Will anyways, prepare for a long post.
(Monster Tamers)
Trading Card Game
(Monster Tamers)
Trading Card Game
+Map: Players have thirty squares of movement separated into six rows in which the tamers and monsters interact. Monsters can be placed anywhere on the first three rows (Depending on their courage) but tamers must be placed on the back middle square. Terrain and weather squares are shared between sides but have their own terrain and weather piles (5 cards each max) and out of play squares. Spells are to be held in your hand.
+Gameplay: Roshambo. First player randomly chose a Terrain card while second player randomly chose a weather card each from your own piles. From this decide upon your desired tamer (limit one), monsters (Five max), equipment, and spells. Only one monster is allowed to move and/or attack per turn. When a monster’s Stamina reaches zero they are to be placed in the out of play square. When a tamer is attacked the monster whom attacked must return to its tamers side. The first tamer to reach zero stamina loses.
-+-Tamer stats:
-Stamina: Life points
-Wisdom: How many spells they can use per game.
-Manna: The max level of a spell they can handle
-+-Monster stats:
-Attack: Two attacks with ranges and strength separated into percentage of 10. (10 to 100)
-Stamina: Life points
-Wisdom: The percentage of strength they can use. (1-10)
-Courage: Starting position on field. Low must start on the back and higher must start on the front.
-Speed: How many positions they can move per turn.
-Manna: The level of spells and/or Equipment they can handle.
+Element Types:
-Fire: Strong to Air, Plants, and Lightning but weak to Water, Earth, and Metal.
-Air: Strong to Ice, Water, and Metal but weak to Fire, Lightning, and Plants
-Water: Strong to Fire, Earth, and Plants but weak to Air, Ice, and Lightning
-Earth: Strong to Lightning, Fire, and Metal but weak to Water, Ice, and Plants
-Lightning: Strong to Metal, Air, and Water but weak to Earth, Fire, and Ice
-Ice: Strong to Lightning, Water, and Earth but weak to Air, Plants, and Metal
-Plant: Strong to Ice, Air, and Earth but weak to Fire, Water, and Metal. They have no speed stat (They cannot move)
-Metal: Strong to Fire, Plants, and Ice but weak to Lightning, Ice, and Earth
-+-Secondary Elements:
-Light: A separating element, indifferent to all others even dark.
-Dark: A separating element, indifferent to all other even light.
-+-Terrain cards: Affect all monster cards. Cannot be changed unless a certain spell or device is used.
-Plain: No special effects
-Tundra: Speed is decreased.
-Forest: Add two to plant type speed (They can now move) but reduce range by two as well.
-Dessert: Weather durations are halved.
-Swamp: Spell manna limits are nullified
-Islands: Only water and air types are allowed to move.
-Cave: Weather will not accrue
-Volcano: All cards lose ten stamina points at the end of their turn.
-Valley: Spells and Equipment cannot be used here
-+-Weather cards: Effect placer cards. The duration of effects depends on card and even the same card type can have different lengths. When the time runs out the player who didn’t place the card plays one from the random pile.
-Clear: No weather effects
-Sun storm: Increase your Light element courage by one but decrease wisdom by one. Reverse for Dark element.
-Drizzle: Spell card manna limits are decreased
-Cloudy: Increase your Dark element courage by one but decrease wisdom by one. Reverse for Light element.
-Hail: Enemies monster takes damage for moving
-Mist: Increase all your monsters Wisdom by one.
-Fog: Enemy flips a coin. If tails attack miss, if heads attack connects.
-Snow: Damage also decreases Wisdom, Courage, or Speed by one point for all players. Points return if weather card changes.
-Rain storm: Decrease Attack strength and Speed of Fire, Earth, Water, and Air elements opponent monster.
-Dust storm: Decrease Attack strength and Speed of Lightning, Metal, Plant, and Ice elements opponent monster.
-Calm: Stamina is healed to full if card is on the back row of their starting side. Both sides.
-Tornado: Half the Stamina of opponent’s monster and tamer cards. (Length: one turn: always.)
-Night (Clear): Your dark elements are allowed free movements to all open squares.
-Full Moon: Increase attack strength of were beasts, beasts, and dark element monsters.
-Aurora: Choose another weather card at random.
-+-Tamer cards: Support to monster cards. Have elements themselves. The ‘King’ of the game.
-+-Monster cards: The pawns, rooks, and etc. to the game.
-Beast: Well-rounded stats. Good starters.
-Were-beast: Good Attack strength and Stamina but low manna and ranging Wisdom and Courage.
-Ogre: Good Wisdom and Courage and high manna but ranging Attack strength and Stamina.
-Fairy: High Courage and Manna but low everything else. All effect types.
-Ghost: Light element that cannot be put out of play. Good Attack strength, Speed, and Mana but low Stamina as well as ranging Wisdom and Courage.
-Evil Spirit: Dark element that cannot be put out of play. Good Wisdom, Courage, and Stamina but low speed as well as ranging attack strength and manna.
-Servant: No element type. They can only be controlled by special Tamers. They can also be equipped with anything.
-Elemental: Damage is doubled to alternate elements given and taken.
-Angel: Can act as an equipment card and not take up a monster count. It can only be used on Light element monsters. Cannot use equipment itself.
-Demon: Can acts as an equipment card and not take up a monster count. It can only be used on Dark element monsters. Cannot use equipment itself.
-+-Spell cards: Game changers used by tamers.
-Attack: Allows the tamer to attack. It can only attack monster cards.
-Counter: A quick act card.
-Support: A limited time power up card.
-+-Equipment cards: Only allowed one unless it is part of a set.
-Weapons: Effects attack strength
-Armor: Effects Stamina (sometimes speed)
-Accessories: Effects Wisdom, Courage, Mana, and Speed.
![Argh! :comp:](./images/smilies/smiley-throw-computer-ani.gif)