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are any of these good?

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are any of these good?

Postby firestorm » Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:34 am

I just found out on craig's list that someone near me is giving away free anime dvds and they listed them. Are any of these good?

3X3 Eyes – Immotorls Vol. 1 & 2 - VHS
Blue Submarine No. 6 Vol. 1 – VHS
Brain Powered Vol. 1 – VHS
Bubblegum Crash Vol. 1, 2, & 3 – VHS
Demon City Shin Juku – VHS
Dig Wars – VHS
Dominion Tank Police – VHS
Eat Man ’98 – VHS
Gundan Wing – VHS
Harlock Saga – VHS
Harmagedon – VHS
Nascoi Vol. 1 & 2 – VHS
Outlaw Star – VHS
Pat Labor Vol. 1 - VHS
Pet Shop of Horrors – Complete Collection – VHS
Poltergeist Reoport – Yuyo Hokusho – VHS
Princess Mononoke – VHS
Super Atragon – VHS
Tenchi Forever – DVD
The Dark Myth Vol. 1 & 2 – VHS
The Guyver Vol. 1 & 2 – VHS
Venus Wars – VHS
Wings of Honneamise – VHS
X the Movie – VHS
Yoto Den – VHS

I don't know the name of some of them. I know Outlaw star, Guyver, Princess Mononoke, and Gundam wing but that's about it. Are any of these good?
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I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:41 am

Out of these, I know that

Wings of Honneamise
Outlaw Star
Princess Mononoke (It's Ghibli- of course it's great!)

are very highly regarded. Especially Wings and Princess Mononoke!

For some of the others, I'd head to THEM anime reviews and check out their one-stars. I believe that Demon City, Bubblegum Crash, Eat Man, Dominion Tank Police, Harmageddon, and X the Movie are either there or on the two-star list.
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Postby Falx » Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:23 am

Harmageddon is the worst thing I have ever tried to watch. Seriously. I'm GLAD the DVD showed up damaged because 5 (stuttering) minutes in I knew I made a mistake.
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Postby goldenspines » Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:50 am

Hey, they're free, so how can you go wrong? XD

I've heard some okay things about 3x3 eyes.
Princess Mononoke is definitely worth getting, even if it is the VHS (providing you have a VHS player).
They released the entire collection of Petshop of Horrors on VHS? I thought it was newer than that. XD In my own personal tastes, that series is worth the watch, but it's not for everyone.

Those are the only ones I've even heard of. You can google all the titles to get an idea of what you're in for before you get them (like, you don't want to get yaoi or hentai by mistake. x.x)
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Postby Kaori » Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:12 am

Princess Mononoke is excellent. X the Movie is absolutely awful (the TV series was pretty good). What I've seen of Outlaw Star was okay but not great.

Harlock Saga! This is a set of OVAs based on an earlier TV series (and before that, the manga by Matsumoto Leiji). I haven't seen any of the Harlock anime and know nothing about this particular set of OVAs, but the Harlock series in general is classic space opera, and I've heard good things about it, so I would say go for it.

I've also heard of Gundam Wing, of course, but I don't know much about it other than that it is mecha, so hopefully someone else can fill you in on it.
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Postby Nate » Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:30 am

firestorm wrote:3X3 Eyes –]
I've heard good things about these but don't know anything about them personally. If they're free they're worth a shot though. You won't have wasted any money at least.
Demon City Shin Juku – VHS

I feel like I've actually seen this one. If it's VHS it might be dubbed though, and I hear the dub is pretty bad. Now I have to go find it online somewhere and see if this is the one I'm thinking of, with the topless spider lady. That mess was freaky.

EDIT: Found a bit online on Veoh and watched it but still can't tell if it's the one I'm remembering or not, though I am fairly sure I've seen it. It doesn't seem bad, it's got kind of a post-apocalyptic vibe to it. If you're into stories that are all "One dude stands against evil in a crazy world" you might like it, but again, the fact that it's VHS means it's probably dubbed and well, the dub is pretty bad as I've heard.
Tenchi Forever – DVD

This is one of the movies which is connected to the TV series. If you haven't watched the TV series, you won't understand anything going on in it. It isn't bad for what it's worth if you like Tenchi, but I still prefer the OVA continuity

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Postby ADXC » Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:56 pm

Dude, it doesn't matter! These are free DVDs and VHS tapes! I would go for it. Hey if you don't like them, then it really doesn't matter because all you really sacrificed was your time and maybe some gas in your car.

Out of those I only saw Princess Mononoke, which was really good. So for that alone, go get in your car and get them! XD
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Postby minakichan » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:11 pm

They are mostly on VHS tapes.

You should burn them all.
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Postby ADXC » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:22 pm

Don't burnate the VHS! They are still good! (Says someone who bought many Dragon Ball Z VHS tapes. XD)

As long as you have a VHS player, it's all good.

Now here is something you could do, transfer your VHS tapes to DVDs. But I can't remember how you do that though.

Oh wait XD, you meant like burning them onto a disk. XD I gotcha.
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Postby firestorm » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:08 pm

we actually have a device at my work that can do that I think :D
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I am currently on my 4th draft of the script for Canvas! Canvas is a watercolor animated short about how everything declares of a Creator and how everything happens for a reason. If anyone would like to help by sending me resources on watercolor or animation it would be greatly appreciated!

I am also on my 1st draft of a short live-action Romcom called "Behind Every Good Man! Behind Every Good Man is about a Bride-to-be, Evelyn, who must stop her Mother-in-Law, Pamela, from living her dream wedding through Evelyn's. Along the way she learns what it means to be a Woman of Integrity today! If anyone wants to help let me know!
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Postby Roy Mustang » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:34 pm

Here is my take on the ones that I have seen as if they are good or not.

Blue Submarine No. 6 Vol. 1 – VHS No, It started out okay, but this thing became a train crash and the end was like, what the heck just happen.
Bubblegum Crash Vol. 1, 2, & 3 – VHS Yes, a good old school series
Dominion Tank Police – VHS Yes, a good old school series
Harlock Saga – VHS Yes, another good old school series and one of the best space operas.
Outlaw Star – VHS No, Outlaw wanted to be Cowboy Bebop wannabee, but it became a series with more questions then answers and it was no where as good as CB.
Pat Labor Vol. 1 - VHS Yes, a very underrated old school series
Tenchi Forever – DVD, This is a good movie, but if you haven't seen Tenchi Universe series, they you are going to lost. This movie is the final story arc of Tenchi Universe series.
Wings of Honneamise– VHS Yes, this is a very good film is an critically acclaimed as a classic by Gainax.
X the Movie – VHS No, if you gets these VHS. Take this one out side and burn it!

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Postby Rusty Claymore » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:37 pm

Pat Labor was hilarious! In my opinion at least. XD
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:07 pm

[quote="Roy Mustang (post: 1418286)"]Harlock Saga –]Roy, I think you are probably thinking of the 70s TV series Space Pirate Captain Harlock. Unfortunately, that series never saw an R1 release. And, yes, it is highly regarded by anime fans as one of the best space opera shows out there, as Roy says. Harlock Saga, however, is something different. It is a 6 episode OVA that aired in 1999. It is also universally regarded as terrible by Harlock fans.
But, yeah firestorm, I'd jump on that just for Honneamise. Kind of hard movie to find these days.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:27 pm

TheSubtleDoctor wrote:Roy, I think you are probably thinking of the 70s TV series Space Pirate Captain Harlock. Unfortunately, that series never saw an R1 release. And, yes, it is highly regarded by anime fans as one of the best space opera shows out there, as Roy says. Harlock Saga, however, is something different. It is a 6 episode OVA that aired in 1999. It is also universally regarded as terrible by Harlock fans.

Opps, my bad. I was thinking of the 70's one and forgot that it never had a release other then they are showing it on Hulu now.

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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:29 am

Get all of them but X the movie or as said before by multiple people burn it. Its terrible
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Postby Mithrandir » Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:12 am

I've seen many of these titles and can recommend some more highly than others. If you don't mind violence, 3x3 Eyes and BGC are both pretty good.
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