Rusty Claymore (post: 1470341) wrote:Yuri
As he lead the candidate Darkness to the test vault, Yuri felt a continual chill down his spine. He had become used to downright twisted people, but the way Yorchovik had followed them created a darker than usual aura. And 'Darkness' definately wasn't helping.
The test vault was a prototype Atomic Bomb shelter, one that would withstand a direct hit from atomic and nuclear weapons. The test at Chernobyl had proven it worked flawlessly, but the cost to construct it was astronamical. Only one shelter of a smaller scale had been built besides the prototype, but not even top KGB officials knew who had possession of it. The prototype now was used to house the most dangerous of the Alleigence's scientific research. It was currently the proving grounds for the Monster Talents. The sheilded cavern prevented damage to the surrounding facility as well as keep any monsters who turned on their masters from escaping.
Yuri dialed in the security code and the vault door began to slowly swing open. The security was very lax on entry into the vault, since the research was beyond deadly and nobody veiwed it worth the risk to break in. As the door swung past, Yuri's stomach twisted into a knot. Two prisoners stood in the middle of the vault's scarred and stained floor. A woman with brown hair and a muscular blond man.
Yorchovik let out a quiet chuckle. "The usual routine was boring. MTs must be able to adapt to unexpected situations and draw accordingly. Especially since, due to a certain incident, they will not be exclusively facing conventional weapons." For a brief moment, Yuri's smile was genuine. Yorchovik continued, "I will conduct the experiment and you will watch in the observetory, Wolxenstiener."
Yuri walked past the prisoners. The woman was attractive, and could only be in her early 20's. Yuri couldn't guess the man's age, but he knew he wasn't even old enough to be an adult. The prototype pens had only been lost for a few years, after all. Just as he brushed by them, he said quietly, "Good luck." Climbing the half melted stairs to the observetory, Yuri offered up a short prayer.
"All right then," Yorchovik said, turning towards Darkness. "The test is simple." With a wide sweep of his arm he gestured towards the prisoners. "Destroy them."
Wind (post: 1470771) wrote:OOC: is this the post where I am doing what we discussed in PM?
Ic: Darkness called Sorrow and the huntress forward and then drew something on a piece of paper and sorrow took it. As sorrow took the paper, it transformed into a sword in his hand. The sword was swirling with a dark energy and sorrow used the sword to project a lightning bolt at the two prisoners. The Huntress shapeshifted into a pure black dragon and breathed a poisonous gas into the air.
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