For the record, lets just pretend "Asusa Wintera" never existed? lol
Name: Vaughn Griffeth Viloistky
Age: 27
Role: Private Buisness owner, ex-military, stud.
Personality: Agressive, Straight forward, honest, often lazy and unenthusiastic(except with women). Flirtatious, arrogant, has a dark side.
History: Vaughn grew up in a middle class town, he never had many wants, but he didn't have everything either. At seventeen Vaugh lied about his age and joined the military, seeking the wages and prestige the service offered. Ten years later during a hearing concerning some, "unproffessional" uses of government money, Leutenant Major Vaughn Viloistky was honorably discharged for his services in the Corp. That being the public announcement, his official record lists the reason as, "discharged due to Missleading Information". Vaughn now runs a delivery service for a Parts store on Ikura, and uses his vast knowledge of machines to bring in the cash.
Other: Vaughn is above average in hand-to-hand, but prefers the use of his Beretta M1911 and Lee Enfield 308. Vaughn is a crack Sniper, top of his class.