This beautiful girl on the left in this picture is my baby sister. She is 14yrs old. Her name is Jamie Marie Meyers, AND SHE IS MISSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has been missing since Sunday, 04/21/2013. She is thought to be with her “boyfriend” whom is 18yrs old. His name is Matthew. We believe he’s convinced her to run away with him. We are terrified for her safety and it is unlike her to just leave without even a text. This girl is my life. She means more to me than anything else on this planet and not knowing if she’s okay is literally tearing me apart from the inside out. I want to die. PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME! I JUST WANT TO KNOW THAT MY BABY SISTER IS OKAY!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is thought to be somewhere in New York State but was last seen at her home in Spring Hill, Florida. ANY AND ALL INFORMATION REGARDING HER WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED AND I WOULD OWE YOU MY LIFE!!!!!!!!
Ok so I was being stupid one day and found this on tumblr
The url of this girl (the one that wrote all...that message above) is take-me-back-to-wonderland-alice.tumblr.com
I don't know either of them, and I don't know how much I'm allowed to post here, bc for starters I found this on the INTERNET, tbh
But i mean if you wanna pray
(for those of you who saw my NIna post and commented, I'm sorry I do't know those comments bc of stupid windows parental controls block (????), so sorry for that)
But yeah I hope you could get past the fact that this was written by an oblivious, priviledged 16 y. old girl who does aboslutely nothing in her rich midwest home and maybe help......
I'm sorry
But yeah this is important..