anlptgtsg wrote:First time I heard Akihabara is in a anime. Cyber Team in Akihabara.. Then saw a video clip about it, I only remember electronic stuff.
Did you see the cherry blossoms on your trip? I want to see one. I see it in some animes and real pics and it looks beautiful.
Crossfire wrote:I'm the only one that ate grilled squid over there? Really?
Sounds like you had fun though. I myself spent the entirety of April traveling around the country, 6ish days in Tokyo and the rest going about Honshu. Spent the first four days in Akihabara, what an experience that was. I almost purchased a second suitcase due to all the Gundam/Transformers related goodness, but alas, I was a poor highschool student without a large expendable income. Speaking of which, did you go to the Gundam Cafe? Or any of the specialty cafes for the matter. I'm personally not into the whole maid scene, but I've been told that it's an interesting experience and I'm kinda kicking myself for not checking one out.
Crossfire wrote:Nope. The only two cafe's I visited were the Gundam Cafe and Vie de France, the latter being a proper restaurant/bakery chain.
As far as other cities go... better do it chronologically. Started in Tokyo, then visited a Christian bible camp on the base of Mount Fuji, then spent a day in Nagoya, proceeded to Osaka for a few nights, took a day trip to Hiroshima, spent two (three?) agonizing days in Kyoto, back to Osaka for a night, Tokyo for a few hours while I waited for a train to Sendai, spent a night there, went to Ishinomaki (one of the towns wiped out by the tsunami), and then came back to Tokyo for my final two days. I feel like I accomplished a lot for the amount of time spent in the towns, but I still want to go back for a much longer stay. Eventually.
Oh, and another random question. Did you run into a family by the name of Woon? They're missionaries living in the middle of Tokyo, IIRC they've been there well over 20 years. They offered to show me around Tsukiji and that area, really cool people to say the least.
ClaecElric4God wrote:I've learned to appreciate things that I didn't before, because my primary desire is to see the Lord praised and glorified, by whatever means, as long as He approves of it.
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