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The world of pokemon

This is where all in character roleplaying occurs. Please note that posts in this forum do not count toward your post count, and that old threads are subject to periodic prunination!

Re: The world of pokemon

Postby Diamond Dragon » Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:42 pm

Noire bit her lip to hep from crying out in surprise when Drake screamed. "...Well that was unexpected." Spines whispered to her. No kidding... Noire thought. Suddenly she felt a hand on her arm. "Aha! There you are! Hey guys! I found--" The Team Rocket grunt never got any farther. Whipping around, Noire cracked a punch over the side of the grunt's head, leaving him in a daze. "Nice shot!" Spines complimented her. "Let's get out of here..." Noire muttered as she heard the echoing voices of the other grunts.
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby drill » Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:37 pm

"Almost half way there!" Drake said to himself trying to keep his spirits up.
The pain from the injury had increased significantly already, and seemed to half no sign of stopping.

Looking at his map Drake thinks to himself: "Hmm... if Team Rocket is still in the cave, it might be best to take my secret path that I dug to eliminate further conflicts with them. Or..."

Drake stops and can barely make out breathing nearby...
"Well! I guess I'm going to take that secret path after all!" Drake shouted.
Almost immediately, Drake could hear foot steps running towards the exit.
"Hmm... I didn't think they would take the bait so easily..." Drake thought to himself

"Well then, let's make the best of this opportunity!"
Drake releases Volts.
"Alright Volts, if we want this plan to work, we are going to have to beat our 6 minute mile record... are you ready?!?"
Volts yelps in excitement.
"That's what I thought! Let's go!"
Drake and Volts sprint down the corridor as fast as they can run.
"Now Volts! Hyperbeam! Take out everything in our path!"
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby Diamond Dragon » Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:16 pm

"What the heck is he doing??" Spines exclaimed as he and Noire saw Drake take off down the tunnel with Volts. "No idea...but he may be the only chance we have to find our way out of here." Noire replied. Taking out another Pokeball, She released her arcanine Blaze. "What kind of trouble did you get yourselves into now?" Blaze asked, chuckling. "Team Rocket trouble...again." Noire sighed. She climbed onto Blaze, with Spines hopping up behind her. The voices behind them got louder. "Follow that guy!" Noire shouted, pointing to where Drake and Volts were just disappearing around the bend. With Noire holding onto Blaze's mane, and Spines holding onto Noire, they galloped off at full speed.
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby Wolfsong » Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:35 pm

LastLfan wrote:Oh boy in-laws, yikes! "Uh, yea sure...i guess" looking forward i could see pallet town. "Well guys let's go.

OOC: at this point we should wait for wolfsong before going into town. We could have a conversation outside of town but shouldn't go into town without her

OOC- sorry guys. Kinda a crazy thur. and fri. Sorry.

Amica followed along, giggling as she watched the antics of the pokemon. "You guys seem so lucky," she said wistfully. "You get along so well with your pokemon. I wish I had one..."
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby drill » Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:24 pm

Drake and Volts are still running down the corridor at full speed, avoiding the Team Rocket Members that were on the floor being unconscious from Volt's Hyperbeam.
"Hmm... I thought they would be more of a challenge... well that's a disappointment..."
Just then he hears something charging at him.
"No way! They have reinforcements from behind already!?!"

"Well, they'll be in for a surprise..."
Drake reaches for his pokeball.
"Aero, Rock Slide now!"
Just then rocks start tumbling on the areas behind Drake.
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby Diamond Dragon » Sun Jul 21, 2013 1:25 pm

"Hey!!" Noire shouted as rocks began to tumble towards them. "Hold on!" Blaze shouted. Noire tightened her hold on Blaze as she began to zig zag around the rocks, and jumping over when she had to. Spines held on for dear life, obviously not enjoying the ride at all. Being a Ground type, he hated especially when Blaze leaped. "Spines, easy with the claws." Blaze grunted. "Sorry!" Spines replied, easing up only a fraction.
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby drill » Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:29 pm

"Well, it looks like we can see the exit Volts!"
Drake looks closer at the exit.
"Hmm... looks like a couple of elite Team Rocket Members were waiting for us... figures they wouldn't make this easy..."

Several steps later.
"They can obviously see me, are they waiting for me to make the first strike? If I can see correctly only one of them has a pokemon, and ... so, he's using 'that' pokemon, huh?"
Without realizing his surroundings, Drake reaches for his pokeball.
"Go Blaze! ... Wait, WHAT?!?!"
Blaze is instantly knocked out upon being released from the pokeball.
"Grr... Stealth Rock..." Drake exclaimed under his breath.

"Well, well, looks like we finally get to meet Drake."
A man with blue hair about the same age as Drake approaches him with his pokemon, Ferrothorn.
"But, I'm getting ahead of myself, I have not properly introduced myself, I am Proton, I am often labeled as the scariest and cruelest guy in Team Rocket… I strongly urge you not to interfere with our business! However, knowing your personality, I know you will, therefore, I will utterly crush you!"
"Ferrothorn, Iron Head!" shouted Proton.

"Alright then, Volts, Magnet Rise, Aero, Earthquake." Drake said, almost mockingly.
"Hmm... that doesn't seem to slow it down..." Drake thought to himself.
Just then, Aero falls to the floor being hit by Iron Head.
"Volts, Flash!" Drake screamed.
Drake pulls something out of his pocket and puts it on Volts.

Proton: "Ferrothorn, finish this! Power Whip!"
Drake: "I think not! Volts, Hidden Power!"
Ferrothorn falls to the ground along with Volts from the apparent Toxic damage that that Drake did not realize earlier.

Proton: "Well then, seems like things didn't go as planned..."
As he was saying this, Proton reaches for his belt, and releases a Smoke Ball, and just simply vanishes.

"Well now, I'm in a bit of a bind aren't I? Can't really travel the rest of the way to Cerulean without any pokemon..."
Drake just simply walks on where he finally exits Mt. Moon.
"No use in worrying about things I can't control, I guess I'll just go set up a camp site somewhere then."
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby LastLfan » Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:59 pm

Well we walk on into town and we head to professor Oak's lab. Did I mention I know the guy.
"Hey sammy"
"Alex, please don't call me that"
"Alright but we brought you something. First off some new notes on cross species breeding, and second..."
I step to the side to reveal Amica holding the little bulbasaur, who by now seems to really like her
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby drill » Thu Jul 25, 2013 5:07 pm

After walking a small distance.
"Well now, this looks like a good spot for a camp site"
Drake takes out a tent and a portable grill out of his pack.

A few minutes later...
Drake finally has everything set up.
"Alright, time to cook the fish I caught!" (No, this is not a Magikarp or any other pokemon, just a fish)
The scent from the cooking drew pokemon from half a mile away.
"Haha, look at all these pokemon! Looks like i'll have to catch a bunch more fish to feed them all though..."
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby Diamond Dragon » Fri Jul 26, 2013 5:16 pm

"Woah! Where did all these Pokemon come from?" Noire asked as she and her pokemon team (She released the others soon after they escaped the cave) weaved thier way around the multitude. "They all small food!" Cloud said in her southern belle accent. "And so do I!" So saying, she dashed on ahead. "WAIT! Cloud!" shouted Noire, chasing after, the rest of her team following. By the time they broke through the crowd, Cloud was at Drake's cooking fire, attempting to eat the fish that was there, despite the fact it was too hot. "CLOUD!" shouted everyone in exasperation.
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby drill » Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:31 pm

OOC: I'm assuming Noire shouted too.

After hearing the scream from Noire, Drake was startled and looked up and saw Noire with her team.
"Oh, it's that girl that I met in the cave..."
Hearing sounds of something under him, Drake looked down and noticed that his fish was gone, and instead, Cloud was there, smiling up at Drake.
"Well, guess that's that then, just need to catch some more fish, luckily there's a small lake nearby."
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Re: The world of pokemon

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:34 pm

Amica grinned. "Hey! Nice to meet you!" she extended her hand.
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