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X (x/1999)

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Postby Kami » Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:55 pm

I agree ! I love x/1999 the series and I love x/1999 the manga ! I just love them all :3 The gore and stuff doesn't bother me, because I know it's not real, but I do say ! That if you are NOT a fan of gore and violence, ! And object to fantasy type storylines like ' Seers ' I do recommend you don't see it. It is all the matter of taste, and if you like it or not, or if it bothers you or not. :3

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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Jul 02, 2004 1:17 pm

Is X/199 and X really an alright show for Christians? I mean, it does seem somewhat anti-christ, which is why I stopped watching it.

Seen the movie, horrible and then started the series. Very depressing op/end songs, but the series seems a bit too dark and they have parts with Kamui and stuff on crosses... For stuff liek that I've put this on the same level as Angel Santuary just cause... And isn't there shounen-ai in there? I remember a screenshot seeing Fuuma lick Kamui when he was tied up.

I dunno, but is it really an ALL-RIGHT series?
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Postby Nebby » Sun Jul 25, 2004 2:05 am

...I saw the movie and it confused the heck out of me. It left me feeling very uneasy, I can stand a little blood and guts but there was SO MUCH in that...I'm not entirely sure I want to give the manga a chance (XD Forget buying the anime, I can't afford it)

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