bkilbour (post: 1461011) wrote:hm.... the problem always lies with "sex feels good."
so.... the people who, for the most part disagree with AliveinHim on all this stuff are doing it because they want to get that high. Pure and simple.
Those who say kissing/platonic affection (no, not pederasty, just hugging and whatnot)
is okay are those who enjoy that sort of thing, but draw a line.
Those who agree with AliveinHim are of the same sort as herself.
The first viewpoint is wrong, because fornication is wrong. the second viewpoint is fine, given the individual has enough self-control to enforce said limits (like keeping yourself to a limit when you're out drinking, be careful that the more you have, the more you'll want). The third? Well, AliveinHim, I gotta hand it to ya that you're probably gonna need a lot of patience, but in the end it'll be either totally worth it or a big mixed bag.
Personally, I'm just not doing anything with anyone, not even going out on a date, until God shows me and gives the green light. Until then, I'm cool spending my time with Him.
Because clearly anyone who wants sex is a horrible loose person and they should feel bad.
Sex should feel horrible then our world would be better. Anyone who disagrees with kissing before marriage is a horrible person and they are going to get STDS.
Should you use self control, draw lines, and use common sense? Yes.
If someone wants to save their kiss for their wedding day then sure, more power to them. But don't try to act like those who don't are horrible loose people.
Also Okami, you are awesome.