Picking a school wasn't too hard - I get a 25% discount for having family there with me.
It was actually the only school I applied to...and pretty much knew I'd get in (it's known for being an easy school to get into, but then having a tough(er) workload - true facts, as far as I have personally dealt with!)
As far as major goes, I am automatically in their Bible/Theology program (Bible College) and have had the decision to choose a second major. Long story in a nutshell, I feel very strongly lead and called to ministry through Psychology, believing to have heard the Lord's voice telling me to "Go and heal the broken..the self-injurers, suicidal, addicted, and eating disordered." I pray often about the decision to major in Psychology/Counseling to make sure I am still on the right track. Going into my third year now, Psychology is still very much my passion. I am doing what I love and what I fully believe I am called to.