TopazRaven (post: 1437051) wrote: I can be a real witch with a b instead of a w.
Atria35 (post: 1437150) wrote:Yeah, you aren't arrogant. And you do try to back up what you say, and that's a very good trait
Just relax a bit- sometimes it's when people try to hard that they start coming off as obnoxious.
You're doing fine, though. Seriously
Atria35 (post: 1437150) wrote:Yeah, you aren't arrogant. And you do try to back up what you say, and that's a very good trait
Just relax a bit- sometimes it's when people try to hard that they start coming off as obnoxious.
You're doing fine, though. Seriously
TGJesusfreak (post: 1437140) wrote:Thanks guys. Yesterday just brought up a lot of frustrations that's all. I know I'm young, I'm ignorant on a lot of things. I never EVER want people to think I'm just talking without any knowledge. I try so hard to back up all I say with facts, and not opinion. I always wonder that if I use all of my sources and try and share all that I know, that people will think I'm showing off and arrogent... In truth I'm really not! I want to provide as much proof as I can. But people many times in the past have taken me as arrogent. So upon thinking about it, maybe it's true.
I try so hard to listen to the other side of an argument. And if I am prooven wrong I'll almost always try and admit I was wrong. I don't ever want to be right. I WANT THE TRUTH. But obviously, I tend to not be like that a lot. and I just hope that God can help me to be humble.
armeckthefirst (post: 1437271) wrote:dude how old are you? i am totally the same way!
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