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ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

This is where all in character roleplaying occurs. Please note that posts in this forum do not count toward your post count, and that old threads are subject to periodic prunination!

ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:39 pm

This is the most detailed RPG I've done. Forgive me for it being so long.

Orbis Video:

In a distant place, in the Northern corner of the universe, lies a planet very much different than the human world, where the supernatural meets technology. Its history unknown to Humanity, its stories locked in secret, never to be known by the sons of Adam until Eternity arrives. This planet hovers and revolves around nothing, it’s only light source is a light coming from the northernmost part, a heavenly light shining as bright as a new born yellow sun. The planet’s inhabitants are human, yet not human. They once were heavenly creatures, but fell from grace. However, they were deemed too dangerous to walk among the Earth. Hence, they were banished to the planet Orbis, and took on flesh as immortals, stripped of their grace and prone to death. They are known as outcasts, outsiders, the pariah of the host of angels, but they are commonly known as the Forgotten Ones. Now, their human bodies could not contain their immense spiritual strength, and so the excess spiritual essence was dispersed throughout the atmosphere where it became corrupt. Time passed and the corrupt spiritual essence clumped together and manifested itself into all kinds of evil and dangerous creatures, turning the world into a much more hostile place. In response, the immortals raised nations, governments, and armies of their own to combat not only the hostile threats, but also dominance over this world. However, strife and discord has brought these varying nations to the brink of war. Among these nations 8 special group of immortals, elite among all the immortals, have risen in the hopes of leading this world to their vision for Orbis. Yet, an ominous occurrence has shaken the very core of Orbis: The reappearance of “The Messengers” and “The Slanderers”.

The 8 Special groups of Immmortals

The Righteous- While strict in their prosecution of law and order, they follow these precepts to improve the common well-being. Certain freedoms must, of course, be sacrificed in order to bring order; but truth is of highest value, and life and beauty of great importance. The benefits of this society are to be brought to all. They are convinced that order and law are absolutely necessary to assure that goodness prevails, and that good is best defined as whatever brings the most benefit to the greater number of decent, thinking creatures and the least woe to the rest. They believe that an orderly, strong society with a well-organized government can work to make life better for the majority of the people. To ensure the quality of life, laws must be created and obeyed. When people respect the laws and try to help one another, society as a whole prospers. They strive for those things that will bring the greatest benefit to the most people and cause the least harm. They have a strong moral character. Truth, honor, and the welfare of others is all-important. They are also group and order oriented, and will cooperate with authority in all cases to promote the common well-being. In general, however, they promote the ideals and rights of the majority over those of the individual (and this includes himself as well as others) and upholds the rights of the weak and oppressed members of society, who should be allowed to reap society's benefits with equanimity. They feel this is the best way that all members of society can enjoy the rights of existence together. Life is important to them, but life is not exclusive of order, and vice versa. At the heart of a “Righteous” is the belief in a system of laws that promotes the welfare of all members of a society, ensures their safety, and guarantees justice. So long as the laws are just and applied fairly to all people, it doesn't matter to the “Righteous” whether they originate from a democracy or a dictator. They respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor.

The Orthodox- They view regulation as all-important, taking a middle ground between good and evil. This is because the ultimate harmony of the world--and the whole universe--is considered by them to have its sole hope rest upon law and order. Evil or good are immaterial beside the determined purpose of bringing all to predictability and regulation. It is their view that law and order give purpose and meaning to everything. Without regimentation and strict definition, there would be no purpose in the cosmos. Therefore, whether a law is good or evil is of no import as long as it brings order and meaning. They believe in a strong, well-ordered government, whether that government is a tyranny or benevolent democracy. The benefits of organization and regimentation outweigh any moral questions raised by their actions. They will uphold the law regardless of whether it is considered just or not. If the majority of the population disagrees with the practices of the government, then they must use legal means of getting those laws changed. They are concerned with the letter of the law, but rarely the spirit. They also respect the idea of station in life. They will act as they should, given their station. The “Orthodox” normally sees law and order as of prime importance, with the well-being of the group put ahead of the individual on almost every occasion. They see good and evil as immaterial and unimportant in the structuring of the universe into perfect order and harmony, in which lies society's only hope for survival. Thus, personal gratification of needs and desires is well and fine, as long as this doesn't interfere with the ultimate ordering of the cosmos; all other considerations are secondary. Life, to the “Orthodox”, has no meaning without order, and is thus expendable when faced with the choice between it and harmony. They respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor.

The Ascendants- They are great respecters of laws and strict order, but life, beauty, truth, freedom, and the like are held as valueless. By adhering to stringent discipline, they hope to impose their yoke upon the world. They consider order as the means by which each group is properly placed in the cosmos, from the lowest to the highest, strongest first, weakest last. Good is seen as an excuse to promote the mediocrity of the whole and suppress the better and more capable, while lawful evilness allows each group to structure itself and fix its place as compared to others, serving the stronger, but being served by the weaker. They believe in using society and its laws to benefit themselves. Structure and organization elevate those who deserve to rule as well as provide a clearly defined hierarchy between master and servant. To this end, the “Ascendant” supports laws and societies that protect their own concerns. If someone is hurt or suffers because of a law that benefits an “Ascendant”, too bad. They obey the law out of fear of punishment. Ascendants are driven to attain their goals through force, power, and intimidation. Yet they stand apart from the norm, with their own, personal, code of ethics. They will define their terms and live by them, whether anyone else likes it or not. The “Ascendant” seeks to increase his power over others within the hierarchy of the universe, with the strongest first and the weakest last. He holds that strict order is of utmost importance, but he sees it as necessary to further the ends of the deserving (strong ) over the undeserving (weak and worthless). An “Ascendant” is seldom subject to the secular laws of good society in general, as he sees those laws as restrictive and unfair because they deny the worthy their proper place. So-called "good" is seen as a means by which the undeserving are placed and maintained in positions of power, whereas each person should be allotted his place by his leaders according to personal merit. Those too weak to defend their possessions and positions don't deserve to have them in the first place. They respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor.

The Benefactors- They believe that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world--the most beneficial conditions for living things in general and intelligent creatures in particular. They see the cosmos as a place where law and chaos are merely tools to use in bringing life, happiness, and prosperity to all deserving creatures. Order is not good unless it brings this to all; neither is randomness and total freedom desirable if it does not bring such good. They value both personal freedom and adherence to laws. They feel that too many laws may unnecessarily restrict the freedom of good beings. They also believe that too much freedom may not protect society as a whole and encourage counterproductive divisions and in-fighting. They promote governments which hold broad powers, but do not interfere in the day-to-day lives of their citizens. They value life and freedom above all else, and despise those who would deprive others of them. They sometimes find themselves forced to work beyond the law, yet for the law, and the greater good of the people. They are not vicious or vindictive, but are people driven to right injustice. They always attempt to work within the law whenever possible, however. Life and the assurance of other creatures' rights take precedence over all else. This is not to say that they will have an aversion to taking another's life when faced with a choice between an attacker's and his own, however. For a “Benefactor”, rarely will either the needs of the many or the personal desires of an individual outweigh the needs and rights of any other creature. All life is given even-handed treatment. With respect to law and chaos, self-reliance is a cornerstone of a “Benefactor”. They are indifferent to the concepts of self-discipline and honor, finding them useful only if they promote goodness.

The Malefactors- They view law and chaos as unnecessary considerations, for pure evil is all-in-all. Either might be used, but both are disdained as foolish clutter useless in eventually bringing maximum evilness to the world. They hold that neither groups nor individuals have great meaning, and that seeking to promote well-being for all actually brings woe to the truly deserving. Natural forces which are meant to cull out the weak and stupid are artificially suppressed by so-called good, and the fittest are wrongfully held back, so whatever means are expedient can be used by the powerful to gain and maintain their dominance, without concern for anything. They are primarily concerned with themselves and their own advancement. The “Malefactor” is an unscrupulous, self-serving person who is only out for himself. Power, glory, wealth, position, and anything that will make his life more comfortable is his goal. It matters not who gets caught in the middle, as long as he comes out smelling like a rose. This person will lie, cheat, and kill anyone to attain his personal goals. At the root of the Malefactor’s personality is the word "wicked." Evil is his goal; natural and man-made forces, if allowed to take their course, weed out the weak and useless in society. The deserving should take advantage of this condition to further their own goals by any means possible, especially to destroy weaklings who put forward "good" actions to promote the well-being of all, which is just an excuse used to deny the deserving their due. To the "Malefactor", life is of no value, for those who cannot take advantage of their superiority don't deserve it, and they'll only interfere with the rightful pursuits of those who do. They are indifferent to the concepts of self-discipline and honor, finding them useful only if they can be used to advance their own interests or gain power over others.

The Liberators- While they view freedom and the randomness of actions as ultimate truths, they likewise place value on life and the welfare of each individual. Respect for individualism is also great. By promoting the philosophy of the "Liberator", they seek to spread their values throughout the world. To them, freedom and independence are as important to life and happiness. They view this freedom as the only means by which each creature can achieve true satisfaction and happiness. Law, order, social forms, and anything else which tends to restrict or abridge individual freedom is wrong and to be done away with, and each individual is capable of achieving self-realization and prosperity through himself/herself. “Liberators” are strong individualists marked by a streak of kindness and benevolence. They believe in all the virtues of goodness and right, but they have little use for laws and regulations. They have no use for people who "try to push folk around and tell them what to do." Their actions are guided by their own moral compass which, although good, may not always be in perfect agreement with the rest of society. They believe that life has no grand plan, but each creature's spirit is essentially noble and good. Each being must follow his own conscience. By performing good acts the individual can hope to alleviate the suffering and anguish of others, whether caused by random or structured acts. The “Liberator” has a "beatific" attitude toward existence. The inviolable right of the individual to seek his own pleasures is one of the cornerstones of society; but, being good, the “Liberator” will not tread on others to get his own way, for he feels that every other creature has the right to the pursuit of pleasure as well. Life is valuable, but without sufficient personal freedom it is demeaned. Life and freedom are the foundation of the universe. They do not respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor, because they believe such concepts limit freedom to act.

The Independents- Above respect for life and good, or disregard for life and promotion of evil, the “Independent” places randomness and disorder. Good and evil are complimentary balance arms. Neither are preferred, nor must either prevail, for ultimate chaos would then suffer. This view of the cosmos holds that absolute freedom is necessary. Whether the individual exercising such freedom chooses to do good or evil is of no concern. After all, life itself is law and order, so death is a desirable end. Therefore, life can only be justified as a tool by which order is combated, and in the end it too will pass into entropy. They believe that there is no order to anything, including their own actions. With this as a guiding principle, they tend to follow whatever whim strikes them at the moment. Good and evil are irrelevant when making a decision. “Independents” like to indulge in everything. This is the insurgent, the con-man, gambler, and high roller; the uncommitted freebooter seeking nothing more than self-gratification. This type of person will at least consider doing anything if they can find enjoyment or amusement. Life has meaning, but theirs has the greatest meaning. According to them, laws and rules infringe on personal freedom and were meant to be broken. The “Independent” is constantly teetering between good and evil, rebelling, and bending the law to fit his needs. “Independents” tend to believe in luck and chance, rather than fate or destiny. They don't care what happens to others, yet will not necessarily go out of their way to harm others. They view ultimate freedom and disorder as most desirable. They see good and evil in a secondary role, and neither should be allowed to interfere with pure chaos. Thus, respect for others does not stand in the way of the pursuit of individuality. They do not respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor, because they believe such concepts limit freedom to advance their self-interest.

The Sybaritics- The major precepts of a “Sybaritic” are freedom, randomness, and woe. Laws and order, kindness, and good deeds are disdained. Life has no value. By promoting chaos and evil, they hope to bring themselves to positions of power, glory, and prestige in a system ruled by individual caprice and their own whim. The “Sybaritic” holds that individual freedom and choice is important, and that other individuals and their freedoms are unimportant if they cannot be held by the individuals through their own strength and merit. Thus, law and order rends to promote not individuals but groups, and groups suppress individual volition and success. “Sybaritics” are the bane of all that is good and organized. They are motivated by the desire for personal gain and pleasure. They see absolutely nothing wrong with taking whatever they want by whatever means possible. Laws and governments are the tools of weaklings unable to fend for themselves. The strong have the right to take what they want, and the weak are there to be exploited. This is the category where the megalomaniacs, and the violent and most despicable characters fall. This is the cruel, brutal killer who trusts no one and has no value for anyone or anything that gets in his way. The “Sybaritics” also like to corrupt the innocent and virtuous. People are play-things to them, to be used and manipulated for their own personal pleasure. "Sybaritics" don't necessarily go after individuals just because they stand in the way of their success, they will harm or destroy people for the sheer pleasure of it. The “Sybaritic” seeks personal freedom at the expense of those who aren't smart, capable, or ruthless enough to get what they want. If what this being wants will come only at the price of the freedom and happiness (not to mention the lives) of others, so be it. They do not respect the concepts of self-discipline and honor, because they believe such concepts limit their ability to gain power over others.

Players are to choose a faction and occupation, and set out on a journey to fight monsters, fight other factions, establish your faction in nations, and investigate the entities known as “The Messengers” and “The Slanderers”.
You can submit up to two character sheets both of which must be of a different faction. Players are free to choose whichever faction they want. You do not need to choose another faction simply because another person chose the faction you wanted.
You cannot be the leader of that faction, at least not in the beginning, but later down the road if you choose to.
You can create two more main characters if you wish, and as many NPCs as you want for your story.
You can start your characters as part of a group or solo.
Though your characters belong to a certain faction, they do not necessarily have to act strictly according to their faction’s values. Your characters may even act as hypocrites within their factions, claiming to follow a certain faction while acting contrary to its principles. Your character can also act according to what they believe their faction’s principles guide them to act. These are your characters, so do as you see fit.
Not all factions are against one another. Although all factions see each other as enemies, your characters of differing factions may act as temporary allies. For example, the Benefactors may be allies with either the Righteous or the Liberators. The Orthodox may be allies with either the Righteous or the Ascendants. The Malefactors may be allies with either the Ascendants or the Sybaritics. And the Independents may be allies with either Liberators or the Sybaritics.

Anywhere in Orbis that you desire. You take part in world-building so during your journey you can name your locations, name the nations you travel to, and name the creatures you encounter.

Character Sheet

Occupation: (Warrior, Priest, Rogue, Knight, Bowman, Soldier, etc.)
Weapon of choice: (Sword, Staff, Dagger, Lance, Bow, Gun, etc.)
Supernatural power: (only one power)

My characters

Name: Adira Enelysia
Gender: Female
Faction: The Righteous
Occupation: Warrior
Weapon of choice: Scimitar (spare scimitar for duel-wielding)
Supernatural Power: Lightning power

Name: Avira Elutheria
Gender: Female
Faction: The Liberators
Occupation: Rogue
Weapon of choice: Katana (spare wakizashi for duel wielding)
Supernatural Power: Teleportation
Last edited by FreddyCast on Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:24 pm, edited 6 times in total.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:59 pm

This has piqued my interest, but I have a couple questions.

From what you were saying, are our characters acting independently of each other? What about the choices they make, destroying a land marker or such? And what if someone chooses the same faction as another? Will they be together, or in separate groups?
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:34 pm

Wolfsong wrote:This has piqued my interest, but I have a couple questions.

From what you were saying, are our characters acting independently of each other? What about the choices they make, destroying a land marker or such? And what if someone chooses the same faction as another? Will they be together, or in separate groups?

Your characters are certainly free to act independent of each other, but they can also act as allies or they can cooperate with other characters of the same faction, whether it be your own characters or characters of another rpg player.

The choices that your characters make have to do with them spreading their ideals throughout Orbis, whether it be by force or peaceful means. Example, commanding an army and sending them to conquer a nation, destroying monsters from an area to further expand your factions influence. Or it can be minor actions like taking a quest from people that need help. Along the way your characters will inevitably have to face foes from other factions, whether it be NPC or characters from rpg players. As the players take part in world-building they can certainly carve the landscape and the political sphere, leaving their marks on the world, which can affect the stories of other players who either participate in it or come to witness the aftermath.

If all players choose more or less the same factions, that's still fine. It simply means that it will be easier for players to interact with each other. Players are not obligated to fill the roles of every faction. If a faction or two have no characters from the players, then those factions can simply serve to be part of the conflicts and struggles in our stories.

Characters of the same faction are free to work as a team, whether it be with other players or your own characters. Your characters can also work alone going on their own personal journey. Depends on how you want to tell your story. Of course I'll do my best to guide the overall story to a certain conclusion. I wouldn't want our stories to be completely screwy and full of plot holes :lol:

I hope I answered your questions to your satisfaction. Please feel free to ask any other questions.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:23 pm

Name: Lucian Aloisious Ravenwing, informally Luce or Raven depending on his mood.
Gender: male
Faction: Malefactor
Occupation: priest
Weapon of Choice: his hands, if necessary; he typically doesn't use force to get his way, so this is merely something to fall back on. His is terrifying in hand-to-hand combat.
Supernatural power: Mind manipulation - Simply, he can stimulate the mind, using this to mess with the person's emotions. They can feel great ecstasy and happiness, or terrifying black-widows-crawling-all-over-your-body fear. Also, he can make a person forget up to five minutes of the present moment, though this is an ability he can only use once per person.

Hope this works sir?
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Wed Oct 08, 2014 7:02 pm

Yes, madam. This works very well.
Nice to see a Malefactor make his appearance. Excited to see how you present your character :)

Two more players and we're ready to begin our adventures. :cool:
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:59 pm

FreddyCast wrote:Yes, madam. This works very well.
Nice to see a Malefactor make his appearance. Excited to see how you present your character :)

Two more players and we're ready to begin our adventures. :cool:

Oh, you're gonna love him. :brow:
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Davidizer13 » Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:45 pm

Name: Dresch Witt
Gender: Male
Faction: The Orthodox
Occupation: Guardsman/Runner for the local Overseer
Weapon of choice: Dual nunchaku, and a blowgun.
Supernatural power: Plants - he can induce growth in all sorts of plant life around him, using them in both battle and to help those under his authority.

Appearance: Vaguely formal attire, thin spectacles, carefully brushed straight hair, just slightly heavyset, medium height.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:44 am

Welcome to Orbis, Davidizer :)

One player to go!
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:04 pm

I was bored, so I made a video of this rpg thread. I made the logo title and I found symbols to represent each faction. And yes, they do look like the Kryptonian Shield crest. The video does have a few "hiccups", lol, but it's still good. I'll put the link here and on the first post so it'll be easier to find. Hopefully this will get people interested in the rpg, but if not, then that's ok. It was fun making it.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:14 pm

Do you need four people sir?
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:39 pm

Wolfsong wrote:Do you need four people sir?

My thinking was that because there's 8 factions, 4 players with 2 characters of differing factions would hopefully cover all, if not, most factions.
But I've decided that if at the end of the week no one joins, then just the three of us can begin on Saturday. Till then, we can prepare writing our stories.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:46 pm

FreddyCast wrote:
Wolfsong wrote:Do you need four people sir?

My thinking was that because there's 8 factions, 4 players with 2 characters of differing factions would hopefully cover all, if not, most factions.
But I've decided that if at the end of the week no one joins, then just the three of us can begin on Saturday. Till then, we can prepare writing our stories.

Ah, okay. I understand how that goesXD
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:08 am

Name: Aeris Ronwyn Andrix
Gender: Female
Faction: Independent, former Malefactor
Occupation: Assassin
Weapon of Choice: syringe filled with poison. A little injection/scratch goes a long way. Regular weapon would be a long spiked chain.
Supernatural Power: Immunity - Poison and such cannot affect her, and she cannot feel pain. that is, pain from outside causes such as a blow or cut. Also, other's powers tend to 'ignore' her; e.g. Mind manipulation or such do not affect her, and targeted superpower-based attacks will not target her, meaning she must be faced directly.
Appearance: Image
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:48 pm

Character approved, Wolfy :thumb:

Alright! I'm going to start off our adventure a bit early.

A New Immortal Arrives

I’m flying....I’m falling.....Where am I going.....I see streaks of lights....What’s happening to me....I’m putting my hands in front of me....I’m afraid....I never felt this before.....I see a dot....It’s getting closer....It’s a planet....What is it.... I’m passing through the atmosphere....The skies are ripping apart....I’m going to crash.....No wait, stop....STOOOOP!

(In the desert-like land of Catron a man looks out towards the Horizon as he sits at the edge of Prime Canyon. He’s in a military mesh outfit with black and gray shadings, a white cape with a red cross on it, a red sash tied all around his right arm, and equipped with all sorts of weaponry, including two scimitars strapped to his back. He looks down to see the glistening river at the bottom of Prime Canyon and admires surroudings)

“I guess there’s nothing to report in this area. *SIGH* I’m done scoutin’ for today.” Rayner declares.

Rayner gets up, but then something in the sky catches his attention as the clouds split apart and streak of lighting hits the ground on the other side of Prime Canyon. The force of the impact is so great that it emits a wave of lightning bolts in every direction. A few of the lightning bolts comes straight at Rayner, to which he quickly dodges within incredible evasive maneuvers.

“Woah! That was close!” said Rayner as he looks back at the impact on the other side of the Canyon. “That was one immense disperse of spiritual energy. I gotta check this out.” he said

At the center of the impact the figure of a woman appears behind the veil of smoke and on her knees. She rises to her feet.

“Where am I? Is this Earth?” she questioned. She finds herself confused and dazed from the impact. She starts walking and puts her arms in front in order to feel where she’s going. Soon the smoke clears.

“Why does it feel breezy all over?” she ponders as she finds herself a bit exposed. “N-naked!? Why am I naked? Why do I feel shame? This feeling is...weird” she faltered.

Out of nowhere she here’s a faint voice and frantically looks around to find the source of the voice. As the smoke dissipates she sees a man on the far distance standing on the other side of Prime Canyon. “HEY! YOU THERE! I’LL BE RIGHT OVER!” the man shouts.

She thinks to herself, “It’s a human, this must be Earth.” But to her surprise the man runs and jumps over the entire Canyon, covering a distance of 900 ft. (around 274 meters). He lands on the other side with such force that it cracks the rock-hard ground under his feet. While the man approaches her she quickly hides behind a nearby bush in order to hide her nakedness.

“It’s rare these days to find a creature that has fallen from grace, and especially one that comes to Orbis” He explained.

“GET AWAY!” she shouts as she sticks out her hand from behind the bush and shoots lightning from her hand.

“What?” Rayner asks as he dodges her every attack. “Wait, I’m not here to harm you.” He reasons.

Rayner closes in and grabs the wrist of her hand. “There, now listen! I’m NOT gonna hurt you. Why are you hiding behind the bush?” he asks, but then is amazed to see the face of a flustered woman.

“’re not human!” she stutters as Rayner blushes a bit.

“Of course I am!” Rayner proclaims as he let’s go of her wrist. “I’m sorry! Here take my cape. And, uhh, tie it around you with this sash!” He says as he offers her his white cape and red sash.

“DON’T LOOK!” she shouts. Rayner quickly averts his eyes and turns around feeling perturbed at the situation. The woman quickly puts on the long white cape to cover her body and ties the red sash around her waist.

“Thanks!” she says faintly.

“No problem!” he says relieved. But then the woman stealthily grabs and takes Rayner’s two scimitars while he has his back turned. Rayner, knowing something is wrong, turns around and finds himself facing the edge of a scimitar.

“Now, explain yourself! Who or what are you, and where am I? Tell me, now!” She demands as Raynar lifts his hands and laughs nervously.
“My name is Rayner Ischurius. I’m an immortal, but, uhh, that doesn’t mean I can’t die so please put that...”

“SHUT UP!” She yells as she puts both blades of the scimitar’s in a scissor-like fashion around Rayner’s neck. “You move and I won’t hesitate to cut you down.” She threatens.

“Look, I know you’re confused and all, and I would love to explain, but I’d rather not stay here any longer” he says nervously.

“And why is that?” she queries demandingly.

“ let out quite a lot of spiritual energy when you took on human form, and that spiritual essence has attracted, uhh, trouble” He explains.

“Trouble? What do you mean by that?” she asks.

“You see that miasma over there?” He asks as he points behind her, to which she cautiously looks back without taking her eye off Rayner. To her astonishment she sees the miasma and within it all kinds of terrifying creatures.

“I don’t want to be dog food to those things, so we should get going. Like, right now.” He advises.

“Those creatures don’t frighten me. I’ll deal with those evil things, and then you.” She says confidently.

“Are you serious? Wait don’t...” before Rayner could say anything further, the woman quickly charged head on against the monstrous creatures. She went through them slashing their limbs off with ease with both her scimitars and shooting streaks of lightning to stun and fry her opponents. She showed amazing feats of reach and flexibility, dodging the monsters’ claws and bites. She reigned down bolts of lightning engulfing the entire area and used her fists to smash the faces of the unlucky creatures. Rayner was mesmerized by her combat skills and evasive maneuvers. But much to his dismay and to the woman’s shock a Titan-like monstrosity rose from the sand.


A Sand Dragon appeared and caught her by surprise. She was whip-lashed by the dragon’s tail and knocked to the ground. Quickly she raised her scimitars in front of her and blocked the Dragon’s fierce claws. She shot a burst of lightning through her leg at the dragon, which made it draw back, but as soon as the woman got to her feet the dragon swung around and struck her with his right wing, making her drop one of the scimitars. As she saw the dragon’s claws coming down at her, she hurriedly raised an electromagnetic barrier to shield herself, but the dragon’s strength proved too much and her abdomen was sliced. She dropped the other scimitar and fell to the ground, defeated.

“NO! That stubborn moron”. Rayner said angrily as he quickly took action and used his enhanced strength and senses to evade the sand dragon’s tail, dodge it’s claws, avoid it’s wings, and jump on top of its head. He quickly pulled out his assault rifle and fired into its left eye

The sand dragon yelled in pain as it shook its head violently, throwing Rayner off its head. Rayner lands on his feet, quickly grabs both his scimitars, and without a second thought grabbed the unconscious woman and fled. He jumped Prime Canyon once again and landed on the other side. The Sand Dragon roared in frustration that its prey got away.

“Whew! I can’t believe we survived that.” He says relieved as he gazes at the woman’s injuries.

“Hm, I can’t believe you survived” He adds as he patches her wound. She wakes up and finds Rayner carrying her in his arms walking on a dirt path.
“What happened? Ow!!” she moans in pain as she softly touches her stomach wound.

“Don’t move. You’re safe now” he comforts.

“Where are you taking me?” she asks weakly.

“To Fort Lighthold! You’re new to Orbis, so you’re one of us now. And we take care of our own.” He exclaims.

“Rayner?” she says faintly.

“Yeah!?” he responds.

“Sorry, for treating you harshly!” she says sadly.

“There’s no need to apologize. If I was you back there, I’d hate my guts too.” he smiles.

“Thank you!” she says softly as she smiles slightly.

“By the way what’s your name?” he asks curiously.

“My name?...I don’t remember my name?” she says frustratingly.

“Hmm, that’s strange...Well, is it ok if I give you one for the time being?” he asks

“I guess that’s ok”. She says hesitatingly

“Awesome. How about....Adira. The way you fought. How strong and powerful you were. It suits you, don’t you think?” He asks enthusiastically.

“Adira!...I like it.” She replies.

“Adira, it is then.” He says proudly.

Adira blushes a bit as they carry along on the dirt path.....

to be continued....

End Song:
Last edited by FreddyCast on Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:51 pm

Alright, second post in one day :)

Gates of Conflict

Rayner Ischurius and Adira are still walking on the dirt path and see Fort Lighthold in the distance. Along the way Adira looks down at her stomach wound and places her hand gently on top of it as she moans silently. Rayner takes notice.

“Does it still hurt?” Rayner asked.

“Not like it used to, but I’ll manage. I can’t believe there are monsters as big as that reptilian creature.” Adira replied.

“There are monsters far bigger and far stronger than that Sand Dragon. We’re lucky to have gotten away.” added Rayner.

“So why are you taking me to this Fort?” Adira asked.

“Like I said, you’re new to Orbis. So it’s best to take you to a place where you can learn about this world and the dangers it holds. And it’s a good thing I was the first to see you.” Rayner answered.

“Why is that?” Adira queried curiously.

“You could have encountered another person from a different faction. That or you could have been eaten by those monsters that were alerted by your spiritual essence that you ejected from your body” Rayner explained.

“Faction? Spiritual Essence? I don’t understand!” Adira puzzled.

“The people of Orbis are being torn apart by ideologies. Some fight for good, some for evil, and some for neither good nor evil. Factions have been created to represent these varying ideals and seek dominance. Where this ends, I just don’t know. As for your spiritual essence, your body still retains some of it. Your ability to control lightning is proof of that. But since you’re human, the body cannot contain all of your spiritual essence, so it discharges it from your body so that you don’t die from it. It’s amazing though that you still have so much of your spiritual essence in you. The majority of us immortals don’t even have it anymore. No spiritual essence, no powers.” Rayner clarified.

“And what’s your power?” Adira asked.

“Well, all my senses are more heightened than a normal immortal. Plus I have wicked strength, agility, and endurance. The many martial arts and combat training I’ve gained throughout the thousands of years has made me a very proficient soldier. I guess you can say I’m a super-man” Rayner joked as he laughed.

“That’s amazing. There’s so much I want to know.” Adira yearned.

“You will. Captain Enaretos will tell you everything you want to know. Look! We’re almost at the Fort. Stay behind me and I’ll explain the situation to them. The security is a bit strict here, so they don’t like strangers that much.” Rayner said.

Adira nodded and followed him from behind. Rayner approached the Fort’s imposing gate and signaled the guards.

“Vitrex! Mican! Open the gate. I have a guest with me.” Rayner shouted.

“Rayner, move away from that person. Now!” Vitrex demanded.

“What?” Rayner perplexed. Suddenly, four more guards appear in front of the gate and confront Rayner and Adira with their weapons directed towards them.

“Rayner!?” Adira tensed.

“Wait, stop. What’s the meaning of this, Vitrex?” Rayner questioned in shock.

“I said, move away Rayner. We cannot let our enemies fool us again.” Vitrex said sternly.

The guards moved closer towards Rayner and Adira. Adira, filled with uncertainty and betrayal, took Rayner’s scimitars again and backed away from Rayner.

“You lied to me, Rayner!” Adira accused.

“Adira, don’t. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m not against you. Just please, put the scimitars away.” Rayner pleaded.

“NO! I won’t let any one of you near me.” Adira declared as she emitted electricity all around her.

“Adira, please I can resolve this.” Rayner said as he held out his hands towards the guards in order to negotiate with them.

“Rayner, you’re committing treason. Move away from her or else you’ll be considered a traitor.” Vitrex ordered threateningly.

“Vitrex, please let me explain.” Rayner implored.

Suddenly all four guards charged at Rayner and Adira. Rayner dodged the attacks of two guards and fought them with his bare hands, not willing to harm them, but instead disarm them. Vitrex pulled out his pistols and rushed forward to attack Rayner. Rayner sees him and pulls out his pistols and fires at him. Vitrex quickly dodges them and closes in. Both of them clash with their pistols in hand to hand combat as they keep firing at point blank range at each other, avoiding every bullet as they fight. Then they end up in a stalemate as they seize each other’s arms in a grapple.

“Vitrex, stop this. You’re making a mistake.” Rayner said

“The only mistake here is when you sided with that insurgent.” Vitrex retorted

The two other guards confronted Adira, to which Adira wasted no time in blasting them with her lightning bolts. The guards skillfully dodged them and closed in on her. She quickly drew her scimitars and clashed with their spear and axe. She masterfully held her ground as she kept trying to push them back with her lightning attacks. Out of nowhere, Mican appears with his claymore before Adira and with great speed attacks in a downward swing. Adira blocks the claymore attack in a scissor like fashion with her scimitars, but the impact is so great that it pushes her back and she falls to the ground.

“Evil-doers will fall to the might of righteousness.” Mican proclaimed

“There’s nothing righteous about this. You’re the one who’s going to fall here.” Adira countered.

Adira gave out a battle cry as scimitars and claymore clashed over and over again. Sparks flying with each blow as the scimitars lighted with electricity, while the claymore swung with the force of the wind. Adira eventually is forced into the defensive, until all four guards surround and overtake her, stripping her of her scimitars and pinning her down to the ground.

“NO, ADIRA!” Rayner screamed, but he couldn’t disengage from Vitrex. Instantly, Adira called a flash of lightning from the sky and blasted a wave of electricity that shocked and blew the guards away. Adira got to her feet, but her strength was nearly depleted. She staggered to her knees, prompting Mican to take the opportunity to knock Adira out with the handle of his claymore.

“ADIRA! RAAAAWH!” Rayner roars as he pushes Vitrex off him. Vitrex quickly fires his pistols, but Rayner backflips and takes out his duel submachine guns. The rapid fire forces Vitrex to retreat, giving Rayner the time to escape and help Adira. Mican confronts him, but Rayner easily avoids his claymore swings and grabs his arm, disarming him of his claymore and flipping him to the ground. Vitrex quickly enters the fight and both he and Rayner butt heads again with guns drawn in hand to hand combat with killer intent. Suddenly, a sudden earth shattering quake occurs and the ground splits as a wall of earth rises between Vitrex and Rayner.

“ENOUGH!” a strong and imposing voice commanded. Vitrex and Mican obeyed at the sound of his voice. Rayner retreated to Adira’s side, quickly grabbing his scimitars and sheathing them. Adira was still down on the ground, but conscious enough to lift her head and see where the voice came from. Rayner instantly knew the voice and looked straight up. A majestic being of light floated from above and slowly descended as the earthen wall that he had erected crumbled in his presence.


“Captain Enaretos!” Rayner said in astonishment.

“Wh-who is he?” Adira stuttered, still groaning in pain. Rayner helped her up to her feet and put her arm around his shoulder to support her.

“That’s Captain Eneratos, my boss and the leader of our faction.” Rayner explained.

“You should be in fear, evil-doer. You’re in the presence of the strongest immortal among the Righteous.” Mican declared.

“I’m not an evil-doer.” Adira argued.

Eneratos landed gently to the ground and viewed his surroundings as all focused their attention on him.

“Rayner, I’m glad to see you doing well. However, you must step away from that immortal.” Eneratos said.

“Captain, you too!?...tch!...Not until you explain to me what’s going on. This isn’t how we’re supposed to treat strangers” Rayner contended.

“HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO OUR CAPTAIN LIKE THAT? I WILL....” Vitrex barked until he was interrupted.

“Vitrex! It’s alright. Rayner has a right to know.” Eneratos interjected.

“Captain, what’s going on?” Rayner asked angrily.

“Our Fort was infiltrated. A group of three Malefactors came in disguised as one of our members. Most likely those members are probably dead and these Malefactors took their place. We defeated them, but at the cost of three more members.” Eneratos answered.

“That can’t be. Six of our brothers are gone?...kkh...But what does that have to do with Vitrex and the others attacking us like that?” Rayner questioned demandingly.

“Security level was raised. We followed procedure, all unknown immortals are to be assumed dangerous and captured.” Vitrex asserted.

“But Adira wasn’t dangerous. You didn’t even let me explain.” Rayner argued.

“Not dangerous? She stole your scimitars, turned on you and pointed her weapon against us” Vitrex retorted.

“You’re the ones who provoked me! I had to defend myself” Adira argued.

“Adira is right. She didn’t know who to trust. Her actions were justified. It’s you guys that are in the wrong here.” Rayner defended her.

“Why you! The Law must be followed, without it we’re nothing.” Mican interposed wrathfully.

“Not if that law ignores the plight of the innocent. Unjust laws must be broken. There’s no point in following the letter of the law if the spirit of the law is abandoned.” Rayner responded with authority

Eneratos raised his hand to end the quarrel and turns to look at Vitrex and Mican.

“Vitrex! Mican! I understand the pain you two feel for our fallen brethren, but do not let your emotions cloud your judgment when carrying out the law. Remember that we are to serve the good of all, not just ourselves.” Eneratos reasoned as he turned to look at Rayner and Adira. Both Vitrex and Mican nod reluctantly at Eneratos’s rebuke.

“However, though you two may be justified in defending yourselves, the fact still remains that that woman there is still a threat. She even turned on you, Rayner. There is no place here for an immortal that has no trust and loyalty towards his or her companions.” Eneratos maintained.

“Captain, you can’t hold that against her. She’s new to this world. She doesn’t know our ways.” Rayner pleaded.

“Then, tell me, Rayner. Do you trust her to not turn on you again?” Eneratos asked.

Rayner looked at Adira and both looked at each other with seriousness. Rayner looked back at Eneratos and said with no hesitation and full confidence, “On the honor of my family crest, she is trustworthy.”

“The ‘Aima Stavro’ (Blood Cross), I see your friend here is wearing your family crest. To give her such a thing means you do trust her.” Eneratos said.

“I kind of had no choice really.” Rayner said to himself as he laughs inwardly.

“Well then, what do you say, young lady?” Eneratos asked Adira.

“I...I’m sorry Rayner, for treating you the way I did. You’ve helped me three times already and yet I....Right now, you’re the only one I can trust, so I won’t betray that trust again.” Adira declared with a strong voice.

“Well said! Come and let us welcome you properly, Little One. We shall provide you with food and proper clothing befitting a warrior. Rayner, escort her to the healing chamber.” Eneratos commanded.

“Yes, sir.” Rayner replied joyfully. With the situation diffused Eneratos led everyone through the gates of Fort Lighthold.

To be continued....

End song:
Last edited by FreddyCast on Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Davidizer13 » Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:17 am

Dresch Witt sat at a desk, dust wavering aimlessly in the afternoon sunlight. He stared intently at the quill in his hand, brushing the tines of the feather back and forth as he thought of how to finish his next sentence he was writing. The life of a scholar did not come naturally to him, but the Overseer had requested a project on the behavior of humans, based on the various writings they had collected in the Orthodox libraries in Eskran's Tarn. And so the Overseer ordered, so it must be. Dresch stretched in his chair, narrowly missing the stack of books he had been reading for the past week, before putting his pen to paper. "Finished," he muttered to himself, picking up the paper and reading the last few lines to himself.

One of the greater aspects of humanity, like other created animals, is their base desire to reproduce their own kind. This primarily occurs in the context of a lifelong relationship between the two participants in the reproductive event. (I need not elaborate on this portion of their behavior.) However, this desire can be misdirected: rather than being drawn to humans, they may latch on to what is unattainable within their world, beings similar to humans or with human characteristics who are nevertheless not human.

The implications of this statement are obvious: we who are living on Orbis are far different from those who walk upon Earth, and yet we have many aspects of ourselves which a human may find desirable. According to them and their descriptions of our celestial cousins, we are beautiful, we are ageless and deathless, we are pure and faultless, full of unfathomable wisdom, and we are powerful beyond anything which is mortal. We are the antithesis of humanity, and that is why we are desirable to them, despite our inability to reciprocate on that desire meaningfully. What's more, some select few become obsessed with us, creating elaborate mythologies and artistries solely to justify creating theoretical relationships between immortals, as well as between "angels," as they call us, and mankind. For my own part, I find such art overly contrived as they put the existence of these relationships above other, more important elements of their works, just to satisfy their urge to have a place where immortal beings are in love with them.

He looked up from his work, staring straight at the ceiling for a second.

A high-pitched voice cut through his reverie, calling his name. The Overseer needed his presence. Immediately, he stood up and began trotting towards the Overseer's courts, slipping by the other servants and making his way to the door. Inside, he saw the Overseer underneath his desk, still calling for him. He was used to this by now - some called his behaviors strange, but the Overseer must be followed, especially with the oath Dresch had made to serve them, no matter their condition or orders.

"Mighty One, what is the matter? You've been poisoned, haven't you?" He grabbed the cup from the Overseer's desk and poured it out, being sure to drain every last drop.

"No, no, Dresch, calm down. I'm fine. ...No I'm not."

"Then what is the matter?"

"There are things going on not far from here...things that just haven't happened before."

"What kind of things?"

"I-I don't know. Thing things." The Overseer crawled out from under his desk. "I just...I've just been having a bad time. I just don't feel like people listen to me anymore, like I'm just a fiddlehead."

"You mean a fern sprout? Why would you be a fern sprout, Mighty One? This must be the effects of the poison."

"No, just listen, a spy just came back with a report from the Righteous' regions. Something about more monsters? Things falling from the sky? I don't know anymore, I just want people to listen to me, like a proper Overseer, with all the power and everything."

"Mighty One, I will help you! I will go to the Righteous cities, and find what has happened! I am ready to go where you wish."

The Overseer sighed, then rubbed his eyes as he handed over the report that had come in from the scout. With a bow, Dresch skimmed it before stepping out of the room. It seemed simple enough, find what was going on and give a report. Maybe too easy for someone of his caliber. But if it was what the Overseer desired, then it was what he must do. He had his duty and his oaths to uphold.

Leaving the governmental compound, he found a clear courtyard and began his trip. Standing still, he took a deep breath, before pulling his nunchucks from his belt. With deliberate, concentrated motions, he began to spin them, slowly at first, but eventually picking up blinding speed. He threw his arms over his head, whirling them even faster, slowly rotating himself in the direction of the Righteous' kingdom. Carefully, he crouched, with the flails still whirling above him. Then he snapped his arms downward.

There was a flash, and a rush of air, and Dresch was gone, a speck in the air gliding over the hills south of Eskran's Tarn, past the capitol and the open fields and rivers, over the Hagios Mountains and into Righteous territory, in a matter of minutes...
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Sun Oct 19, 2014 10:39 am

Just so everyone is wondering, people are still free to submit their characters and join our adventure for the next two weeks.

And a great start, Davidizer. I'm loving your characters already :thumb:
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Oct 19, 2014 12:49 pm

The tree was tall, standing high over the barren country. Its bark had turned white, leading one to think it may be dead. There were still plenty of green leaves adorning its crown, but many were turning brown now. Surely it was only so much longer till it was finally dead and gone.

A figure appeared on the horizon, a man in black just shambling forward, his eyes dim and unfocused as if in a dream. He stared at the tree, blinking sleepily as he regarded the white wonder towering over him. Slowly, as if dazed, he raised his hand and reached for the pale trunk. As his hand came to rest against it, small leaves were released from a long knife wound in the tree's side. They swirled around his hand, going up his arm, and spun around his head. Slowly, the dimness was replaced by clarity. His eyes widened, his body tensed up, and he suddenly screamed. The agonized cry traveled across the empty plain, followed by another, and another. He screamed as though his very soul was dying. From the look of horror, the hate, the rage, the madness that filed his eyes, it may very well have been. Then he stiffened, cut off mid-scream. He hung there a moment, and time itself seemed to hold its breath. He collapsed in a heap, hardly moving, barely even breathing.

The leaves spun around the body once more, then were whisked away by the wind, vanishing into the distance.

He stirred, the propped his arms to push himself up. His eyes burned with the mad light of insanity, only to be replaced by cold reason. Slowly, he lowered his head to stare at his hands, then looked up into the crown of the towering tree.

"So this is..." he shook his head softly, features twisted in confusion. "How can I...Why do I...." His hands reached up, resting on either side of his head. A deep pain filled him. "Holes...holes in the memory. Was she right then?" He grit his teeth. Hints of madness crept into his eyes. He giggled, then blinked, startles; the madness fled. Eyes narrowed, he rubbed his temples, thinking hard. Suddenly, he smiled.

"So that's the game...Thats what you meant." He laughed. "I'll be!" Still laughing, he shook his head wryly. "Well then, its timei rejoined thw the game. Lets find out if you're a better player than I am."

Standing, he brushed himself off. He smiled at the old tree, feeling a deep connection to it. Both were against incredible odds, would they survive it? Chuckling as hints of madness danced behind his eyes, he turned to get his bearings. The way he had come would be foolish, it was solidly their territory now. To the west...that should be a Righteous city. He decided against that, as he did not feel like playing with the Righteous at the moment. So, East it was. He began to walk then, his mind made up.

She had said that the age of reason was over, that the time of insanity had come.

Well, we'll see about that.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Oct 19, 2014 2:13 pm

The men laughed and were merry, dancing, drinking and brawling as whim took them. All did as they pleased, celebrating with reckless abandon.

And why not? It had been a splendid victory.

She sat apart from them, just watching. She seemed tense as the Independents celebrated, her hands tightening and relaxing by turns. Finally, she released a long, pent up breath, and the tension seemed to escape from her. She sat down by the small fire, just watching.

It had been a glorious victory. The Malefactors had been broken, and those who didn't flee had been destroyed thoroughly. A royal win for the Independents. She felt no sorrow, no regret, thinking of those who had passed on, those who had been her friends, her people. She felt nothing for them, for she had made her choice. There was no room for regret. If she allowed regrets, then she would never be successful.

A man appeared behind her, tall and dark. He wore fine clothes. A cloth was wrapped around his head, including his left eye. He came an sat next to her, watching. A new kind of tension filled her, though this time there was nothing to show it. He remained silent, so did she. She studied him sidelong, trying to get a feel for what he may want this time.

"So?" he said suddenly, startling her. She blinked, the secret safe behind the mask. His head turned, and he regarded her with an odd smile. His visible eye was red, framed by the dark hair that fell over his face.

"So what?" she responded in a dead-pan tone. His smile grew.

"Your first fight, and against your old people. How do you feel?"

"I did what I pleased," she replied. "I killed. I enjoyed it. Why else would I do it? They are just faces, nothing more."

He nodded softly. "Of course. They're just faces. They meant nothing to you, really. Except, of course, for one."

She remained quiet. He nodded softly. "I saw him too, you know. How did that go?"

"I...lost him," she said finally. "I tried to reason with him, and he seemed to be listening. Then we were pulled apart."

"I see." He shook his head softly, his eye glowing brightly. "I understand how you feel. But, if you meet again, you are not to hesitate. I know him, he will not come. If you hesitate this time, I will kill you."

"I know." She raised her head, turning to face him. He could not see her expression, it showed only in her eyes and they were safe. "I must prove myself to you, after all. Until he is dead, you won't trust me." She smiled disarmingly. "I will make you trust me, Master Liez."

He nodded, standing. "Then I look forward to then, Aeris. Enjoy the night." and he vanished among the others.

Aeris remained where she was, her mind on the past battle, and the one she loved. Had he escaped her hand only to die at another's? The thought filled her with dread.

"You play a tense game, as Luce would say," she told herself. Her fingers probed the soft cloth over her eyes, remembering. " alive...Chaos grant you will come to my side, and I won't have to kill you."
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:13 pm

OOC- This is an incomplete post. By God's grace i'll try to post the rest of it tomorrow. I have to go to my nephew's birthday today.

Hallway of Beginnings

(Within the healing chamber, Adira is standing on the side of the bed wearing her new clothes, brown pants with a belt and a star shaped buckle, a red crop top with the torn white cape over it with the red cross symbol on her chest. She looks at her stomach amazed that her wound is completely healed. A woman in medical dress comes in the healing chamber and approaches her)

“Are you feeling better now?” the woman asks

“Yes, yes. So much better. My wound, it’s gone. And my battle wounds are healed too.” Adira says astonished.

“I’m glad! It took so much out of me to get you back in tip top shape.” The woman smiles exhausted.

“You healed me? (The woman nods) Thank you! May I ask what’s your name?” Adira queried.

“It’s Althea! It’s nice to meet you, Adira. I see you’re in your new clothes I provided. Though why are you still wearing Rayner’s cape? It’s completely tattered.” Althea wondered.

Adira caresses the white cape as she contemplates on her answer, “It reminds me of what Rayner did for me. The trust he put in me. Even after the unpleasant way I treated him, he trusted in a total stranger, putting his honor on the line. I wish to follow his example....Honor and trust! Yes! That’s what this cape means to me.” she smiled confidently.

“I see! Rayner is always willing to put his neck out for someone. He did for me. Hahaha *sigh* Still he risks his life for others too often without regard for himself. Please make sure to watch out for him. We’ve lost too many of our comrades today.” Althea says saddened.

Adira grabs one end of the white cape and holds it out in front of her with her fist clenched, “I promise on the honor of Rayner’s family crest, I will protect him.” She proclaimed resolutely.

“Thank you! Now, Captain Eneratos wishes to speak with you. He’ll be waiting outside this chamber in the hallway.” Althea said.

“Thank you again!” Adira said.

“It was my pleasure. Be careful next time”. Althea advised. Adira nodded and left the chamber. 10 feet away was Captain Eneratos standing in the middle of the hallway. He was no longer the majestic being of light that he was when he first appeared outside the gate. He looked handsome with a stubby beard and dressed immaculately as a General of an army.

“Ah, you’re finally healed. And I see you’re still wearing the cape. The ‘Aima Stavro’ suits you.” Eneratos said.

“Um, Captain Eneratos?” Adira puzzled.

“Yes, it’s me. I know I look different, but that’s only because my power is not manifested at the moment. Come and follow me for a while. I need to explain to you the ways of Orbis.” Eneratos directed.

Both Eneratos and Adira walk side by side in the huge marbled hallway as they pass by statues and painting on the walls itself of the heroic actions immortals have undertaken.

“You can see from the sculptures and murals that Orbis is a dangerous and violent place. The things we’ve endured, the sacrifices we made. Even today, the losses that occurred were done to keep the enemy from obtaining something valuable.” Eneratos revealed.

“Who were they?” Adira asked

“Friends, loved ones, and good subordinates. Gantem, Fetris, Petro, Landen, Corso, Sia. (Eneratos clenches his fists) I wasn’t here when it happened. I was arriving from the Verum Council in Veritas City. If I had been here sooner Death would not have come to my Fort.” Eneratos sighed.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” Adira faltered.

“Thank you, Little One. But one should not lose strength over things that are not under one’s control. There is no one to fault but those that committed the atrocities. But more to the point, Orbis was not always like this. In the beginning, when we immortals were once part of the heavenly host, there was no hostility, there was no death. But when we fell, we were sent here to this world, a world where we were cut off from both Heaven and Earth. But our connection to Earth was not entirely erased. Immmortal Seers could peer into the wonders and achievements Man had done on Earth. We learned from them and came to imitate their cultures, their societies, their way of life. We immortals are more like humans than our own celestial brothers and sisters that sent us here. Our faults, our struggles, our sufferings...our sins...all a reflection of these humans. And yet, our spiritual heritage is both a blessing and a curse. Our powers are our only connection to our former selves, but the source of those powers, our spiritual essence, is also the cause for the corruption of this world.” Eneratos explained.

“Monsters!” Adira added.

“Exactly! These monsters feed off the excess spiritual essence that our bodies could not contain. And they attack us for the spiritual essence that remain in us. We immortals were close to annihilating them. Lately, however, more and more of them are appearing. It’s as if they are getting their sustenance from something other than us and our residual essence. And I believe I know from who it is they are feeding from.” Eneratos says with a troubled look.
“What do you mean, ‘who’?” Adira perplexed.

“...The Slanderers, our fallen cousins who torment the humans on Earth.” Eneratos disclosed.

End Song:
Last edited by FreddyCast on Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:38 pm, edited 4 times in total.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:36 pm

OOC- Alright, time to introduce my second character, Avira.

The Purpose of Chaos

Out in the middle of the open grass fields of Katharo stands two groups of Immortals facing each other. Their stares intense, their countenances focused and serious towards each other. One, in spotless and brilliant blue armor with detailed pattern engravings, speaks up.

“This has not occurred since the beginning of our factions founding. And now we meet again. As one!” Kantor proclaimed.

“The Liberators and Independents together again against a common enemy, the Sybaritics. Well, at least 10 of your Liberator comrades and 12 of mine. But don’t fool yourself, Kantor. This is only a temporary alliance.” Lustus added.

“I know! The current leader of the Sybaritics will be here. Hadriax is it? I hear he took his position by assassinating the former leader of the Sybaritics.” Kantor said.

“It’s to be expected. They aren’t exactly team players. It’s a wonder why they haven’t been eliminated. And this new leader will fall just like the rest of them. His terror ends today.” Lustus smirked.

Then a shadow came and covered the other end of the open field and out came a dark grotesque figure whose spiritual energy was so strong that it blurred and obscured his true appearance.


“Speak of the devil!” Lustus said concerningly.

“Such a massive spiritual energy! I can barely make out his form.” Kantor said in a troubled manner.

“Alright, it’s time to end his existence.” Lustus said confidently.

“Wait, Lustus. No one is with him. Is he truly going to face all of us by himself?” Kantor questioned worryingly.

“Like I said, Kantor, they don’t do groups. It’s part of the reason why their numbers are dwindling. Don’t tell me you’re afraid of one man.” Lustus smiles smuggingly.

“Tch! None of us are...but he’s still the leader of the most vile faction. (He turns to address his Liberator comrades). Listen up, our foe may be one man, but he’s dangerous nonetheless. Do not let your guard down for even a second. (As the Liberators shout their battle cry, he turns to address the black-cloaked woman holding her katana in her hand.) Avira, stay close to me. This can turn ugly very fast.” Kantor said.

“Don’t worry, Boss. I won’t let him near you.” Avira said firmly. Yet Kantor gave her a look as if to say that he’s not worried about himself.


Then all surround the Sybaritic in their battle stances and weapons directed towards him. One by one they charge at him. One shoots arrows of ice, and another slams his hammer to the ground shooting out plant like spikes from the ground towards the enemy’s direction. Suddenly, the icy arrows disintegrate to nothing and the spiky plants rot in the foe’s presence. With one 360 swing of his huge sword a burst of spiritual energy blows the Liberators and Independents back, leaving them impressed by his spiritual power. The foe suddenly speaks with a raspy and gruff voice.

“It amazes me that supposed followers of chaos would fight with purpose and meaning. Fools all of you. You don’t understand what true chaos is.” Hadriax asserted.

The Liberators and Independents regained their composure attacked again. But no matter what powers they used, machinery, elemental, psychic, sensory, spiritual, etc, it all wavered and failed in his presence. The two factions tried a more direct approach, getting up close and personal. Clash of steel and fist came from all directions but each time was as if they were losing strength the more they fought him in close combat. Among all the Liberators and Independents, only Avira with her teleportation was causing trouble for Hadriax as he could not attack her, but only defend himself against her aggressive Katana attacks. Still Hadriax managed to grab a Liberator by the head and break his neck with ease.

“MORSY!” Avira yelled in shock. Hadriax grinned at Avira’s reaction to Morsy’s death.

“Why is it that you Liberators care and find meaning in your ‘friends’. Their life, their death is meaningless. It’s a hindrance to your freedom when you worry and care for the other’s freedom. You limit your own freedom when you fight to protect others. And this will be the end result.” Hadriax throws Morsy’s lifeless body infront of everyone.

“YOU MONSTER!” Avira shouts in anger. Again the two factions attack Hadriax, but their direct approach again fails and an independent is stabbed in the heart by Hadriax's sword.

“SENO, NO”. Lustus yells at the site of his comrades death. Hadriax kicks Seno’s body off his sword with tremendous force that it lands in front of Lustus’s feet.

“Independents! A joke to the path of chaos. You too find meaning and purpose in your ‘allies’ as long as it helps you and your ‘cause’. You live by the basic belief that there is no meaning to life, but like the hypocrites that you are, you force meaning into your own lives in the face of a meaningless universe.” Hadriax declares.

“SHUT UP! YOUR WORDS MEAN NOTHING.” Lustus yells as he rallies everyone to keep attacking Hadriax. But one by one, the Liberators and Independents keep losing their comrades at the hands of Hadriax in brutal and quick fashion, till all that is left is Lustus, Kantor, and Avira.

“I’m surprised that you three would keep fighting me in your wasn’t being honest with you earlier. I too fight for a purpose. Being leader of the Sybaritics was done for the mere whim of desire, not for the promotion of my faction. And yet it suits me that I be a leader, so as to bring about my purpose. And my purpose is....” Hadriax holds out his hands and creates a dark ball of energy, one that begins to suck all things inside. The bodies of fallen comrades begin to violently be sucked into the dark ball of energy.”

“....NOTHING!” Hadriax proclaims.

“My God! We got to retreat.” Kantor commanded.

“What kind of monster is he?” Lustus stood there in fear. Kantor and Avira tried to leave, but the gravitational pull was too strong. Avira stabbed her katana to the ground in order to hold on and not be sucked up by Hadriax’s blackhole. She stretched her hand to Kantor and he grabbed it just in time. Lustus took his huge polearm and did the same as Avira so as to not be sucked either.

“I am an agent of true chaos. I destroy and am destroyed. In this fleeting life I do as I please, take what I want, and care for no one. I am the very essence of true chaos. And I will bring about nothingness to Orbis. No more pain, no more sufferings....Just the Void” Hadriax proclaims as he laughs maniacally.

Kantor begins to lose his grip. “Avira, listen, let me go. The gravitional force is getting stronger. You have to teleport out of here now.” Kantor commands frantically.

“NO, I won’t leave you like this.” Avira says as her eyes begin to water.

“You have to, for all of us. Please, you must live, Avira.” Kantor begs. He let’s go of her hand and gets sucked by Hadriax’s blackhole. Lustus then looks at Avira who is in pain at the loss of Kantor.

“Avira, hear me out. I never much cared for you Liberators. Self-Righteous idiots the lot of you...But make sure you make my fellow comrades know of what happened...Make sure you avenge us.” Lustus demands. Then his polearm breaks and gets sucked in to the Blackhole. Avira teleports at the last minute and lands in the middle of a celebration party in the midst of a group of Independents. Her strength almost gone, she passes out.

End Song:
Last edited by FreddyCast on Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
My Manga Story "The Fallen Rise"
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Davidizer13 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:18 pm

Dresch made a light-footed landing, not far from Fort Lighthold, deep in the country of the Righteous. He was inconspicuous in the forests, looking like any other traveler on the greatroads that crossed Orbis' more lawful regions. From where he stood, he could see the original fort, standing high above the city that was built around it, a strong bastion against the creatures that sometimes appeared out of the northern deserts. And if that weren't enough, the wall around the city was an achievement on its own. The first time he saw it, years ago, Dresch had to catch his breath - despite all the strict policies governing construction in the Orthodox lands, or because of them, they had never worked up the force necessary to build anything quite like it, at least, above ground. And despite the impending threats and their laws on a host of other things, the Righteous didn't seem to mind much about people coming and going. Perhaps, Dresch speculated, it was because that by showing the world their glory, it might be swayed to join their side, something Dresch had briefly considered in his less settled times before drawing his thoughts a little tighter around himself...

He meandered through its clean, organized streets, deep into the center of the city, not far from the fortress at its center. His contact had a favorite inn there, something more common among the Righteous than the Orthodox thanks to their obsession with the foolishness of "charity" and "hospitality" over the purity that adherence to personal honor and filial piety would bring about, holding travel to what was necessary and not staying overnight, not using a stranger's roof for shelter. His contact thought differently, but she was wrong.

"Sybilla," he muttered, sliding into the chair across from her.

She was flipping through a set of pages, covered in notes, drawings, calculations...all written in a way that signified a mind more cluttered than an Orthodox probably should be. "Dresch," she said, not looking up from her work.

"We received your message back in Eskran's Tarn."

"Clearly. So you know of the disturbances occurring in the country we're in right now?"

"Yes! Do you know what's been causing it?"

"You can forget about it." Dresch leaned back in shock, not wanting to look Sybilla in the eye. But she reached over and turned his head back into hers. She whispered, "There is something far more important happening here," waving her free hand above her notes. "This could shake up the whole of Orbis! All of it! Tell me, can you read Commonwealth? The human language?"

Dresch was bewildered. "Ah, uh, barely. But what does that have to do with-"

Sybilla put her finger to his lips. "I have a human book. I found it in an old, dusty library not far from here. It's unlike anything else I've ever heard of or seen before! Look!" She took up her notes, and tapped them into a neat stack, before reaching into her messengers' bag and pulling out the book - it was surprisingly slim for a book of its size, and oddly shiny. There was a drawing of an intricate mechanism, as if it could latch closed, but it was only printed on, along with a few words in Commonwealth. Sybilla had marked off sections of it with paper tabs, which she opened to and passed over to Dresch while she dug through her own notes for the corresponding page translation. "You see this?" She pointed to a few paragraphs. "This predicts the world of Orbis, and the different factions. Look, here's the part talking about us- I mean, um, the Orthodox!" And between her translation and what little Commonwealth Dresch knew, she was right. And above that, a section about the Righteous, as far as he could tell.

Dresch stared in wonder at the book, its glossy, colorful pages coated in long blocks of words in a human language, indecipherable tables of numbers, drawings of humans - or immortals? - and creatures who were not quite human, fighting horrible monsters, using powers, having festivals and working in laboratories... All of it bewildered him, how humans could create something so strange, and so beautiful. Nothing in it was quite like anything he had seen before in any of his research about humans, but certainly not for lack of trying, he told himself.

"Stay with me," said Sybilla, "and I will show you something greater. There is much I don't understand about this book, but it tells of something else I find highly mysterious, maybe even dangerous. Can you leave the Overseer, only for a couple days?"

Dresch thought about the condition he had been left in. He was in one of his moods again, and considered going back for a time to make sure he would be fine...then again, the Overseer seemed to have those moods quite often. "I am sure he will be fine. He always is."

"And are you sure this is something you can hold to without breaking any of the dozens of oaths you've got laying around?"

The way she asked this rubbed Dresch the wrong way, which meant it was something to keep an eye on. "My oath is to the Overseer, but to do what is greatest to uphold the Lawful Path above all. To leave your research and what it might mean, would be to betray the greater oath. I am here to support the cause to which I am sworn, regardless of who I have sworn it to." And if nothing else, he thought, monitoring an informant would be another excellent excuse for his remaining here, to confirm that Sybilla was as committed as he was. "I will support you in this."

"Then I can tell you of the greatest thing I have found. There is a ninth faction of immortals, predicted in the book!" She flipped to the relevant section, and sure enough...a ninth group, like the eight that existed, but slightly different nonetheless. "You may not be as good of a translator of the language itself," she ribbed, "but you might be able to help me with the flow, to make sure it reads enough so that even your Overseer could understand." Again, was she going back on her oaths? With a half-hearted grin, he followed her, mysterious book in hand, up the stairs to her room, where she had the rest of her notes...
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Sat Nov 01, 2014 8:22 am

In time, he found a city, one he recalled to be a Malefactor one. Gratefully, he hurried towards it. Two guards, well armed, came out to meet him. One stood in front, while the other took position behind.

"Halt! State your name and business."

Lucian paused, glanced between the two, then smiled disarmingly. "Lucian Ravening, Malefactor. I have business in the city."

The one behind him shook his head. "Nice and simple. You got any proof?"

Lucian shrugged. "Give my name to Handred, he'll recognize it."

The guard in front stiffened. "Handred is dead. Died a week ago."

Lucian blinked, stunned. But...Handred had been alive before the fight, and that had been, what, a day ago? Or...had he been wandering, dazed, for longer than he'd thought? If only his memory wasn't so fuzzy...trying not to let on, he said, "Well, Gamaliel then, surely he's still around?"

The two conferred a moment, then the first told him to wait and entered the city. Lucian crossed his arms and remained silent, trying to think. If he'd been gone a week...what had changed? Who was in power? Who had taken Handred's place? Furthermore, and most important, how did this affect the game Lucian played? He smiled slowly, suddenly feeling eager, like a child. Who knew what opportunities awaited him now?

The guard reappeared, followed by another man who Lucian remembered. The instant this man saw him, he pushed the guard out of the way and ran to him. "Lucian, you sly old devil! You survived after all!"

Lucian clasped the offered hand, smiling. "You seriously thought I'd die in a simple skirmish like that?" he asked with a wry smile. "You have no faith in me at all, do you, you old coot."

"Come in, quickly. We've much to speak of." Gamaliel led him past the guard, who seemed chastened. Lucian waved cheekily at him, then forgot him as he focused on the city before him. It was a Malefactor city, tinged with distrust. Though they were all on the same side, they all knew the other was out only for their own gain. It was not a place for the naïve.

Watching Gamaliel, it occurred to Lucian that his guide and old friend was unusually tense. That was unlike him, who was usually so relaxed. How drastically had the game changed, Lucian wondered, pondering the potential meanings.

Gamaliel led him to the large headquarters of the Malefactor leaders, or at least the ones in charge of holding this city. The walls were black stone, and quite thick; they were quite soundproof even if they were bare. They entered a room, and Gamaliel shut the door, firmly bolting it.

"You seem to have done quite well for yourself," Lucian commented. "A place of leadership, finally. I'm sure you're overjoyed."

"Now? You kidding? With people vacating for the strongholds and leaving us little men to hold the forts and take the fallout when things go down? Well, at least its not boring, I'll give it that." He shook his head in disgust as he took a chair. "Still, it I can pull us through, I could gain much more power for myself, so I suppose its worth the thrills and the risks. Now please, sit down! Tell me, where've you been keeping yourself this past week?" What happened during the fight?"
"First off, how long has it been, exactly, since we fought that battle with the Independents?" Lucian asked. Gamaliel eyed him strangely, but answered. Lucian was floored; it had been a week. Biting his lip, he asked, "How did Handred die? And how bad was the fallout?"

"Pretty bad. The Independents had their strongest charging, and everyone was suddenly gripped with the recognition of their own mortality. The few who held their ground were instantly slaughtered. Handred stayed with them till the very end." He sighed, shaking his head. "A terrible loss for us. He was one of the best." Lucina didn't answer. Gamaliel leaned forward. "Talk, Lucian. I can tell something happened. You can trust me, you know, you've done it before. Is it her? Did you have to kill her?"

"I...I don't know." Lucian stared at Gamaliel a moment, then spoke. "I don't remember, I hardly remember the fight at all. I remember seeing her standing with someone else, but for the life of me I can't remember who the person was or what happened after."

Gamaliel studied him closely, eyes narrowed. "That's unfortunate. Is it possible she did something to you? She did know her poisons."


Gamaliel shook his head, chuckling grimly. "I do not envy you, Lucian Ravenwing."

Lucian shook his head wryly. "Mine is a long road, I accepted that a long time ago." He stared thoughtfully at the wall, thinking. "Perhaps I should 'work' again, and get a feel for the new playing field."

"Humph. Sure. Why don't you take over Malefactor leadership while you're at it? You've more chance there then to get into Independent forces. We just fought, for the shadows' sake! There's no way."

"There are more factions than the Independents. If perhaps we could find weakness, or sympathy, we can either take new turf or make allies to recover old turf. I can bide my time till I can find my way into the Independent lot."

"You'll be hung."

"Oh, I've dealt with worse. You try dealing with an assassin who's job you just botched, and you'll understand why I fear very little anymore."

Now Gamaliel burst out laughing. "Ah, yes, I remember that!" Shaking his head, he grinned at Lucian. "So, where do you intend to go?"

"Here's the idea..."
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:50 pm

Unfinished Business

“...The Slanderers, our fallen cousins who torment the humans on Earth.” Eneratos disclosed.

“Slan...der...ers...” Adira says brokenly as she suddenly begins to feel a sharp pain in her head and over her body and wraps her arms around her shoulders. “Uhgh..mmm...hhaaarr” Avira moans in pain and collapses to her knees.

“Adira!? Are you alright? What’s wrong?” Eneratos asks concerningly.

“I...know...them...arrgghhh...” Adira groans intensely and falls down face first. Eneratos turns and yells out in the hallway, “ALTHEA, COME OVER HERE AT ONCE! (Eneratos lowers himself to his knees) What’s the matter Adira? Tell me?” Eneratos asks anxiously.

“I see them....their faces....why am I....haaaaaahhh” Adira wails in agony.

“Listen to me, whatever you are seeing, block it from your mind. Don’t think anymore, clear your mind.” Eneratos instructs her. Adira does as he says and slowly the pain she feels fades and she starts to take deep breaths. Althea soon comes into Eneratos sight.

“What’s the emergency, Captain?” Althea asks frantically. Eneratos lifts Adira up and puts her arm around his shoulder.

“It’s ok now, I think. Please help Adira to her feet and take her back to the healing chamber.” Eneratos directs, but Adira protests.

“, I’m fine. I just...have to keep ‘them’ away from my thoughts” She says weakly.

“But you can barely stand.” Althea extends her hand towards her, but Adira slaps her hand away.

“I SAID NO! (breathes heavily) I’m sorry. I’m fine, really. Please, just let me be.” Adira begs. Althea looks at Eneratos for an answer.

“It’s fine, Althea. Give her some space. I can take it from here.” Eneratos says.

“Yes, Captain. Please don’t hesitate to call me.” Althea bows and takes her leave without complaint.

“Are you alright now?” Eneratos asks worryingly.

“I said I’m fine.” Adira feels agitated and stands up by herself, distancing herself from Eneratos.

“I see...It’s no surprise that you may know of the Slanderers seeing as you may have encountered them in your former celestial life, but it seems that someone or something is keeping you from remembering your former life. A mystery indeed...hmm...No matter! Come then, I still need to show you around.” Eneratos says.

Both of them reach to the outer courts and Adira sees the training grounds where she finds Rayner sparring with four Righteous members in hand to hand combat. His attacks are so unorthodox and his movements so fast and majestic. His fighting style is almost as if he’s dancing around his opponents. He sweep kicks one, roundhouse kicks another, jump heel kicks the next, and back-flip kicks the last all in two seconds.

“What kind of fighting is that?” Adira asked.

“It’s a human martial arts style. Capoeira, I believe! Rayner is prolific in many fighting styles. This is one of the many fighting styles he’s learned throughout the ages. It mainly emphasizes kicks in offensive attacks and evasive maneuvers rather than blocking in defense. It’s quick and complex moves combined with speed and power make for very effective combat techniques.” Eneratos explains.

Impressed by Rayner’s performance, Adira feels an urge to fight. “Let me spar. I wish to join in their training.”

“You do?...Well, I sure am curious to know of your skills and powers. Very well!” Eneratos says. He calls out Rayner with a wave of his hand and Rayner gladly approaches his Captain.

“Rayner, your friend wishes to train. Teach her what you know and....” Eneratos is interrupted.

“Captain, allow me to duel this...outsider” Mican interjects.

“Wait a minute. Outsider? What’s your problem, Mican?” Rayner asks, irritated by Mican’s rude interruption.

“There’s no problem, my brother. I merely speak the truth. We’re all ‘outsiders’, abandoned by Heaven and forgotten by all creation. But she is much more an outsider than all of us. She is not a ‘Righteous’. She is not one of us and she dares to challenge us as if she belonged here.” Mican replies.

“Where I belong is with the one I trust. I have chosen his path as mine. The path of honor and trust.” Adira declares as she puts her fist on her chest, pointing to the red cross, the ‘Aima Stavro'.

Mican, with a confused countenance, looks at Rayner. “Have you made this delusional woman your girlfriend, Rayner?” Mican asks curiously.

“What?? Wait, she’s just a friend, that’s all” Rayner said uncomfortably.

“That’s right, I am his girlfriend.” Adira proclaimed.

“Huh?” Rayner puzzled. Mican looks at her in complete disbelief and then facepalms his face.

“Unbelievable, this outsider doesn’t even know what ‘girlfriend’ means. But I guess it’s to be expected of you, Rayner, to befriend the weird ones. You really are naïve and trusting.” Mican laughs.

“Enough! I don’t get what your deal is, but I won’t stand by and let you make fun of my friend. I will gladly fight you.” Adira declared.

“Then it’s decided, Adira and Mican will duel.” Eneratos proclaimed. Rayner shows a look of disapproval of the current situation, but nonetheless takes out his two scimitars, both of which now have a part of his red sash tied around the handles.

“Take these! I think you’ve grown attached to them. So...uhh...they’re yours.” Rayner says as he gives them to Adira.

“Thank you, Rayner. It would be an honor to wield them in battle.” Adira replies happily.

Both Mican and Adira make their way to the training ground fully equipped and face each other.

“We finally get to finish our fight with no one to interfere. I’ll be sure to make this very painful for you.” Mican grins.

“To take pleasure in your opponent’s suffering is not very honorable of you. I’ll be sure to break your pride swiftly.” Adira retorts.

“Don’t you dare lecture me...(He takes out his double-edge axe and long bow)...OUTSIDER.” Mican yells as he discharges electricity from his weapons.


“You think you’re the only one with lightning powers...hmhmhm...think again” Mican grins.

End Song:

(Here's an example of Capoeira:
Last edited by FreddyCast on Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:27 pm

OOC - Sorry about the long wait, I made the mistake of joining Nano XD Which has taken up the majority of my writing time, but I'm throwing this together to make sure you know I'm still in.

Standing outside the building, he found small doubts waiting for him. The worst possible timing, considering what he had planned. There were too many holes in his memory now, what if he'd forgotten something important? One mistake could end everything.

Shaking his head, he forced these thoughts from his mind. He'd been through many tight situations before, some more tense and unlikely than what he had planned now. He made it through them alive, he could make this.

Though he never had so many uncertainties before. Even Gamaliel was a little uncertain of current affairs, being busy trying to recover a dying city. It would be challenging going in with little foreknowledge. He liked a challenge.

I have little to tell you, but I'm sure you can make use of it, Gamaliel had said. The Independents allied with the Liberators in an effort to break the Sybaritics, but they failed and lost their leaders. That's word on the street, anyway. This has the other factions interested, so you might be able to use this to your advantage.

Such fun.

He laughed suddenly, surprising a passerby, then hurried toward the gate. Without challenge, he left the city and entered the wasteland, soon alone and beyond the city's sight. He glanced back, making sure he couldn't see the city anymore, then threw back his head and laughed. Traces of insanity flecked his eyes, the light in them unreal.

"That city," he breathed. "Was tight. Its so nice and open out here ... I wonder where we'll go next. So many options, where to start? Should I visit the Sybaritics? What about the Orthodox? Or maybe even the Ascendants? Maybe," he grinned nastily. "I should go see the Liberators. The Independents are last, so I suppose they'll have recovered once I reach them. Oh well, more fun that way." He shuddered suddenly, and reason returned to his eyes. He stared forward blankly a moment, stumbling to a stop. Then he shook his head and rubbed his temples.

"Strange..." he shook his head. "Where should I many options." Snorting, he chose a direction and started walking. "Guess whoever I reach first."
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:42 pm

Chains of Fate

Avira awakens to the sound of water dripping from the ceiling and trickling down the small grate. She lays on the dusty rock-solid floor and her breathing is all she can hear. She slowly gets up and quickly realizes that her hands have been chained as the clang of the chains echoes in her cell.


Stripped of her weapons she looks around to see where she is. She walks over to the bars and grabs them. Outside are many cells with shadowy and destitute figures in them. The smell of despair and suffering covers every inch of this labyrinth of a prison. From the corner of her eye is a man covered in tattered rags and huddled in a corner. His long unkempt hair hides his dirt covered face. Around his arms and legs are scars and fresh wounds, like he had gone through a recent lashing. Most likely he was covered in such wounds all over his body. The unsightly man raises his head to look at the confused Avira staring at him with focused eyes. His own eyes glow white in the dark, which catches her attention and puts her guards up ready for anything.

“I see you are awake. You look...divine. The first comely thing that I’ve seen in this God forsaken place.” The man gripes. He realizes the woman is wary of him, almost with killer intent.

“Don’t be frightened, miss belle. I’m the least of your’s start by sharing names. My name is Nova Cass. And yours, miss belle?” Nova asks.

“...Avira...Avira Elutheria” she says hesitatingly.

“Avira, eh” Nova gets up, which makes Avira tense up and take a combat stance.

“Haha, fighting me will do you no good...I’m no challenge to you. I’ve heard of you before. Avira the Ghost. A Liberator, but not just a Liberator, a rogue of the ‘Dark Storm’. A group of assassins that kill the corrupt and tear down governments for the ‘good of the people’.” Nova reveals.

Startled at Nova’s knowledge of her she demands, “Who are you? How do you know about me? Speak quickly and I promise to make your death painless.” Avira threatens.

“With you chained like that, you won’t be able to do much. Those chains are imbued with spiritual energy that inhibits you from using your power. Otherwise, you would have gotten out with your teleportation by now. But you can’t.” Nova says.

“How...just how do you know about me and my powers?” Avira asks. Nova looks at her with eyes full of anger. His fists clench for a while, but then let’s go of this unpleasant emotion.

“Let’s just say I’m a ‘big’ fan. Before I ended up here, I was researching you...and other stuff.” Nova explains.

“You mean you’ve been stalking me” Avira asserts with an unsettling feeling towards him. Nova smiles at her accusation against him.

“You can say that. I’m a Benefactor. My research on the ‘Messengers’ has landed me here, and I’ve been tortured for days now because it. I seem to have lost feeling all over my body. That or I’ve become immune to pain. I’d like to believe the latter” Nova laughs, but he instantly jerks and grabs his chest, “haha...guess not...Still hurts...(He takes a deep breath)...So what brings you here to my humble abode, miss belle?” Nova asks

“My people....are gone....I came here to warn the Independents of the danger that the leader of the Sybaritics poses.” Avira discloses.

“Really!? The Sybaritics a threat? That’s hard to believe.” Nova shrugs.

“It’s true, Hadriax, the current leader is far more powerful, far more dangerous than any immortal I’ve ever faced. He took on 22 of the most elite immortals I’ve known....‘Dark Storm’ is no more...Kantor!” Avira says with tears in her eyes.

“Then that means you’re the last of ‘Dark Storm’.” Nova says with surprised gladness.

“I sense you’re joy over the demise of my friends.” Avira becomes wrathful.

“Of course I am. But that just leaves you.” Nova grins.

“Who are you really?” Avira asks with curiosity.

Suddenly some guards come over and beat on the bars of Avira’s cell.

“Hey, you! Liberator scum! The boss wants to speak with you.” A guard says.

“Yes please take me to him! (Avira turns to look at Nova) I hope I don’t see you again. Because if I do, you’re dead.” Avira threatens.

“Trust me, we’ll meet again, Avira Elutheria. You’re special to me. Like when a customer finds his favorite fruit, (Nova holds out his hands as if to stroke something) and says, ‘hey those are some nice melo....” Nova stops before he says something embarrassing, “A-anyways, we’ll meet again, miss belle.” He then mumbles to himself as he grabs and shakes his head and goes back to his corner, “Why did I say that? She’s the enemy.”

Avira looks on confused at his odd behavior, yet still infuriated at him. One of the guards forcefully grabs her and pushes her in front of them, telling her to move.

Avira listens to the guards' directions as they take many turns in this maze of a prison. Finally, they arrive at the wardens’ office and inside awaits the warden of the prison as well as the leader of the Independents. The leader speaks with an intimidating voice.

“My name is Liez, Master of the Independents in this area. You interrupted our celebration with your presence. But since you came here with battle wounds, I’m certain it was for some very important reason. Tell me what that reason is, Liberator, and maybe I’ll let you live to rot in this jail.” Liez demanded.
Last edited by FreddyCast on Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:42 pm

OOC - So...fooling with my folks again Freddy?

Perched up in the tree branch hanging over the main gate, Aeris watched the people passing through. She'd received a summons herself, but she had decided to try and see what she could discern from the others answering. Most of them were pretty important, which was only to be expected, but the small delegation representing the diplomats were arriving as well. Was Liez considering an alliance? If so, with whom?

Climbing down a little ways, Aeris jumped, landing on the opposite side. Standing, ignoring the states of the men entering, she started for the building, the warden's home in this case. There were still people partying in the garden, much to her personal disgust. How much longer did they intend to go on? Almost closing the door in the face of the man behind her, who shot her a venomous glare, she glided into the building and up the stairs, hurrying till the noise was gone. Then she relaxed, resuming a walk. The door she wanted had a large crack near the bottom corner, and chance alone could explain that. She put her ear to the door, listening, but heard only a low murmur. It soundes like they had been going a while. Quietly opening the door, she slipped inside nearly unnoticed.

Liez was seated behind a desk in the back, his position of office and authority. The others were in chairs around the room, making something of a half circle before him. Most ignored her entrance, except Liez, who was I the best position to see. Nodding a greeting to her, he motioned for her to join him, to which she complied. Silence had fallen over the group, she suspected they were waiting for the diplomats. And indeed, once they had arrived and taken their seats, the discussion began again.

Aeris tuned them out, letting her mind wander. She focused on the personal issue of Lucian instead, she still needed to resolve that issue. Of course, most relied on him. Would he play his part? His reaction had been so ... unexpected, she wasn't sure if he intended to follow through, or had revised it to something of his own making. He adored the game of chance, while she preferred a more detailed, point-by-point approach. So why was she the one joining the Independents and he was resisting? Or had resisted. It was always possible he had actually listened to her and would join her. She rayed that was so. Liez had no been kidding, she got the impression he sincerely wanted to.

Surprised by a sudden noise, she ducked just in time to avoid being scored by a letter opener.

"Revered Sai, you go too far!"

Liez was standing, facing another across the table. She stood quickly, trying to figure out what she'd missed. The other man, dressed in a dark business suit, was clearly the agressor. The question, then, was what had prompted the attack. Was it directed at her, or was it a matter of poor aim?

"No, warden Liez, you go too far. You claim your ideas will bring us to power? They will bring us ruin!"

"May I remind you that our attacking the Malefactors resulted in victory and land for us? You base your accusations on empty beliefs, Sai."

"And where do you base your ideas? Where do you place us in the grand scheme of your plan?"

Liez didn't answer, as if considering a response. Sai instantly retaliated. "See, he cannot even answer! He creates our downfall, and we sit back and let him have his way!"

"I gave you my reasoning in the beginning, or at least to the people who matter. Why do tou suppose you are unsupported in your accusations? You have no choice but to submit."

"All I shall accept is your expulsion, yours and the Malefactor murderer you adopted." He deliberately spat in Liez's direction.

"Are you challenging me?" Liez asked softly. "You forget yourself, Sai. This is a council, not an arena match. Correct yourself and submit immediately."

He was suddenly jerked back, slammed into the wall. His feet dangled over the floor by at least a few inches. His hands clutched at his throat, as if trying to pull groping hands away from his neck. This prompted some response from the others, though they just remained vocal, as if they didn't want to be involved. Aeris responded immediately, and quite physically. Launching herself over the desk, she had Sai in a choke hold with a small syringe against his neck. "Release him," she hissed. "Or you die now."

He said nothing, not wanting to test the point of the syringe. However, there was a thud behind her, and labored breathing. Releasing him, she turned and quickly went to assist him.

"Well that was interesting," an older man said thoughtfully, a dark smile on his face. "Its not often you see a diplomat throw all decorum out the window and behave like a troublemaker. How exactly do you discipline the newbies, Tanu?" This prompted a heated, angry debate. Aeris noted tis duly, then returned her attention to Liez.

"Are you alright?" She asked, worried. "Why didn't you stop him?"

"Sometimes to further one's ends, it is necessary to take the occasional blow. You should know that." She didn't respond. He smiled faintly. "Let them focus on Sai's immaturity for a bit. Have you been keeping up?" Slowly, she shook her head, having the grace to look embarrassed. He seemed sympathetic, though he responded harshly. "Then do so. I have something for you to do." He stood, and she realized his side was bleeding. Startled, she quickly offered him the support of leaning on her, which he took gratefully. As she helped him to his seat, the others noticed and went silent. Sai looked mortified, as did his superior.

"Please forgive him, sir," she said, stuttering. "He truly did not mean -"

"Quite alright, lady Tanu. This was a wound from the last battle, it opens up every now and then." With that subtle reminder, he retook his seat. "We are all on edge from the Liberator's news, so I cannot really blame him. The young and headstrong, he will mature with experience and time. Still, I must say that any futher physical action will result in the offender being forcibly removed from the premises. I will preserve the peace this house represents."

He was answered by murmurs of agreement. His authority reinstated, he reopened the meeting with, "Speaking of which, I would like to finally resolve what we shall do with the Liberator. While under normal circumstances I would choose to be lenient considering the information she brought us at personal risk, but there no denying what she is..."

Aeris didn't really care about the fate of some random woman, so she let her mood wander again to her personal issues. As such, it was quite some time before she started paying attention again, and it came as a surprise.

"If we're all agreed, then shall we conclude?"

She blinked, surprised. Had she spaced out so much that she'd completely missed the flow of time? Had they really finished? Ah, well, whatever. Liez addressed the diplomat team now. ''Get your teams ready, its time."

The room emptied steadily, and she would have left as well had Liez not motioned for her to stay. So she patiently waited till the room was clear. "What is it, my lord?" She asked.

"You continued to ignore us, I suppose." It wasn't a question. He shook his head, grinning wryly as he regarded her. "I understand, truly, but you will need to keep up. Much is happening now, and I do not wish to lose a valuable asset.'' Leaning back I his seat, he informed her, "I am sending you will the team headed for the Malefactors to discuss truce."

She stared at him squarely; he would send her only for one reason. "During the discussion of truce, a peaceful removal of arms is customary. To break that peace would -"

"Ah, but you are an Outsider, a betrayer of your people,'' he said softly. "You have no rules, and as such cannoy break them, for all that bouns you to them is broken. You need not fear retribution. " He smiled. "You will do it, Aeris."

"What about the Sybaritics? And the Liberators?" She asked, revealing what she had listened to.

"I have attened to them as well, do not worry. If you do your part, all will be well. Am I clear?"

She nodded softly. "I understand." She started to turn away, but stopped when he stood.

He reached to her, gently stroking her cheek with his finger. "You're so cold," he murmured thoughtfully, as if to himself. "Like the first frigid winfs announcing winter's coming. A heart locked in a cage of ice." He smiled slyly, leaning closer to her. She did not budge. "Won't you ever let me in, Aeris?" he asked.

"Perhaps when you do, my lord." and she pulled away. "I will prepare myself, if you will excuse me." She turned stiffly and left the room, her thoughts full.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:31 pm

OOC- Hahaha :P Just forcing a bit of fun interaction. Our diverging paths will have to converge eventually. On a side note, your posts seem to suggest that events happening in my posts are already fully known, as if your story is a few days ahead of mine. Liez and Avira haven’t even had their discussion yet. It’s a bit dizzying.


After a long glare from Liez towards Avira, he ends the silence by sitting firmly but calmly on his wooden and decorative chair. From Avira’s perspective it almost seems like a pompous tyrant sitting on his extravagant throne.

“Hadriax is our enemy now? How problematic. This won’t do at all.” Liez taps his fingers on the arm of his chair feeling irritated and contemplating.

“Liberator, answer me this. Why did Lustus, that arrogant and poor excuse for a leader, want an alliance with this offshoot of the Liberator faction?” Liez inquired of Avira, standing tall and unmoved by the guards’ unsightly gaze and Liez’s vexed stare.

“The alliance was merely temporary.” Avira said.

“You’re not answering my question. Do not think that you can avoid me.” Liez slams his fist on his desk. “I won’t repeat myself again. I know Lustus and he’s not the type to do things without something in return.”

“I don’t know of Lustus’ motives. I only know that Kantor wanted to unite our two factions, or at least make it last as long as it could.” Avira explained dolefully.

“Then Lustus’ shady plans die with him along with your leader...I’ll kill Hadriax, but not to avenge Lustus’ worthless memory. I don’t want anyone to get in my way” Liez says firmly.

“Master Liez, please allow me to return to my people. I must warn them.” Avira pleads. Liez stands up and walks over to her. He stretches out his hand toward her face, which makes Avira react and close her eyes in fear. Liez grabs her cheek and gently strokes it, prompting Avira to open her eyes in dismay.

“And what’s in it for me, my dear.” Liez smirks with a leery gaze.

“L-let me go!” Avira demands.

“That’s not the way it goes among us Independents. We do only what benefits us. Good and Evil be damned. Besides, you’re in no position to order me.” Liez says smugly. Avira aggressively moves her cheek away from his cold broad hand.

“I’m not here to do as you please. Let me go!” Avira says with a raised voice.

“Hmph! How disappointing. I’m not the type to take pleasure in a person’s sufferings, so be thankful that I won’t be around to hear you scream from your torture. (Liez looks at the guards) TAKE HER BACK TO HER CELL!” He commands forcefully. The guards then take Avira back within the web of the penitentiary. As they get to her cell they open the iron bars and throw her into the cell. Avira then hears a familiar voice as she gets back up from the floor.

“I told you we’d meet again, miss belle.” Nova smiles still unsightly as before, covered in dirt and wearing torn rags. Avira takes a seat on the cold iron bed welded to the wall.

“I’m not in the mood, Nova. I’ll kill you after I take a nap.” Avira yawns trying to forget ever meeting Liez and his creepy touch.
“Nononono, this isn’t the time to snooze off. The guards will return with the Torturer. The same guy who did this to me (Nova shows all the scars on his arms, legs, back, and chest). Not a pretty sight, I know. But the one thing you don’t want to do right now is sleep.” Nova advises.

“What do you expect me to do? I’m chained remember. My powers are suppressed by these chains.” Avira says.

“I expect you to move away from the bed...unless you wanna go KABOOM! Hahahaha” Nova grips his chest again from the pain of laugh. “Man, it still hurts.”

“What do you mean by that?” Avira asks.

“Do you want to leave? How about alerting your faction about the threat Hadriax poses? I’m sure you want to do those things, right?” Nova asks.

“Yes, I do.” Avira answers without hesitation.

“Then move away from the wall.” Nova warns. Avira, confused by Nova’s warning, still sits on the bed.

“Your funeral then. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,..” Nova counts, to which Avira realizes what he meant and quickly runs to other side of the cell and covers herself. Nova smiles and covers his ears as he keeps counting, “2, 1.....”

After few more seconds pass by nothing happens, Nova looks at the wall puzzled as to why nothing happened, “Hmm, maybe my count was off.....”

(Back on the outside of the prison, two soldiers are walking away from the prison)

“Hey Levi, how long was it since you triggered the bomb?” Simon asks.

“I don’t know, man. Just keep walking and don’t ruin the moment.” Levi said as he sings quietly, “Cool guys don’t look at explosions


(Back in the prison, Avira’s cell is filled with smoke, dust, and debris. Avira walks out of the cell with Nova following from behind and coughing.

“Alright...*cough*...we did it. We’re free.” Nova laughs with jubilation, but then he sees Avira taking off her chains with ease, “Wait, you could have taken off your chains anytime you wanted to?”

“ can’t?” Avira smiles staring at him.

“Wa...NO!” Nova answers.

“Too bad” Avira walks away as Nova pleads with her, “wait please, free me from these chains...please”. Avira stops and turns back to look at Nova’s sorry state, “Fine! I can’t leave someone in bondage, everyone has the right to be free. Plus, you and whoever your friends are, freed me” Avira says as she lifts her leg up and slices down, cutting the chains off.

“Thank you, Avira. You’re great you know that. Like when people admire and look at you and say to themselves, ‘That’s a nice candy’..urr...wait, that didn’t come out right”

“Don’t make me hate you more than I do right now.” Avira warns, but she then turns and inwardly laughs.

“Wait, I’m sorry. Sometimes I say the most witless things....Look come with me. My comrades and I are posted not too far from here. If you tell my superiors what you know about Hadriax, then they’ll immediately contact your people. Benefactors and Liberators may disagree on some things, but we both fight for what’s good and right.” Nova explains. Avira contemplates for a while.

“Alright, let’s go before the guards catch us.” Avira says as Nova nods and smiles. Both of them run from the prison as Avira follows Nova from behind. Nova contemplates to himself, “I can’t believe this, I could have just let her die on that bed and I would have.....but now she’s following me. Why? Why didn’t I.....”

They meet up with Levi and Simon, but after greeting each other Avira distances herself from them choosing to follow from behind.

“Hey Nova, so who’s this Liberator?” Levi asks.

“She’s Avira Elutheria!” Nova answers.

“Avira the Ghost!! You mean the one who...the one who murdered your family?” Simon whispers.

“Shut up! She’s coming with us, so don’t say a word to our superiors about who she is.” Nova commanded.

“Ok, we’ll back off. But what about that intel on the ‘Messengers’? The Independents didn't get it out of you, did they?” Simon asks.

“No, they didn't. (Nova stares at his scars) As much as they tried. But, the 'Messengers', they’re here. After eons, they’ve actually returned.” Nova says in excitement.

“Really? What for? Why now, after so long?” Levi asks.

“This isn’t the place or time to discuss this. Right now, I’ve got to report this to our Commander.” Nova gives a serious and troubled gaze as he contemplates the intel he received concerning the 'Messengers'.

to be continued....
Last edited by FreddyCast on Sun Nov 23, 2014 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
My Manga Story "The Fallen Rise"
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:43 pm

OOC - lol Liez is fun interaction?
Well, I was moving at a slightly faster pace, mainly because I wasn't entirely sure where everyone else is. As for Liez and Avira's discussion, I decided to leave that to you and move Aeris' s story along. Since I now have an idea where everyone is, I'll try and stick to your pace from now on.
Speaking of, if you want some interaction, I can oblige.

He found a Benefactor city firzt, and decided to start there. There were sentries, but he had mastered acting a part a long time ago, and passed easily. So now he was within the city, marching quickly for his destination. Five blocks down, two to the left, and six to the right placed hkm before a colonial-style house with a nice, restful color. He rang the doorbell, and a butler answered; Lucian concealed an indulgent smile. Within minutes he had been ushered into a cozy sitting room, its occupant rising to greet him.

"Michael Farris! Its been a while."

Lucian stared at the deep black hair of his friend, raising an eyebrow. "You dyed your hair?" he said incredulously. "What, couldn't stand going grey, Richard? And this house! What were you thinking?"

"What? I like the style. Its a fine plave. Now the staff leaves much to be desired-" he glared at the butler, whose face was a bit too straight. "-but they do, they do. Now!" Shoing the butler out the door, he closed it and flipped a switch, though it didn't seem to do anything. He sat and motioned for Lucian to do the same. "I'm sure you didn't come for the tea."

"Vile stuff, I don't know how you can stand it." Lucian sat down. "So, where shall I start...."

"The beginning, I hope." Lucian glared at him. Richard chuckled, shrugging. "Be at peace, Michael. I may hold the appearance of youth, but I am feeling my age now."

"Yeah'll outlive us all." Smiling faintly, Lucian said, "I'm planning something, Richard. Something big. Ill need all the help you and the others can give me."

"Well, I can't help if you only hint at it."

Lucian glanced at the door. Richard shook his head. "No worries, the room is quite secure. If anyone bothers to listen, all they will hear is a small discussion between friends over tea. Speak freely."

Slowly, haltingly, as if still wary of being overheard, Lucian spoke of his plans. Richard listened intently, concern growing in his features. " are mad."

"So I've been told. Gamaliel has agreed to support me I this, however. I will see it through, whether I receive help or not."

Richard shook his head. "Why would you do this...its asking for death. And you are still so young.."

"Don't. Just don't. I have no patience for that nonsense. We live, we die, we cry, we bleed, we laugh, we live. That's life."

"You don't sound like a Malefactor when you say that," Richard said softly, staring at him. Lucian shrugged.

"Will you help me or not?"

Richard sighed. "And what would you have me do?"

"For now, play the Benefactor game, we're not quitting that part of the plan just yet. I want you to try and push them to go to war, however, I think its time for a little more action tha what we've been seeing."

"Any particular direction?"

"Wherever you desire."

"And if I am discovered for what I am?"

"Then you die. Why do you expect sympathy? We all knew what we were getting into when we agreed to do this. Don't come looking to me to save you if you bungle it."

"Now you sound like you." Rivhard shook his head. "Very well then. I will do so."

Lucian didn't stay long after, leaving quickly. Richard watched him go with uncertainty and concern. "Something's changed," he murmured fearfully. "What are you plotting?"

Lucian felt the madness growing inside him, though he didn't understand what it was. As he was leaving the city, he was filled with it. A mad giggle escaped his lips, and he danced out the city, oblivious to the stares of the sentries. Throwing his hands out, he spun in circles, getting furhter and further away from the city. Dark glee filled his insane eyes. He laughed, head thrown back as he stared at the darkening sky. Storm clouds were rolling in, and a rumbling filled the air.

He spotted some people as he galavanted onward, three men and a woman. Curious, he started toward them, skipping almost as he came closer.

"Well, greetings, lost ones!" he called in greeting. "A pleasure to meet you on such a fine day!"
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: ORBIS: World of the Forgotten

Postby FreddyCast » Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:31 pm

Struck by Lightning

Mican surges with electric energy as he infuses it into his double-edged axe and bow. He digs his axe into the ground and readies his bow, a an arrow of pure electric energy manifesting as he stretches the bow all the way back.

“Are you fast enough to stop an arrow going 3,700 miles per second? I bet not!” Mican boasts smugly.

Adira unmoved by Mican’s claim, she breathes calmly and closes her eyes. Mican fires the first arrow and in a fraction of a second Adira has moved slightly to the left, dodging the arrow by a foot. Mican stands in disbelief as anger swells his face.

“You couldn’t have dodged my arrow. No one can, not even our Captain.” Mican vexes.

“I may have forgotten my past, but not my training. I’ve had flashes of combat throughout the eons! It’s strange, really!” Adira says.

“I’m sure you were a nice little girl scout, that is, until your disgrace.” Immediately fires a volley of arrows at Adira, to which she dodges each one with ease.

“Hm, I’ve seen through your little trick, outsider” Mican asserts as he fires two arrows at one time. One of them hits Adira in the shoulder and falls back. Rayner is distraught at the sight of Adira being wounded, but Eneratos with the wave his hand forbids him to interfere.

MIcan puts his bow away and picks up his axe, and moves towards the fallen Adira. “You know, I thought you were actually dodging my arrows at lightning speed. Well at least in the beginning anyways. Oh but can’t freely move when you go from point A to point B. You’re stuck in your path until you reach your destination. As soon as you laid out your set paths, I saw through your pattern.” Mican finally reaches Adira as he stands over her with his axe ready to strike.

“I don’t care if you had an eternity of combat experience. Heaven’s army has made you stale, Outsider. Now DIE!” Mican raises his axe up high, but Adira quickly yanks the electric arrow out of her shoulder throws it at Mican’s abdomen, making him stumble back a few steps. Mican takes out the arrow and with wrath in his eyes charges at Adira with his axe in hand. Adira faces him with her dual scimitars, and steel against steel clash in rapid succession as sparks of lightning flash from each blow. Adira holds her own as she displays a master’s skill of swordsmanship. However, Mican’s superior strength soon wears Adira out, till he strikes both her scimitars away from her hands, leaving her unarmed. With a powerful swing of his leg he kicks her straight in the abdomen, knocking the air out of her and making her fly twenty feet away, Rayner looks on distressed at Adira’s apparent defeat. Knowing that Mican intends to kill Adira, he attempts to interfere, but Eneratos again holds him back. This time he physically restrains him.

“Listen to me, Rayner. This immortal trusts in you and wishes to follow in your path. So trust in her. She’s fighting for her honor just as much as she’s fighting for yours.” Eneratos counsels.

“But he’s going to kill her!” Rayner replies.

“Just believe!” Eneratos responds.

Adira gets up on her knees and coughs as she tries to breathe. Mican walks over with a grin of satisfaction. “You proved formidable, Outsider. But this is how it ends for you.” Mican raises his axe to one side intending to finish the fight. He strikes down, but Adira at the last minuteuses the force of Mican’s body against him, dodging the axe and spin kicking him on his face. Mican lands face first on the ground as he lays there amazed at what has occurred. Rayner looks on in awe at the move Adira just performed.

“That’s Capoeira! How did she learn that?” Rayner asks in awe.

“Hahaha, she copied your moves, Rayner. That immortal is something else.” Eneratos said in amusement.

“But when did she...” Rayner is interrupted by Eneratos, “She watched you while you were training, by the looks of it, I’d guess that she has photographic memory.”

Mican gets up infuriated more than ever, “Who taught you that move?” he asks furiously.

“A friend did!” Adira answers.

“A friend, huh!” Mican looks over in the direction of Rayner, knowing full well who that friend might be, “Then show me what your friend taught you” Mican taunts.

Adira then attacks Mican with a flurry of kicks, landing a blow every time, and dodging his axe. Soon Adira disarms him, but with one swing of his arm he pushes Adira back and takes out his bow and uses it like a brass knuckle and a sword, swinging and punching each and every way to no avail. Then Adira, using her lightning speed step, runs to pick up her scimitars laying tens of feet away. Mican quickly reacts and aims his bow and shoots a volley of arrows at Adira. Instead of dodging them, Adira cuts all the arrows down in a flash. She then swiftly speed steps up into the air appearing directly in front of Mican’s sight of the sun. He tries to move fast and fire one last arrow at Adira who is up in the air. Finally Adira speed steps towards Mican with such ferocity that it’s almost as if lightning had struck him. Mican opens his eyes to see Adira standing on top of him with her scimitars surrounding his neck in a scissor-like fashion.

“Do you yield?” Adira asks. Mican looks at her in bewilderment. “I...I yield!” Adira sheaths her scimitars and offers him a hand, to which he hesitantly grabs her hand and is lifted back to his feet. “It seems that you’re not as stale as I thought, Righteous comrade.” Mican concedes.
“Righteous comrade?” Adira puzzled.

Eneratos and Rayner walks over to her and Mican, “You heard him correctly. If you didn’t notice by now, you were initiated into our cause the moment you defeated Mican.” Eneratos explains.

“Does that mean that this was all a ruse?” Rayner asks curiously.

“Not at all, I really was going to kill her. (Mican grins) But she’s displayed a certain level of honor, skill, and bravery that shames me, unfortunately.” Mican admits.

“Eneratos, Captain, thank you for allowing me to prove myself.” Adira bows her head.

“Please raise your head, Adira. I’m certainly impressed and am glad to have you as my student. But you deserve to be a leader of your own. Nonetheless, it’s customary to have another name along with your first. Do you have a name in mind, as a way of sealing your entrance to our cause?” Eneratos asks. Adira ponders for a while.

“Enelysia!” she answers.

“One who is struck by lightning. Ironic since you’re the one doing the striking. But, It’s a perfect name. Adira Enelysia! Congratulations, little one. (He waves everyone to follow him) Come all of you, there’s much to discuss in my headquarters.” Eneratos says.

All of them arrive at Eneratos’ headquarters and meet with Vitrex who is waiting for them along with other high-ranking members. They all surround an oval table at the center with Rayner and Adira standing next to each other.

“Adira, I’m sorry for doubting you. I know I should have trusted in your abilities. You were pretty amazing.” Rayner praises her.

“We’re stonger when we have no doubt of ourselves and our friends.” Adira says firmly.

“Yeah, you’re right!” Rayner nods and smiles. Vitrex taps Rayner’s shoulder and stares at Adira.

“I heard your partner here was inaugurated through battle. I saw the fight from afar and was impressed by the light show.” Vitrex says almost mockingly.

“Yes, Adira is no longer an outsider, she’s one of us now. Isn’t that right, Mican?” Rayner calls out Mican, to which Mican raises his fist and nods signaling his approval.

“Hm, and when do you think we can finish our own little skirmish?” Vitrex asks tauntingly.

“That’s going to have to wait, brother. As much as I like to wipe the floor with you, we have other pressing matters.” Rayner retorts and Vitrex laughs shrugingly. Eneratos gets everyone’s attention as he reads a report in his hands.

“Attention everyone, you’ve heard the reports. Our celestial brothers have returned, as well are fallen cousins from Earth. Their visitation is sudden and without warning. Their goals are unknown. All that is known is that we’ve seen the number of monsters rise beyond what we’ve faced before, most likely due to our fallen cousins the ‘Slanderers’ corrupting our lands. Some monsters we haven’t even seen before. There are also reports coming from Sybaritic territories of Immortals having unusual powers on the level of earth-shattering proportions. One of them is an old friend of mine, Hadriax. Lastly, concerning the ‘Messengers’, our celestial brothers have come with the purpose of ‘calling’ us to join them for the ‘last struggle’. Whatever that means! Our law-abiding brothers, the Orthodox, seem to know something we don’t know. Something about a prophecy of a ‘ninth faction’. Maybe there’s a connection. Maybe not.” Eneratos throws the reports in front of the table seemingly frustrated.

“*Sigh*...To tell you the truth all of this is confusing. Our rival enemies, the Ascendants, have been amassing an army with machinery the likes of which we haven’t seen before. We know what our rival factions want. Power, Order, Morality, Harmony, Freedom, Pleasure, Riches, Chaos. But the ‘Messengers’ and the ‘Slanderers’ are a mystery...” Eneratos looks around the room as he sees the baffled and serious countenances of everyone in the room as they murmur amongst themselves.

“Listen up, the first thing we must do is, assemble our forces around our borders nearest the lands of the Ascendants. Next I’ll send an emissary to the Orthodox faction to see if we can gain any knowledge that they can provide concerning this ‘ninth faction’. Vitrex gather with you the best monster hunters among us and send them to confront the ‘Slanderers’ up north in the Griggori Valley. Mican, you and I will confront Hadriax. Our intention is to speak with him, not to fight him. Understand? (Mican nods). Rayner, bring Adira with you to the Eden Mountains and speak with one of the ‘Messengers’ sighted there and report back. And take this ‘Spear of Banishment’. It’s the item the 3 Malefactors attempted to steal from us.” Enratos ordered.

“Captain, why should we take this? Is it not safer here?” Rayner asks.

“No, it’s not. Give it to the ‘Messenger’ in the Eden Mountains. It once belonged to our ‘Most Beloved brother’, the very one who banished us here. It should never have been left here on Orbis in the first place.” Eneratos says. After giving his commands, he ends the meeting and sends everyone to their missions.

to be continued....
ImageHebrews 13:2 Do not forget/neglect to entertain (show hospitality to) strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
My Manga Story "The Fallen Rise"
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