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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:56 pm

I suspect that this was misreported and in actuality a website (or two) were pirating the Funimation official stream and releasing it in another country that Funimation doesn't support (like Canada) and they just had to cease and desist them. know.. anime news reporting is so reliable.

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Postby blkmage » Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:17 pm

In the thread for that ANN article, both a representative from Funimation and one from ANN claimed that the production committee meant everything, including fansubs when someone questioned whether they meant what they meant.
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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:50 pm

*sigh* Well, I was hoping it was just misreporting on ANN's part.

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Postby Midori » Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:13 pm

Revised impressions thus far after seeing (x) episodes:

Madoka Magica (3):
...yeah...I don't think I need to explain why this is my first pick for this season.

Infinite Stratos (1): Dropped due to disinterest.

Yumekui Merry (3):
This is looking to be a monster of the week show, but if none of the monsters are as interesting as Chaser John Doe, this'll probably drag. Merry was cute at first but she's getting a little boring.

I said I'd continue watching this if either Victorique or Kujo became more interesting. They both did, and I am quite pleased so far. I should have expected as much from BONES. I think this one's a keeper.

Dragon Crisis (2):
Hmm...It's just not quite doing it for me. Sure Rose is cute, but the hero is pretty dumb for not wanting to take care of her. I might give this one another episode, but I might not.

Kore Wa Zombie? (2):
Actually I find this quite amusing and Eucliwood is very HNNGGGG (the real one, not the imaginary one). I'm keeping this on my list, despite the fanservice problems and the danger that the jokes may get stale.

Level E (2):
Quite funny but a little slow. I keep expecting the Men in Black to show up, but they're not based in Japan. I wonder what the Japanese equivalent would be? Anyway, I don't know whether I'll keep up with this or not. It probably depends on how many other shows I drop.

Fractale (2):
Attractive, but I can't tell where it's going and it's a little boring in spots. I'll give it another episode or two though. It looks like it could have some really interesting plot things going on, but if it doesn't manage keep my interest until it reveals those, then, well, too bad.

Wandering Son (1): Dropped due to confusion and diabeetus of the ears.

Bonus: Princess Resurrection (OAD) (1):
Better than the disappointing TV series, but appears to be made solely for people who've already read the manga. It retells the very beginning, sort of, but skips a bunch and starts with all the main characters already on board, with an extra story that either is not in the manga or I have not gotten to yet. But, it's fairly attractive.
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Postby blkmage » Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:31 pm

Okay, this season I am watching
1. Madoka Magica exceeded my expectations for being something that's made by pretty much my dream team of staff and cast.
2. Hourou Musuko is is beautifully produced and is on track to be a pretty good adaptation of a story that's pretty unique in the issues it addresses and the subtlety of its presentation and development.
3. Kimi ni Todoke Second Season also remains excellently produced and continues to be a very faithful adaptation of one of my favourite shoujo manga.
4. Level E looks like it could be a pleasant surprise.
5. GOSICK falters a bit with its mystery so far, but it seems to be heading somewhere interesting with Victorique.
6. Fractale has been disappointing in that the only really interesting thing about it so far is the world that it's presented.
7. Koreha Zombie Desuka is dumb comedy, but hey.
8. Yumekui Merry is looking like this season's Otome Youkai Zakuro for me: interesting enough to get by week to week, but ultimately goes nowhere.
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Postby Yamamaya » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:19 pm

Perhaps this reveals a greater stupidity of the production company. It appears that Funi is just paying lip service to this request and the company is naive enough to believe that these few efforts will eliminate piracy.
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Postby blkmage » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:59 pm

Well, I imagine, just like the original demand, that there's a lot of inside baseball going on, so there's probably more to it than there would be if you just took all of their statements at face value.

Oh, and in more hilarious Fractale drama, Yamakan was goaded into threatening to retire by someone who was flaming him on his blog and his producers did not like it very much.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:30 am

Updated thoughts on new shows:

Level E - I'm a huge fan of this series at the moment. Definitly one that I'm laughing out loud with. The balance between plot and gags is just right, I enjoy the chracters, and this particular sci-fi setup is fun and atypical of anime. I expect it to keep getting better. Very pleased Togashi wrote a story like this.
Fractale -Not sure why everyone is down on this series, as I'm digging it. I don't find it slow at all. The characters aren't the most original, but the unique world setup, the excellent soundtrack, gorgeous visuals offset that nicely. I enjoy the current emphasis on the need for family, home and community as an antidote to the feelings brought on by modern, technology-induced isolation. This series makes me feel warm inside.
Gosick - So, this one's got potential. Episode two was miles better than episode one. I was much more engaged. Thought I'd be annoyed by Vic, but turns out I really like her. I hope that the characters become more compelling as the stories unfold.
Cardfight Vanguard - Yup, I'm the only one here watching this show AND enjoying it. What can I say: maybe I have poor taste? I dunno, but, for what it is, I find CFV to be quite likeable and fun.
Infinite Stratos - Not especially brilliant. I like the trappings, but it's a moe harem show. I will probably keep watching, but I don't know why. Yes I do...robots.
Beelzebub - Yeah, I dropped this one. When you have to sepnd time/energy to talk yourself into watching the second episode of a's time to let it go.
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Postby Falx » Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:56 am

blkmage (post: 1454260) wrote:Oh, and in more hilarious Fractale drama, Yamakan was goaded into threatening to retire by someone who was flaming him on his blog and his producers did not like it very much.

I'm starting to suspect why he got fired from Lucky Star.
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Postby blkmage » Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:46 am

I mean, I think my issue with Fractale is that I expected it to be a lot more different from what it is right now. Obviously, we're going on hunches right now, but the feel of the show as a whole doesn't feel very unique for something that's intended to be different. It's the same kind of problem that a lot of the Anime no Chikara shows had, I think.

The other thing is the same problem a lot of people had with Sora no Woto, which was that there was a huge disconnect in the adaptation of the character designs from the concept art. The concept art was good, but the anime rendering is a little bland.

And I think it also suffers from being in the same season as two shows that sort of outflank it from different directions. On the interesting and unique side, you've got Madoka Magica, which is extremely new and different by comparison and on the well produced side, you've got Hourou Musuko, which is much more impressive than Fractale on the production front as well as being a very well written story.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:18 am

blkmage (post: 1454421) wrote:I mean, I think my issue with Fractale is that I expected it to be a lot more different from what it is right now. Obviously, we're going on hunches right now, but the feel of the show as a whole doesn't feel very unique for something that's intended to be different. It's the same kind of problem that a lot of the Anime no Chikara shows had, I think.

The other thing is the same problem a lot of people had with Sora no Woto, which was that there was a huge disconnect in the adaptation of the character designs from the concept art. The concept art was good, but the anime rendering is a little bland.
Totally valid arguments, though I think it's the characters themselves that don't feel totally unique (though they're likable), while the world itself seems pretty fresh (but I haven't seen Summah Wahs!). Still, the different-ness of the show seems a bit overhyped, in retrospect.
magey wrote:And I think it also suffers from being in the same season as two shows that sort of outflank it from different directions. On the interesting and unique side, you've got Madoka Magica, which is extremely new and different by comparison and on the well produced side, you've got Hourou Musuko, which is much more impressive than Fractale on the production front as well as being a very well written story.
And I might agree with you here as well...if I were watching those shows. I was really hoping somebody would license Madoka too =(.

I think we can agree that Fractale is still good though, right?
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Postby blkmage » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:32 am

I think it's still too early to say for Fractale, since it seems like it could go either way.

And I'd bet against Madoka getting licensed anytime soon. It's exactly the sort of thing that would be super niche in America at best (see: Bakemonogatari, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Nanoha, Kara no Kyoukai, etc.).
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Postby LadyRushia » Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:42 am

If Madoka doesn't get licensed ever, I might cry.

Also, I feel the same about Fractale. I like it and it's interesting--it kind of feels like a sleepy dream and that part is cool--but I'm not as engaged with what's happening to the characters as I probably should be on the second episode of a show.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:10 pm

blkmage (post: 1454433) wrote:And I'd bet against Madoka getting licensed anytime soon. It's exactly the sort of thing that would be super niche in America at best (see: Nanoha,)
Let me stop you right there, sir. Observe.
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Postby blkmage » Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:17 pm

Oh, I know it's licensed, but I also know that it's super niche and I can't imagine it sold amazingly. Hence, it's an example of something that shouldn't have been licensed.

If they do license something first, it'll be Bakemonogatari or Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei. I'll revise my outlook once we've cleared those hurdles.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:20 pm

Sure. To clarify, I only meant streaming license/simulcast, not a full-blown DVD or Blu-Ray release. I'm sure Giant Killing and Cross Game discs won't see the light of R1 day, but dey be streamin'.
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Postby MightiMidget » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:30 am

Okay, so I liked the second episode of Fractale a lot more. I think I really liked it actually. Something happened, Clain developed a little, I like Nessa. The trio of klutzy "villains" still kind of annoy me, but whatever. My "what is with the dopples?!" question that was really bugging me, got answered. I look forward to continuing to follow this. =)
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Postby blkmage » Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:36 pm

I think Fractale has finally hit something interesting with its third episode. But I don't want to talk about Fractale.

Despite my initial reservations about the decision to begin in the middle of the story, Wandering Son, which I shall sometimes lapse and refer to as Hourou Musuko, is one of the most impressive shows of the season and it really disappoints me that more people aren't watching it.

I think that Madoka is a fantastic show, but I think that it also works for a specific audience, namely those who are already familiar with magical girl themes and other similar stuff. That is, Madoka isn't for everyone and I don't think it works the same way unless you have a preexisting body of experiences to draw on and compare to.

Wandering Son, on the other hand, is a show I can recommend for anyone. One of the criticisms I've seen pop up that drives me nuts the most is that people think it's heavy drama. It isn't. When there is drama, it passes relatively quickly. Otherwise, it's a look at characters and how they deal with their particular problems. Hourou Musuko is about characters. And what's great about the presentation and story is that it handles development with a subtlety that less careful readers/viewers mistake for slowness or nothing happening.

If you're lamenting the lack of serious but not melodramatic anime that deals with complex issues and has complex (not flat) characters, this is the show you want.

If I had to choose one show to make everyone watch this season, it wouldn't be Madoka or Star Driver (as much as I love them, I thought that I'd be the only one who'd be really into them), it'd be Hourou Musuko. And I think that it's one of very few anime in recent times that deserves your attention.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:48 pm

blkmage (post: 1454966) wrote:If I had to choose one show to make everyone watch this season, it wouldn't be Madoka or Star Driver (as much as I love them, I thought that I'd be the only one who'd be really into them), it'd be Hourou Musuko. And I think that it's one of very few anime in recent times that deserves your attention.
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Postby blkmage » Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:03 pm

TheSubtleDoctor (post: 1454977) wrote:>the-hard-sell.jpg

I'm just saying, for all the whining that people do about there not being any good, mature, thoughtful anime, here is one that is made just for them. And if they choose to ignore it for whatever reason without giving it a shot, I will feel nothing but contempt for them when they whine about A Certain Boring Light Novel Adaptation season six or Moe★Harem ~the Animation~ and that no good, mature, thoughtful anime is being produced.
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Postby Falx » Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:17 pm

Fractale suddenly took a turn for the disturbing.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:57 pm

Falx (post: 1455033) wrote:Fractale suddenly took a turn for the disturbing.
For reals.

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Postby MightiMidget » Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:58 am

Falx (post: 1455033) wrote:Fractale suddenly took a turn for the disturbing.


*excitedly wanders huluwards*

EDIT: Okay, I'm intrigued. Something happened.

[spoiler]I was definitely not expecting people to die in Fractale. Or if they did, not violently.[/spoiler]

Looking forward to watching the plot progress. =) Though I second "disturbing" over "serious." :P Though both are definitely applicable.
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Postby blkmage » Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:44 am

Okay, fine, I give up. Why isn't anyone watching Hourou Musuko?
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Postby TWWK » Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:00 am

blkmage (post: 1455106) wrote:Okay, fine, I give up. Why isn't anyone watching Hourou Musuko?

I am! Planning to watch it all season through, but I've only seen the first episode. Need to catch up (though I'm watching it through Crunchyroll). I thought the first episode was a bit confusing with all the characters, but I really, really enjoyed it - powerful in its subtlety.
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:07 am

blkmage (post: 1455106) wrote:Okay, fine, I give up. Why isn't anyone watching Hourou Musuko?

Because I'm reading the manga in order to get to where the anime begins.

And that's going slowly because I have a major courseload this semester.

I have a feeling I won't get a chance to watch it until Spring/Summer.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:21 am

blkmage (post: 1455106) wrote:Okay, fine, I give up. Why isn't anyone watching Hourou Musuko?

I mad.
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Postby blkmage » Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:38 am

Okay, I guess these are all pretty good reasons.

In other news, I figured out what is bugging me about Fractale. It does the same things that Angel Beats! did that drove me into a rage. I predict that I will not like Fractale very much by the time it ends.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:54 am

blkmage (post: 1455120) wrote:It does the same things that Angel Beats! did that drove me into a rage.
Care to expand on what these are for those of us who aren't inclined to dig around for your Angel Beats post(s)?
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:07 am

Um I've been Watching Wandering Son....since last week, Mage :) And I really find it it to be intriguing and something that some kids probably experience. CR just released episode 2 yesterday for non subbies.

So far, it's a GORGEOUS anime...(at least artistically.) The plot is definitely slow, but not in a bad's a slice of life anime what do we expect? XD.
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