Postby Bobtheduck » Thu May 13, 2004 2:07 am
I did fine in meps until I said I may have had allergy caused asthma when I was younger... That got the meps doctor to write me off... My primary doctor always said he disagreed with the asthma diagnosis, and had me tested, and wrote "no asthma" on several pages of my medical records, and they told me I still wasn't accepted because it said the word "asthma" on the report I turned it... The fact that "Does not have" was before it every time doesn't matter... The very fact I even got myself tested for it killed my case. They're that paranoid about it...
They finally conceded that I could get in with the word asthma on my report, but they said I couldn't get in because I graduated from a Charter school...
It's cool you got through that nightmare... That's something I never want to do again... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
Legend of Crying Bronies: Twilight's a Princess