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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:49 pm

Gokaiger episode 5: (DEKARANGER!!!)

-SPD! Jasmine-san!!
-DOGGIE! yay Tetsu Inada.
-"into hell if I have to" hehehehe *fanboy squeel*
-the Go-onger fight was super cool. Although I still think Go-on Yellow's weapon is kind of lame.
-Dairanger! can;t wait to see the episode focused on that team.
-YES! Dekaranger theme music!!! *gets pumped*
-Dekagokaioh was freakin awesome!
-BAN-BAN!!! I was wondering when he was going to show up! Wish he had appeared earlier.
-Next episode doesn't look to be themed around any team. I guess for now they're going to alternate between episodes focused on old teams and "regular" episodes.

wow, that episode was amazing!!!!! Best action so far I think, and I'm glad Dekaranger got more focuse than Magiranger did in episode 3. Was a bit dissapointed Ban and Jasmine didn;t get to do more, but oh well. Dekaranger Rules!!!!!!!

Now I'm going to bet that the next team they focus on will be Abaranger, just because the show seems to be focusing on the series I've seen first, just to annoye me.
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Postby Nate » Thu Mar 24, 2011 6:23 pm

I only just now was able to watch it because the DDL that was posted kept giving me issues all week (it would download part of the way then freeze). I was able to watch OOO, but...nobody else cares about that. XD But yeah, sorry to leave you hanging, since you're the only other person watching this.

But yeah...this was an AMAZING episode. Marvelous was awesome even when handcuffed, and Dekaranger's theme song has always been one of my favorites, so it was awesome to hear it. And Dairanger...I didn't like what I saw of it, but maybe I should give it another shot. Broom-Blade, heh heh. Don never fails to be the best and most awesome character.

And yeah looks like it'll be previous team, Gokai character development alternating. This is good and bad. It's good because it means Gokaiger won't be relying solely on nostalgia for its plot (which Decade was horribly guilty of with the exception of Faiz World, where the characters there were ignored in favor of introducing Kaito). It's also bad, however, because being that Sentai are 48-51 episode shows (roughly), it means that either we'll get a whole bunch of team focus/nostalgia episodes in a row near the end, or some teams will be excluded from being the focus of an episode (I'll actually wager Gosieger will be one of the teams that won't get a focus episode, they'll probably be taken care of in the upcoming movie). that Luka in a maid outfit in the next episode preview? MY FANTASY HAS COME TRUE.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:10 pm

there's also the whole 6th ranger thing. Isn't the 6th ranger for Gokaiger going to have the power to turn into previous team's 6th rangers? anyway, I could see them wanting to have a few "6th ranger" themed episodes with him/her, possibly bringing back previous 6th rangers, so that could cut into things too.

If your right, and they don't do an episode for EVERY team, then I really hope they don't end up skipping Zyuranger, Dairanger, Timeranger, or Jetman.

yes, Dekarangers has an awesome theme! "ONE! EMERGENCY!! TWO! DEKARANGER!!" Favorite sentai season ever!
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Postby Nate » Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:21 am

Yeah, GokaiSilver is going to be able to turn into the Sixth Rangers, with a handful of exceptions.

First, X-1 Mask and Black Bull are not counted as Sixth Rangers, as they don't appear on GokaiSilver's armor. Second, despite being the fifth member of the team, AbareKiller counts as a Sixth Ranger and is thus part of GokaiSilver's arsenal. Third, DekaBreak is part of GokaiSilver's arsenal, but DekaMaster is not. Fourth, Go-On Silver and Go-On Gold are both represented on GokaiSilver. Fifth, GoseiKnight is part of GokaiSilver's powers, despite GoseiKnight actually being just a Headder and not a Goseiger proper.

It's a bit annoying that the first ever sixth Ranger, X-1 Mask, is excluded, as well as Bull Black, but GoseiKnight is represented. But that's just the way it is, I guess.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:29 am

I thought Dragonranger was considerered the first true 6th ranger?

What about Magishine/Magi Mother/Wolzard Fire (from Magirangers), will their power be availible to Gokaisilver? I've seen that there's a lot of debate over wether those three should even be considered rangers like the others, especially Magishine and Wolzard. In PR Mystic Force Magishine (Solaris Knight in english) wasn't considered a ranger at all.
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Postby Nate » Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:25 pm

X-1 Mask was the first Sixth Ranger, but he was only in one episode. Dragon Ranger was the first sixth to play a significant role in the show, so while he's the first "true" Sixth Ranger, X-1 Mask was the actual first Sixth Ranger.

Also, GokaiSilver has the powers of MagiShine, but not the others. The powers available to GokaiSilver are:

Gosei Knight, Bouken Silver, King Ranger, MegaSilver, Go-On Silver, Kiba Ranger, AbareKiller, Time Fire, Dragon Ranger, Shinken Gold, Shurikenger, MagiShine, Go-On Gold, Gao Silver, and DekaBreak.

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Postby Wolf-man » Sat Mar 26, 2011 11:50 am

I don't know if they will have a 6th Gokaiger. They could easily skip that considering the original Goranger did not have a 6th member (at least not to my knowledge).
This episode was great, though! I haven't even seen Dekaranger but is still made me geek out. I was so excited to see Doggie! It may be a while before I get to watching Dekaranger but I look forward to it. I wonder what team they will do next. I am hoping to see the Go-Ongers, Gekirangers, and Shinkengers cause those are all the teams I have seen. (not counting Goseiger considering they will be in the movie) I love this show though, it is so much fun. The cameos are actual crossover cameos and even if you haven't seen the show you still know that these are the characters from the show and that they are the original actors and personalities unlike a certain Rider show of which I will not name. <_<
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Postby mechana2015 » Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:27 pm

So episode five was extra awesome. I like the space police and the bigger focus on the Dekarangers.

Re: the robot fight at the end

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Postby Solid Ronin » Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:50 pm

Wolf-man (post: 1467604) wrote:I don't know if they will have a 6th Gokaiger. They could easily skip that considering the original Goranger did not have a 6th member (at least not to my knowledge).

Alot of Sentai didn't have a 6th ranger. But Gokaiger will, they already confirmed it GokaiGold, and I'm sure I'll wish he wasn't there like every other "Its a NEW RANGER!" character.
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Postby Wolf-man » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:09 pm

Oh ok I didn't know that they confirmed a 6th already. Why don't you like the 6th members? Usually they are fun characters like Genta or just plain awesome characters like Gosei Knight. Hopefully this one won't be anything like DiEnd.
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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:00 pm

I was gonna say, two of my favorite charachters in the american show were the green and white rangers...

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Postby Solid Ronin » Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:07 pm

Wolf-man (post: 1467967) wrote:Oh ok I didn't know that they confirmed a 6th already. Why don't you like the 6th members? Usually they are fun characters like Genta or just plain awesome characters like Gosei Knight. Hopefully this one won't be anything like DiEnd.

It throws the symmetry of the team poses off. I'm not kidding, that really bugs me.

On a deeper level, 6th ranger always seem to show up right when the leads are just getting real legs to stand on in terms of development, then BAM! new guy! Look at him! Oh man, he's sooo cool! And its not that I think they're terrible or anything, I liked Genta, but if he didn't exist in the show I wouldn't care...that said I am very glad Go-on Silver came around...

I should note I feel the same way to new Riders, even if I like them.
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Postby mechana2015 » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:47 pm

EP: 6

Pretty fun, and I'm looking forward to the next episode for Kung Fu Don.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:08 pm

episode 6!

-That's a lot of jewlry
-I like the design of today's monster
-lol, to the "entrapment" laser avoidance scene
-hahahah haggling over price while fighting. and in other comments...I think I've seen that courtyard before in Cutey Honey the Live
-the monster talks a little too much. and its voice is familier...
-wow, things are getting kinda heavy
-Luka is suddeny reminding me of Lemina Ausa from Lunar 2
-GoGo V how appropriate
-O_O. Did green just break that mook's neck?
-I'm blasting off again!!!! LOLOLOL
-not the greatest mecha battle though. sometimes I really fell like the giant fights are just an afterthought that has to be in every episode because of tradition.
-looks like next week is Gekiranger

I must add now; I think Gokaiger has the best fight choreography I've seen for any sentai series. Up to this point, from what I'd seen between power rangers and sentai, I'd felt that power rangers generally had better fights than sentai. But this show is great, and I think its going to be pretty tought for PR season 20 to top these fights in the american choreography.
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Postby Nate » Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:47 am

The mansion from episode 6 was also the mansion where DiEnd was visiting his brother in DiEnd World in Decade. Pretty sure, at least. Also oh man Luka in that maid's like they can see into my fantasies.
-the monster talks a little too much. and its voice is familier...

The monster was apparently voiced by Wataru Takagi. I don't see much that immediately makes him recognizable, apparently his biggest roles are from Detective Conan and After War Gundam X.

He did, however voice Commander Yammark and Infinity Mijinion in Mega Man X6. That's how I know the voice at least.
sometimes I really fell like the giant fights are just an afterthought that has to be in every episode because of tradition.

That's how I feel about a lot of Sentai, actually. The only series I can think of off the top of my head that I felt the mecha battles were consistently well done is Go-Onger. But ah well.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:44 pm

I looked him up afterwards. the thing I'd heard him in most recently was Naruto Shippuuden, as Tobi.
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Postby Wolf-man » Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:14 pm

YAY!!!! Next week (or this week I guess) is Gekiranger!!!!! Finally a show that I have watched!:grin:
This was a pretty good episode though. I had fun with it.
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Postby Solid Ronin » Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:27 pm

The single best thing about the entire episode was Ahim's hair when she was training. Her hair looks ok-ish down but they just kinda put a wave in it and leave it. But wow! You put it up and give her a little scarf and shes in the running with Luka! Seriously, they need to do that (sans the scarf..or not) every episode.
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Postby Nate » Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:48 pm

Yep, Don still confirmed for best character. I do like how this episode mentioned that Ahim and Don are still way behind the others in terms of fighting, and that it actually bugs them a bit. It's good to see that even when an episode focuses on a past team, that the main cast still get development.

But no Gekiranger theme when they transformed...that was kind of odd.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:02 pm

episode 7 time!

-if tis not a bird, then what is it?
-hahahaha. talking to a real tiger is exactly something that captain marvelous would do. that the tiger from those potty training videos?
-today's monster is pretty cool looking. like the extendo arms
-I'm going to guess that lord Walz Gil will not be the main villian for the entire series. He's too much of an incompetent royal. he already seems easily manipulated by his subordinates, I bet one of them may take over, or else someone higher up will take his place eventually.
-10 shooting stars every night? I wonder if she can get that quota on a regular basis
-oh so its a wax on wax off kind of thing...
-Don looks silly in that outfit
-hahaha, thats what you should do when people try to magenticly grab your weapons
-once again I find myself wondering if we'll even have time for a zord fight
-CGI zord rush! I guess they won;t be getting a full upgrade to their robot for EVERY team. that makes sense, would certainly save on the budget not to have 35 variations of the mecha.
-lol, the final scene was great
-Why is Maskman so small in the ending? I can barely get a good look at them

That was a pretty good episode. Again though, I kind of wish the old team/character could have had a more active role in the episode. I think this is one thing in this show I don't like as much as with Decade. In Decade, the individual arcs revolved around the riders in each world they visited, while in this, the old teams so far are mostly just cameos and background bits. Thats one reason I liked the Dekaranger episode so much, because Doggie was prominent in the actual plot of the episode. I hope we get more episodes like that in the future, and less "cameo mentor" ones.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:11 pm

episode 8!

-yay for backstory! Can;t wait to hear more about Joe.
-hahaha, poor Don. Even the bad guys dismiss him
-that monster looks like something from Dead Space.
-is the older brother....Jiraiya from Naruto? the younger one sounds familier too. (looks them up) O_O! Its Hiei and Kuwabara!!!
-how do they not notice that crazy koosh ball thing?
-Navi is the best mascot EVER!
-Island in the sky?? um....Gaoranger!?
-Don's attack was awesome in that fight
-ribbon attack O_O
-hey, where did the bat come from!?
-another dissapointing mecha battle. and why didn;t hey use the Gekiranger power again? We've already seen the magi and deka powers twice each.
-yep, Gaoranger next

This episode was kind of odd, but also funny and enjoyable. I liked that the villaisn are getting pro-active in investigating the pirates.
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Postby Nate » Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:49 am

Yep, Younger Brother was voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama. And Older Brother is a pretty famous voice actor in his own right (but he didn't do Jiraiya, I know you know that now but I was stating it for others).

As soon as Navi said island in the sky I immediately knew it was Gaoranger coming up next. And yeah, them dismissing Don as not even worth bothering with was pretty hilarious, and it was neat to get some backstory on the main characters (with the exception of Don) as well. I had suspected Joe was an ex-Zangyack member in the episode that focused on his sword training, and this episode confirmed it. I also still suspect Don was involved with the Zangyack as well, given in episode 1 Luka and Marvelous didn't know what the Gigant Horse was, and Don did and explained it to them.

Also, given what they said about Marvelous' backstory, does that mean AkaRed was the leader of the Red Pirates? I'm interested to see the expanded role they're hopefully going to give AkaRed in this series given that he was probably originally conceived to be a one-off character who would never be seen again.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:11 am

What I would really want to see is Akared untranformed. Because then we could possibly see Toru Furuya live (although maybe he'd be considered too old to play a ranger out of costume?)
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Postby Solid Ronin » Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:25 pm

GoaRanger, DekaRanger, MagiRanger and coming next ___Ranger. Screw this! I want some SunVulcan, Live and FiveMan!

Also this thread needs much more OOO's.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:25 pm

episode 9:

-is every episode going to start with a shot of the pirate ship going by?
-the monster of the day is named Bowser!? awesome!
-not very intimidating looking though :(. what's with the pink?
-hahah, Don couldn;t hold the others on his shoulders effectively
-rangers use Clock-up! it is super effective!
-Puppy!! no, don;t change the screen. go back to the puppy!
-"and who are you?" "I'm a [s]housewife[/s] veterinarian". I so expected him to start kicking butt after that scene.
-once again, green and pink get spotlight in an old team episode?
-the things on bowser's back remind me of a monster from Chrono Trigger (I think. its some RPG at least)
-really don't like the gaoranger theme music.
-"did you guys have your own little adventure again". Yes...
-Gaogokaioh was kind of meh.
-so next week looks like it will be JAKQ, and we break the "every other episode" pattern

Good episode, but not great. looks like we may have a villain subplot now, with the main guy blindly pshing forward to conquer earth, while his subordinates act more stratigicly by trying to interfear with the rangers' search for the sentai team powers.
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Postby Nate » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:03 am

Nope, didn't break the every other episode pattern. :p While JAKQ was featured heavily, they didn't unlock the full potential. Still, seeing Big Bomber again was AWESOME. But other than that, it was a fairly meh episode overall, although seeing that Marvelous sucks at cards was pretty funny.

So next week, we get a bit of Zyuranger, so that'll be interesting for all the MMPR fans...and Shinkenger episode, too. Though it looks like Kaoru is going to be the prominently featured Shinkenger, and not Takeru. I'm actually fine with this, I like Kaoru and I'm glad she's getting more screen time, especially since she's, y'know,
And it was nice she played a role in Goseiger VS Shinkenger too (which actually just got subbed recently and features the debut appearance of Gokaiger).

And even though I didn't comment on last week's shenanigans, I don't think I could have put it any better than a guy on /m/ did:

This week on Super Sentai: Pirates ride a giant lion!

This week on Kamen Rider: An eight year old boy murders his older sister the day before her wedding in an attempt to remember her as a better person than she actually was.

Kind of a mood whiplash there.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:55 am

Episode 10!

-worst disguises ever!
-so "luka playing for real" means cheating?
-this week's monster is weird
-"Hello rangers, I'd like to play a game..." ^^
-oooh, out xanatosed! Nice
-roll call without stock footage, yay
-awesome! two swords in one hand.
-lol, a plan within the plan

Yeah that episode was just ok, not horrible but not really great either. I liked how their plan for getting the explosive stuff worked out though. Kind of wished they had unlocked a new power in this one, cause I'd hate to see them have to rush through teams later on. Next week;s episode looks good; Shinkenger and back story for Blue.
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Postby Nate » Tue Apr 26, 2011 9:00 pm

Rocketshipper wrote:Kind of wished they had unlocked a new power in this one, cause I'd hate to see them have to rush through teams later on.

Yeah, that's my concern, as I said earlier. We probably shouldn't expect more than 50 episodes for this show, and they have 35 teams to get through. At the pace they're going now, they're not going to make it. Even if you assume they'll get a couple of them in the movie (or movies), we're either going to get a lot of previous-team focused episodes near the end of the series, or we'll have some sort of deus ex machina that just goes "You unlocked the remaining team's powers all at once!" which would be kinda lame.

And of course, the big question right now is "Will Barizorg be GokaiSilver?" Getting a lot of conflicting rumors on this one. I actually am hoping that this turns out to be the case, the whole "bad guy turning good" thing is mostly absent in Sentai, the only two examples I can think of are Gekiranger and Zyuranger (and even then, Burai wasn't COMPLETELY a bad guy).

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Postby Rocketshipper » Fri May 06, 2011 2:36 am

There's also Abarakiller in Abaranger. And that situation was pretty unique because he stayed a bad guy for like almost the entire series before becoming good, and he *wasn't* under any mind control spells or misunderstandings.

anyway, episode 11!

-Joe is cool. and shy, lol. Although...what does it say if he did that to protect a flower more than to protect his friend from falling on his face?
-nice Puny-title
-giant battle at the beginning! maybe this means its out of the way. and the Gekiranger power up is still getting neglected
-lol, none of them can pronounce samurai properly
-his master is space-jubie Yagyu!
-wow, nice to see a former sentai who *isn't* all ok with letting the gokaigers keep their powers.
-so the prince is coming down to lead the attack himself. hhmmm. Lets see if he dies and gets replaced by a new villain now.
-um..why aren't you morphing yet?
-kind of surprised Ahim can fight in civilian mode
-wow, that flash effect when Green was fireing his gun was really bad
-Moth breaker was always the worst weapon name ever!
-epic ownage!
-yeah, I'm betting Cid will probably be Gokaisilver. although it does seem kind of early to introduce the new ranger character already, even if his actual powers won't debut till later.
-a two parter! the upgrade looks super cool.
-movie preview! Houka-chan!!!!!

so yeah, now it really is looking like there won't be a focus episode for every team, since this is a two parter. Now I'm just hoping that the show will end up having crossovers with the remaining teams I was looking forward to (mainly, Zyuranger, Dairanger, Megaranger, Carranger, Timeranger, and Abaranger)
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Postby Nate » Tue May 10, 2011 1:24 pm

At the very least, I must say Gokaiger is doing a good job overall of balance between character development for the pirates, and giving screen time to the previous Sentai members. There have been a few disappointments (the Gekiranger episode stands out to me as being not so well done) but overall, we're getting good background and development on the main team, and good focus on the previous teams, and this Shinkenger arc really stood out as fantastic.

As for the fights this arc, they were really well done too. Apparently, the director for these two episodes was Koichi Sakamoto, who is known for two things: out-of-costume fights, and extensive use of wire-fu, both of which were prominent in these two episodes. Incidentally, Sakamoto worked Power Rangers quite extensively starting in the third season, and did quite a bit for the show after Disney took the rights to it. He's also been the action director for Power Rangers Samurai, too.

As for me, I was just glad to see Kaoru get some more screen time, and some backstory for Joe. Also, we now know that Luka joined third, Don fourth, and Ahim was the last to join the group. I was a BIT disappointed in how the Shinkenger powers were used though. Well, first of all, Marvelous used the Rekka Daizantou AWESOMELY. Takeru never did anything like that with it, and it was a pretty sweet move. On the other hand, none of the other characters used the Shinkenger specific weapons, and they didn't do any finishers or other powers that the Shinkenger had. So I was a bit disappointed with how uninteresting the Shinkenger fight scene was outside of what Marvelous did.

As for Shinken Gokai-Oh, it was okay. I don't hate it, but I didn't think it was all that awesome. We now know why GaoLion looks different from how it did in Gaoranger, though. Still, it's a bit bizarre GaoLion is involved in the Shinkenger powers. There's like no connection outside of "Well GaoLion is a red lion, and ShinkenRed had a red lion."

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