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I've got 2 anime questions

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I've got 2 anime questions

Postby Celtic_Moon » Wed Jul 30, 2003 5:16 pm

First one is: HAs anyone seen or Read Love Hina yet? I've ssen little clips of it and read the back of a manga, but I don't know if it's all that great. (sub note: I'm 22 so somethings just don't shock me anymore :sweat: )

Second is, has anyone read or seen InuYasha yet? If not, I'd be happy to give a review :dance: On second thought, maybe I shouldn't since I have one of the most liberal veiws in this place. I sure wouldn't suggest it for the squeamish. But you be the judge :angel:

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Postby ShiroiHikari » Wed Jul 30, 2003 5:33 pm

I've seen manga covers of Love Hina.....but that's about it. I have to admit my first impression is "Eww...fanservice for guys, stay away." Maybe I'll give it a look sometime next time I'm in the comic store.

I've seen a few eps of Inuyasha on CN. It wasn't too bad..
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Postby Kirika » Wed Jul 30, 2003 5:54 pm

I read the first 6 or 7 manga of Love Hina, and I like it... Those kind of things don't bother me.
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Postby blue elf » Wed Jul 30, 2003 6:08 pm

Well I know very little about Love Hina, but as for Inuyasha, I really enjoy it. I'm sure it's not for everybody, but as far as fantasy/mythological anime are concerned I think it's very good. I think there was a thread talking about Inuyasha in the anime forum once.
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Postby Psycho Ann » Wed Jul 30, 2003 8:28 pm

Read the manga back in Indo (Love Hina). Good art, funny, but yeah, not my type of manga (too much fanservice and I want SHONEN dangit, SHONEN!!!!).

Inuyasha is just Inuyasha. It's mythological, like any other fantasy story, it doesn't bash our Lord or distort our beliefs, doesn't promote sin.... so yeah, I have nothing against it ^^

And violence and nudity (manga--very rare and slight. But then again, what do you expect from Takahashi-san?) but not as graphic as many other current titles.
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Jul 30, 2003 9:18 pm

> I've seen a few eps of Inuyasha on CN. It wasn't too bad..

In general, I think Viz does a very good job on dubs. Was this the dubbed version?

If it's the Viz dub that's available on DVD, the voice cast should be the same as the current Ranma 1/2 voice cast (Richard Cox = Ranma = Inu-Yasha, I forget who is doing Kagome). I'd be really surprised if it were a CN-specific dub.
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Postby BrianC » Wed Jul 30, 2003 9:30 pm

Psycho Ann wrote:Read the manga back in Indo (Love Hina). Good art, funny, but yeah, not my type of manga (too much fanservice and I want SHONEN dangit, SHONEN!!!!).

Inuyasha is just Inuyasha. It's mythological, like any other fantasy story, it doesn't bash our Lord or distort our beliefs, doesn't promote sin.... so yeah, I have nothing against it ^^

And violence and nudity (manga--very rare and slight. But then again, what do you expect from Takahashi-san?) but not as graphic as many other current titles.

uh, Love Hina is shonen. Not all shonen has to be like Dragon Ball, Kenshin, or One Piece. Tenchi Muyo is shonen too. I read some Love Hina manga and I couldn't get into it. Some of the romance is well done, but most of the humor isn't funny. From what I have seen, the humor is either too over the top or based on fanservice. This coming from someone who likes some silly humor.
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Postby andyroo » Wed Jul 30, 2003 9:41 pm

shooraijin wrote:...I forget who is doing Kagome...

The VA for her is Moneca Stori who has done voice acting for a few other anime as well.

InuYasha is pretty a pretty good series. As for Love Hina, never seen it.
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Postby Psycho Ann » Wed Jul 30, 2003 11:07 pm

Sorry, I meant TRUE shonen. The shonen manga that follow the "old ways of shonen manga". Action, action, and more action. Throw in rival and friendship themes plus the road to VICTORY!!

One insane example of "true" shonen is Otoko Juku. Even DBZ isn't that "pure" a shonen manga as Otoko Juku or Fist of the North Star.

Love Hina revolves around a "romance" theme rather than action, it isn't even as "shonen" as Inuyasha when one compares it to the basics of "true" shonen manga.

Man... I'm an obsessed shonen and manga purist XD
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Postby Rashiir » Wed Jul 30, 2003 11:34 pm

I've seen like the first 20 episodes of Love Hina. The first one was awesome. The rest were eh. Actually the Zelda/Final Fantasy one was pretty good.
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:24 am

> The VA for her is Moneca Stori

Yes, you're right ... arigatoo :) I knew it wasn't Miriam Sirois! (That's Akane, for those who don't know.)

The rest of the USA cast is a direct studio swap of the R1/2 cast, though. Kikyo = Kasumi = Willow Johnson, Sango = Ukyoo = Kelly Sheridan, Kagome no haha = Shampoo = Cathy Weseluck ...

For that matter, I think some of the old Japanese R1/2 actors are here also. Ranma = Inu-Yasha = Kappei Yamaguchi, and I'm pretty sure Noriko Hidaka (Akane) is here too (although I think she's Kikyo ... have to go look up the cast).
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Postby Christianotaku » Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:49 am

Love hina is not shonen. Its what us in the manga buisness like to call shonjo. Every other page has a full nuude body its not something you want to read. ITs basically softcore porn.
thats the way i see it
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Postby BrianC » Thu Jul 31, 2003 9:11 am

Christianotaku wrote:Love hina is not shonen. Its what us in the manga buisness like to call shonjo. Every other page has a full nuude body its not something you want to read. ITs basically softcore porn.

Love Hina is not shojo. It's aimed at young boys (the official site for the company that publishes this manga in Japan even says so), so it's shonen. It doesn't matter if it has romance, action or whatever, shojo and shonen are terms for who the audience of the manga or anime is. Whether the manga or anime is shojo or shonen depends on who the manga or anime is geared towards, not how action packed the anime is. The nudity in Love Hina is not on every other page and it's undetailed and mostly in bath situations. It's not porn.

Note: If an anime or manga has a male main character surrounded by a bunch of women and there is some fanservice, the anime or manga is most likely shonen.

I liked what I have seen of Inuyasha on Cartoon Network, though some of the dub scripts are rather weak. The first few episodes tried too hard to make it hip with dialog like "Toto, we aren't in Tokyo anymore".
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Postby Kirika » Thu Jul 31, 2003 3:31 pm

Christianotaku wrote:Love hina is not shonen. Its what us in the manga buisness like to call shonjo. Every other page has a full nuude body its not something you want to read. ITs basically softcore porn.

I don't know anything about shonjo or shonjen or whatever. But if you consider Love Hina as porn, then most every Hollywood movies are as well... Yes there's nudity, but not detailed one like BrianC
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Postby inkhana » Thu Jul 31, 2003 3:51 pm

Also, if you consider nudity as porn (now this is coming from someone who has not yet read Love Hina) then a whole lot of classic art is porn, too (talking Sistine Chapel-type classic art). It all relies on the CONTEXT, not whether or not it's nudity.

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Postby Kirika » Thu Jul 31, 2003 3:54 pm

NOOOOO! There's porn everywhere!!!!!
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Postby Christianotaku » Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:27 pm

no but As ive heard about love hina its just tons of sex jokes one after nudity in every chapter its a very perverted manga.
thats the way i see it
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Postby BrianC » Thu Jul 31, 2003 10:25 pm

Christianotaku wrote:no but As ive heard about love hina its just tons of sex jokes one after nudity in every chapter its a very perverted manga.

Well, you heard wrong. However, it does have some perverted jokes in it. PG-13 tops. As strange at it may sounds it's actually geared towards young boys in Japan, so there is a limit to what can be shown in it. Nudity is NOT in every chapter. It has some silly over the top humor like giant turtles, a cursed sword, and stealth suits, not all of the humor is perverted. Some of the relationships in it are very well done. I didn't care for Love Hina much, but I don't like hearing uninformed opinions dismissing it as complete trash.
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Postby Rashiir » Fri Aug 01, 2003 12:14 am

Basically anything that gets at all "risky" ends up with Keitaro getting beat up.
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Postby Christianotaku » Fri Aug 01, 2003 7:46 am

I have not heard wrong ive read the freaking manga i know that love hina is basically softcore porn!!
even a member once told me he had struggles with it. Love hina is just a pure fanservice no story no plot softcore porn manga and anime!
thats the way i see it
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Postby Kenchii » Fri Aug 01, 2003 9:18 am

Love Hina has just alil' ecchi, get over it. :shady:


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Postby Christianotaku » Fri Aug 01, 2003 9:40 am

its true there is basically no story the very small story there is is perveted and corrupted and twsted so far it stinks.

how do you think the manga is every other page a full panel strip of a naked girl how can you defend this amount of nudity and lack of plot?
thats the way i see it
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Postby inkhana » Fri Aug 01, 2003 9:49 am

Guys, don't turn this into a "shouting" match. It won't help the case. Brian, if you don't mind my asking, just how much nudity is in it, and in what context are these situations? (are we talking really sexual or just like "bath scenes"?)

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Postby Kirika » Fri Aug 01, 2003 9:59 am

It's mostly only bath scenes and the nudity is not detailed
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Postby BrianC » Fri Aug 01, 2003 10:22 am

The nudity is in bath scenes and only one or two panels are frontal, but the frontal is undetailed. There are some panels where the butt is shown. However, alot of the nudity is covered by something and the nudity is always in hot springs or bath scenes. It's not in every issue, but it is in every GN. However, the plot is fairly shallow, but the romance in Love Hina is well done and not sexual.

Love Hina does have alot of akward situations with Keitaro where he accidently sees someone naked or bumps into a girl's breast. Keitaro gets mistaken for a pervert and beaten up quite a bit too. BTW, part of the reason I don't care much for Love Hina is the overuse of this humor.

Let me get this straight, I'm not recommending Love Hina, but I'm defending it becuase, christianotaku, you have it all wrong and I feel that you are just posting further to cause trouble. Yes, it has some bad stuff in it. No, it's not for everyone. However, it's not porn. End of discussion.

Now that I have that settled, I don't think any more discussion of Love Hina is needed. I did not want to turn this into a debate. I made a comment about Inuyasha in one of my previous posts to keep this on topic and everyone ignored it. christianotaku, no more useless bantering please.
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Postby Rashiir » Fri Aug 01, 2003 11:08 am

Wait, are we talking about the manga or the anime? They seem to be pretty different. It sounds like the manga has way more fanservice than the anime. IMHO, I think the anime is a waste of time and it sounds like the manga is worse.
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Postby BrianC » Fri Aug 01, 2003 11:27 am

Well, the manga does have more character development than the anime, but I did feel as if the manga was a waste of time. I heard that many of the more serious scenes in the manga are ditched in favor of over the top and silly humor like giant turtles and stuff like that for the anime. I don't like Love Hina, but there are some good things about it, so it's not complete trash. However, the bad still overshadows the good and there are many similar anime and manga titles that have better plots, humor that is actually funny, and less fanservice. Oddly enough, Ah My Goddess is aimed towards an older audience than Love Hina, but from what I read, it's much cleaner and much more entertaining than Love Hina.

Note: My posts about Love Hina were meant to provide more accurate info about Love Hina, not support it. Misleading info shouldn't be given about any series.

Now, can we please talk about Inuyasha now please? I think it's a very cool show, though the dub starts out weak. I heard that Cartoon Network is supposed to get more episodes soon.
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Postby inkhana » Fri Aug 01, 2003 11:30 am

I always liked Inuyasha. It was one of the shows I really followed before they started repeating over and over. BTW, it's slipped my mind but when do the new eps start? Oh! Another question. (that makes two, I'm still on-topic!) What are the diffs between the manga and anime to make it worth having both?

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Postby andyroo » Fri Aug 01, 2003 1:08 pm

There will be new episodes of InuYasha later this month. In June the release schedule was for earlier in the month like next week or somethng, but release schedules got swapped around with Blue Gender. I think it will be the 25th or the 18th when the new episodes air.

I've only skimmed through a few pages of the manga, but I did see alot scenes that were in the anime. The difference that I noticed the most in was the dialogue. Not really cussing, but just details that maybe weren't needed or made things confusing.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Aug 26, 2003 11:40 am

I've seen the Entire Love Hina Anime except for winter. I've even seen Love hina again... And I can say with confidence this show is PERVERTED. And the manga is worse. Basically, Love Hina Again is equal to the Manga for the most part, but the manga is still marginally worse than even that. The show is full of "accidents" like walking in on people, accidentally groping and the like. One early scene has Narusegawa running around with what you essentially know is Keitaro's interesting bits in her hand (under his towel, but that's what it is nonetheless...) It is all meant to be just funny, but the sexual stuff does not compare to the extreme embarassment and pain in the show... Those girls are abusive (except for the Young black haired girl, I forgot her name...) and he just puts up with it. Most of the accusations brought against him are false, but there are a couple times he is honestly being perverted or sneaky... Plus there is the Homosexual issue with the elementary school girls (the indian girl, the girl I just mentioned who's not violent, and one of their school friends...) which isn't all that pronounced (they are only elementary kids and aren't necissarily idolizing Elen or anything...)

But, as I said, it's the PAIN that takes center stage. He gets kicked, punched, run over, shot, and every other painful think you can imagine or maybe you wouldn't have (the slash from a sword creates wind that shoots him off the roof a few times...)

The only reason I kept watching was because it has a hypnotic effect... It's like watching a wreck. But in the middle of that, they somehow fit in a romantic theme... How they ever managed to pull that off is just a huge mystery.

In any case, despite some sweet moments and some funny episodes, I would not be able to watch it again...
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