" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Atria35 (post: 1511345) wrote:Wow- this looks really good! I've definitely subscribed!
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
rocklobster (post: 1511429) wrote:Can we suggest topics?
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
rocklobster (post: 1511436) wrote:Then I'd suggest you review Outlaw Star since I know you have it. Also I'm curious how different the dub of Ghost Stories is from the sub if possible.
MomentOfInertia wrote:I like the name. Looking forward to the reviews.
Masquerade1412 wrote: I'll be waiting for your reviews! I'd like some more diversity in my anime, since I don't get to watch a whole lot....SO, I can't wait to see what you can do!
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
rocklobster (post: 1511475) wrote:You know, when I saw the name, I don't know why, but I got this image in my head of you looking like Mace Windu and holding a katana.
Which, would be awesome btw.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
GrubbTheFragger (post: 1512328) wrote:Really like the format and review. I think I might check this series out.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
rocklobster (post: 1512342) wrote:saw it and commented. Hey, if you like, I can recommend some shows you haven't seen. YOu should get an account at myanimelist.net. It really helps in the long run.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
GrubbTheFragger (post: 1513193) wrote:Hey man just thought I'd let you know I am really looking forward to your EVA reviews. I really like the series as controversial as it is. Also I suggest if you haven't view rahxephon afterwords seeing as both series a pretty similar in a few ways.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
TWWK (post: 1513420) wrote:So you're finally blogging? Great! I'm really enjoying your blog. Your reviews are so thorough - they're not just reviews, they're also informational pieces about those anime. And you have a unique and fun viewpoint as well.
Just added you to my RSS reader and to our blog's blogroll. Keep the great posts comin'!
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
MomentOfInertia (post: 1514062) wrote:Good stuff.
Very thorough reviews, I tend to go for more action-y shows but I may look up Mushi-Shi at some point.
Looking forward to the Evangelion reviews, I'm curious to see what the fuss's about.
Added to my feeds list.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
rocklobster (post: 1516136) wrote:Liked your review. And I agreed with everything you said. It's a shame Gainax can't please me all the time.
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
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