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Postby MrKrillz0r » Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:02 am

Hey, a dude at my who attend to the same school as I do and have his classroom next to mine is having a bad time right now, as most of the people in his class is being mean to him and stuff.

This guy have had it like this since he were like 9 year old but its never been this bad before. And yeah he's one year younger than me, which would make him 15.

I don't know him personally but it really pains me to see him getting ganged up on, I discovered today how bad it really was. Things like this really gets me burning inside with anger, and someone have to do something, so I've decided to put an end to this tomorrow.

I know talking with a teacher is one option, but that usually doesn't end stuff like this, but rather makes it more exciting for the bad guys. And I think that the victim would be more happy to see that someone really cares for him rather than a teacher telling them to stop. I got a friend backing me up if needed, but I really hope and I do also think that we won't have to resort to violence.

Please pray for the victim, he had a rough time his whole life and he doesn't deserve this, although I have to say he is really strong that he can take all this. And also pray that I won't have to resort to violence to get em' to stop.
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Postby goldenspines » Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:50 am

I'll be praying.

Though, it may be best in the end to get adults (figures of authority) involved in these types of situations instead of putting you and your friend in a place where you even have the smallest chance of resorting to violence. :\ In all seriousness, confronting bullies your own age is probably one of the worst things to do.
At least tell the teacher so s/he can tell the parents of the individuals in question and have them deal with it.
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:11 am

I've been a victim of bad bullying, and I would say that getting an adult involved actually does help, depending on the school and which adult. If you make enough fuss with teachers that will care, then something can and will be done. And also don't hesitate to take it above the teacher. Document this stuff. Take it to the principal if you need to, and if they aren't listening, to the local media. With all the suicides that are happening that are because of bulling lately, they won't hesitate to latch onto this story and see that your friend is taken care of.

I'm agreeing with Goldie that what you're planning on doing is dangerous. You aren't authority figures, and you'll pretty much definitely end up in a fight.
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Postby Midknight74012 » Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:54 am

Indeed. I've been bullied all my life till I finally got out of grade school. If you want to take action, 1st thing you should do is tell a figure of authority. Next, become his friend. I discovered myself that having a friend to unload all my feelings on can definitely make you feel better. This way, not only does he have someone to lean on, you can stand your ground against the bullies. I'm not saying to pick a fight, but make it known that your not an easy target. Stare them down (or up if they're taller) and believe that fire you feel in your heart is being seen in your eyes. If there is going to be a fight and teachers won't be able to get there in time, don't throw the first punch and do cheap shots. It's better to get suspended then for your friend to be beaten to a bloody pulp without cause.

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Postby Midori » Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:05 am

I will definitely be praying as well. Speaking as someone who was bullied himself quite a lot, it's not something that can just be 'put up with'. Being a friend is the best thing you can do, and discretely letting the adults know is a good idea too.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:41 am

I agree, getting the authorities is best if it is really as bad as it sounds :\ Do you know why they bully him? Going down the pat of violence may make things worst as well.. Not just for him, but for you and your friend :\ Maybe, ask them straight up why they bully him so much. Not all up in their face ask them, but just calmly ask them why the bully him so much ^^ Then, go from there ^^

I really hope you all can steer away from violence. I'll be praying ^^
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Postby MrKrillz0r » Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:20 pm

The thing is, one of the dude's doing this did the same to my classmate at their previous school. But after a while he couldn't stand it anymore and pushed the bully up to the wall and told him to stop. After that he stopped.

I don't plan to bring up a fight with him/them, and I don't think they will either, especially since we are both taller and got more strenght at our side. But the guy isn't the fighter type, he is the kinda guy that uses words and doing small stuff just trying to get him as irritated/sad as possible.

The victim had it like this since he was a kid, and his brother too. (His brother is one year older.) The reason is 'cuz that he himself have what many would call a annoying voice, he got a weak body build and got a pretty well, want-to-be-cool attitude. So he is just like any other of this dude's with the exception that many people easily get annoyed with him and then start to bully him.

The adults have thru all this time been well aware of what have happened and they've been like telling people to stop. I know that its good to let the grown up handle problems like this, and as its a new school the teachers are probably still unaware. I will not go and bring a teacher not knowing if he wants it or not though.

Plan: I will be friendly with the guy (I added him at facebook to start with >.<) and I know that my friends who go in his class won't do anything against him so atleast he got some peeps to hang out with. Then when that guy who both bullied him and my classmate starts to go at it again I will tell him to knock it off and tell him go away. Which will be a shock for this dude most likely. Just by doing this I think that I can atleast reduce the way things is going and show that he is not alone.

And to go into more details me and my mate know two of the guys bullying him, we're not close friends but enough to be secure that they will knock it off when we go against them. The chance of violence accuring is small to none and our school is a very little one (Maybe 250 people or something) so a teacher will most likely be there fast if things would go bad. But I understand that you won't understand the situation completely but there is like maybe 7 people who is bullying him, no one use to get in fights, we know 2 of the people more or less and by taking stand against 1 of them there is likely that it will decrease dramatically.
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Postby Midknight74012 » Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:16 pm

Good move, dude.
Psalms 82:3-4
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maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.
Rescue the weak and needy;
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Postby Hiryu » Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:38 pm

In the art of war, outnumbering your enemy is a good strategy. There is power in numbers. That's what they're doing, right; Ganging up on him?

It was a good choice to become friends with this person, especially if they have no friends. Your friendship will become truly meaningful.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:27 pm

That's good you friended the victim (not sure what to call him lol) ^^ I'm sure he appreciates it ^^

Since you all will be hanging out, when you see Mr. Bully doing his bullying business, get your friend out of there as if you guys don't even notice him ^^ If he follows you guys, just simply turn around and tell him to cut it out.. That it's getting old :-?
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Postby MrKrillz0r » Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:03 pm

Update.. xD

Anyway I didn't have the chance to hang out in their class to much today but it seemed to be okay today and I didn't notice anything although I heard from my friend that the victim had thrown some little thing in the bully's forehead which I'm sure didn't improve the situation (Of course there was a reason aswell), but I will keep an eye on everything and stick to my plan.

Thanks for praying and I really hope everything will turn out alright. :)
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Postby Arya Raiin » Fri Oct 15, 2010 5:45 pm

Good move dude, I'll be praying. :thumb:
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Postby Kunoichi » Sun Oct 17, 2010 9:06 am

Praying situation improves all around.

For me personally, I was bullied up until I got out Highschool. To the point I had a gun pulled on me and was daily in fear for my life. The most damaging to me was not physical or threatened physical violence. It was emotional and psychological. That is something that leaves the most scars. Hopefully the person who is surviving this will come to trust his worth in Christ rather than the views others have of him.

Glad you are sticking up for him though, sounds like someone needs to.
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