dothackzero wrote:Then there's also the fact that I hate small talk since it seems so pointless. I'd rather just get into the real deep stuff.
Pray tell, how do you intend to get to the deep stuff without initiating "small talk" at first to get to know someone?
We've already addressed everything in your post. You're going to have to not be a creep. Talk about things that interest her, because even though you really like playing Magic the Gathering, and have a level 60 rogue in World of Warcraft, most girls don't care about that, even if they are into science fiction stuff. So find something that really is mainstream accessible, and try to talk about that (Star Wars instead of Firefly, Star Trek: The Next Generation instead of Deep Space Nine).
Also, boohoo about not getting hugs. And that's really a darn shame that all the ladies have hooked up with people. Does that make you feel slighted? Does it upset you? You probably think those women are dirty because they've picked men who aren't you. Thats been your overall message this whole time. That you deserve a woman. "God" is going to give you a wife/girlfriend. That for some reason, you're just destined to eventually have a personal servant who will be legally tied to you, who will
have to sexually satisfy your needs, but you probably won't worry too much about hers because that's not really your problem.
Because it's all about you. This entire thread has been about you and why women don't pay attention to you and what you can do make sure they pay attention to you. It's funny, because you're wanting to know what incremental changes you might be able to make to yourself so that you can just catch the attention of some female, yet there has been no indication that you're willing to do anything to go out of your way to be the kind of guy that women want to have their attention caught by. Because it's ultimately about you and having your
"needs" met. Maybe if you stop being so self-centered all the time, and pay attention to the people around you for a little bit, things will look up for you.
But you still probably won't get a girlfriend, because being in a relationship doesn't really matter, and you need to quit telling yourself that it does.