa » Tue Mar 09, 2004 1:01 pm

As I was reading the review I was appaled! How blasphemous this series seems! I will stay FAR AWAY from this one! *shakes head at the thought of this ever being produced*
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Postby Jasdero » Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:21 pm

ugh. i downloaded the first three episodes for angel sanctuary because i had seen some of the really awesome artwork by the manga artist. i stopped watching after the first two. it was sick! this is the kind of show that makes people think that all anime is bad.
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Postby Jasdero » Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:55 pm

Gabriel wrote:<naughty pic snipped by an admin>
Seriously, who watches hentai for the story? :eyebrow:

uh..i wouldn't know..but i think that anyone who does watch hentai, needs to start their own clean story.
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Postby Zarn Ishtare » Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:53 pm

I have a question...If Gabe is Banned, then why does he show up as a registered user?
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Postby Ashley » Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:59 pm

He may have been temporarily banned--I will have to check the admin logs to find out for sure.
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Postby HondaTooru » Thu Jun 17, 2004 9:47 pm

I just want to say.. I know the admins on this site are pretty conservative when it comes to certain topics, but I'm glad that this thread is here. I think that a lot of people will steer clear of this anime just because of this thread, and that means it's served its purpose. So thanks for keep the site tasteful, but not too sheltered.
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:32 pm

Wow, Honda! It's been a while! :)
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Postby HondaTooru » Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:10 am

I know! I've been busy! I got a new job, we had a litter of kittens running around the house, I'm making plans to move to WA in a couple months (from AZ), and I still managed to get an "A" in Japanese 102. ^_^ But I've missed this site!
[align=center][align=left][color=Plum]Autumn アータム / Aki [/color] (I respond to both.) :angel:[color=MediumTurquoise][size=84]
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Postby shooraijin » Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:28 am

WA? Really? What's up in Washington state?
"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
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Postby HondaTooru » Fri Jun 25, 2004 12:39 am

Change.. I've been in AZ all my life.. Besides, I love rain and trees. We just don't have that kind of stuff here.. LOL
[align=center][align=left][color=Plum]Autumn アータム / Aki [/color] (I respond to both.) :angel:[color=MediumTurquoise][size=84]
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Postby Mangafanatic » Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:38 pm

valdrianth wrote:

Agnst? I didn't know angst was a genera. Oh well, you learn something new everyday I suppose. *Goes off to ponder her new found knowledge.*
Every year in Uganda, innumerable children simply. . . disappear. These children all stolen under the cover of darkness from their homes and impressed into the guerilla armies of the LRA [Lord's Resistance Army]. In the deserts of Uganda, they are forced to witness the mindless slaughter of other children until they themselves can do nothing but kill. Kill. These children, generally ranging from ages 5-12, are brainwashed into murdering in the name of the resistance and into stealing other children from their beds to suffer the same fate.

Because of this genocide of innocence, hundred and hundreds of children live every night sleeping in public places miles from their homes, because they know that if the do not-- they will disappear. They will become just another number in this genocide to which the international community has chosen to turn a blind eye. They will become, in affect, invisible-- Invisible Children.

But there are those who are trying to fight against this slaughter of Uganda's children. They fight to protect these "invisible children." Please, help them help a country full of children who know nothing by fear. Help save the innocence. For more information concerning how you can help and how you can get an incredible video about this horrific reality, visit the Invisible Children home page.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Jun 26, 2004 4:25 pm

I had a question for everyone. If a fan took Angel Sanctuary and made a Web Manga that turned Angel Sanctuary around and made it Christian, would you watch it?

Just curious.
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Postby RoyalWing » Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:39 am

YES! Especially if the art was less bloody! I think it would be quite interesting to see that!

p.s. Volt you're Alive!! XD I just haven't seen you post recently!
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Postby Mave » Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:13 pm

Volt wrote:I had a question for everyone. If a fan took Angel Sanctuary and made a Web Manga that turned Angel Sanctuary around and made it Christian, would you watch it?

Just curious.

I'm curious now, how does one make Angel Santuary, Christian? That would call for a complete revamp of the story, IMO.
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Postby RoyalWing » Mon Jun 28, 2004 7:22 pm

Mave wrote:I'm curious now, how does one make Angel Santuary, Christian? That would call for a complete revamp of the story, IMO.

That is a point. It would be alot of work for the person to do it. You would have to change who Setsuna(main character) friend is (his friend= lucifer in flesh), and... come to think of... almost everything in the story! O_O wow~ You're right! The only thing left would be the title.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:43 pm

LOL, nice to see you too RoyalWing... I've been busy. Work, Anime/Games, Sleep Repeat.

Of course that would involve twisting the already twisted Angel Sanctuary. It would still be a bit off. But it would more like Extreme Bible Fantasy.

Where instead of Setsuna and the gang trying to fight God, they're trying to wake him up or something. Or find him... It would be complete FANTASY and not Biblical but it would be about Helping/Joining God. and not fighting him.

Also Alexiel, Reincarnation, Incest would all be taken out or edited.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Jul 02, 2004 1:05 pm

Angel Santaury was DEFINATELY not a title that was what I thought it would be :/ Watched the first 2 OVAs a few years back and never bothered watching the third one. Manga art is nice and all and I was thinking "Oh interesting! An angels vs. demon show!" or something around that. Then there was the arm ripping off (one of the first violent anime I seen) and then the incest... why, WHY did it have to be incest?! My friend drew a pic of the "happy couple" from out of an anime mag, but she regretted drawing the pic after she found out they were bro and sis :/ It's just... all wrong!
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