At this moment, I am recovering from a panic attack.
I struggle with depression and I've been going through a very "down" phase lately. It's been hard for me to get up and do things, and it's been hard for me to eat, which obviously doesn't help my energy levels.
I only slept for maybe a couple of hours thanks to a certain movie I saw. Finally, around 6:30 this morning (about two hours ago, my time) I decided to get up and piddle around online to help clear my head.
Well, thanks to some other people that lived in our building, there's been a roach problem all summer. It got better for about a month or so, but when I came out to the living room this morning there were far too many hanging around for my tastes. I hate, fear, and loathe roaches more than I can say. I couldn't handle it and I freaked the hell out.
I am sick and tired of dealing with this. I really don't know if I CAN handle anymore of this. This plus some other problems I've been having is just too much. (Maybe I'll talk about the rest of it another time.) I feel like I'm trapped in my own personal hell and that there's no way out. I feel bad having to make my husband put up with this and I'm really terrified he might get sick of it and leave me or something, which I know is irrational but I'm not exactly thinking clearly lately.
Anyway, I just really need some prayer, and some help, and some peace.