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I found a great Christian program that share the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST with Muslim

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I found a great Christian program that share the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST with Muslim

Postby UncleShal » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:46 am

This is a really great christian program I found called jesus or Muhammad. There not mean people they don't hate Muslims. The actually LOVE them & that's why the have the show where they share the LOVE of JESUS CHRIST with them & the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST with them. You can watch there show live at
I really recommend watching them. They have some pretty smart & amazing Bible scholars on there Show. Also here is there youtube page where you can watch part's from there shows off there website

GOD Bless & take care people.
My favorite Quote from the Bible
To be absent from the Body is to be in the present of the LORD. This verses I hold dear to my heart & it helps me get through the day at times & the fear of DEATH & other fears in the world as I feel we go more towards the end times.

My favorite book from the Old Testament: The Book of Psalms.

My Favorite Character from the Bible beside My LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST is the Apostle Paul.

Favorite Book from the New Testament is the Book of Revelation.


The RETURN, My friends animated Christian movie about the Return of JESUS CHRIST:

Really great Christian Music Video another one of my friends on youtube made with the movie Passion of the CHRIST. His name is TheComizmik truth here is a link to his music video he made:

A video about JFK, & Mr.Martin Luther King:

My favorite President of the USA is Mr.Abraham Lincoln, Second Favorite President is JFK.

Alright GOD/JESUS Bless you Everybody & keeping LOVING JESUS.
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Postby Yeshua » Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:40 am

This is great, It's good that they try to help the Muslims, thanks for the Links ^^
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Postby Nate » Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:49 am

Muslims already believe in

Ezekiel 23:20
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:32 pm

Nate (post: 1416758) wrote:Muslims already believe in

lolz! C'mon, Nate, you know what he means. XD
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Postby I will rise » Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:33 am

As a Christian living in a Muslim country, I totally support and agree on this scheme for a simple reason , Muslims in Egypt have very wrong of Christianity

They are taught since their infancy that Christians are polytheists worshiping God (Allah) , Jesus and Virgin Mary!! They believe that Christians believe that God (Allah) married Mary to give birth to Jesus so they totally rejects the word Son of God as they think it means that God has the affinity to get married!!

Even if they didn't believe in Christianity and in Christ , I want this scheme to erase all misconceptions about Christianity..

Imagine you are living in a Muslim community and others see you as a mere heretic and not a believer

May God bless this scheme and bestow it with his grace and strength
Thank you
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Postby Yamamaya » Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:07 pm

I will rise (post: 1417407) wrote:As a Christian living in a Muslim country, I totally support and agree on this scheme for a simple reason , Muslims in Egypt have very wrong of Christianity

They are taught since their infancy that Christians are polytheists worshiping God (Allah) , Jesus and Virgin Mary!! They believe that Christians believe that God (Allah) married Mary to give birth to Jesus so they totally rejects the word Son of God as they think it means that God has the affinity to get married!!

Even if they didn't believe in Christianity and in Christ , I want this scheme to erase all misconceptions about Christianity..

Imagine you are living in a Muslim community and others see you as a mere heretic and not a believer

May God bless this scheme and bestow it with his grace and strength
Thank you

Man that's some pretty crazy misconceptions!

From what I know, Muslims strongly oppose the idea of the Trinity. They believe it to be polytheistic.
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Postby UncleShal » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:20 pm

Yamamaya (post: 1440351) wrote:Man that's some pretty crazy misconceptions!

From what I know, Muslims strongly oppose the idea of the Trinity. They believe it to be polytheistic.

Sorry I haven't been on here lately. Thank you for everyone like my Post. To tell you the truth when I first posted this I really thought alot of people on this site when get made at my post & say I'm posting Muslim hate & hatred toward Islam & take down my post. But I'm not I have a really big desire in my heart to see Muslims saved & on the road to Salvation. I have some much so of a desire to see Muslims saved & leaving to occult of Islam that my ex-gf who was a Muslim stop talking to me cause of the how i was sending here video's from that site that explains the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Muslim & expose the lies of Islam where they are wrong about Christianity. She stop talking to me & never replied once to any of my message I sent to her explaining this stuff. I actually still have her brother add on my PSN account on PS3.

She actually told me though one type that if she ever left Islam her family would most likely disown her & probably kill her. Which made me kind of mad but at the same time said that she really can't leave Islam cause she is very dependent off her family. She actually lives in Saudi Arabia. So yea. I have never told her brother about the messages I have sent her cause I don't want him to know & then possible try to hurt her. But yea I was cool with them but yea that really the part that I don't like about Islam is that anyone that try to leave it is threaten to be killed. That really makes me made. Trust me Islam out of all the occult I have come across has to be the worst one of all, second to Islam is atheism. Both of those cults I don't like & promote hatred towards Christianity.

The crazy thing though I have seen a Muslim tell me for his reason of rejecting Christianity is that rap music & the Illuminati are responsible for Christianity & was made by them to control people & that Islam is the true faith to fellow. I mean I understand where Muslims are coming from when they don't understand the trinity, But saying that is reason for rejecting Christianity & fellowing Islam cause some rapper said that & portray Christianity in a bad way is your reason is just dump. Also if he actually read the Bible he would know which he told me he believes it has been corrupt by them & changed, but if he read it he would know that the Bible hasn't been changed & that it is very anti-Illuminate meaning it mostly exposes them & there Satanic occult. I even gave him a video where one of my Christian brother on youtube exposed that lie & proved it false in several different way's & he still didn't believe me. Then he got made at me for insulting Mohammad & calling Mohammad what he was a pedophile. He got made at me for that & started swearing at me & threatening me.

Seriously Islam has to go. It's very backwards & they don't really under stand anything to do with Christianity. But the funny thing is I have seen several Muslim quote the Bible to try to prove Christian to be bad people & Jesus not being God, but then they go back & say they believe the Bible to be corrupt & a few message before they quoted the Bible or a few message afterwards. Shoot the Muslim I was talking to on youtube that believed that stuff about the Illminuate quoted the Bible also to try to prove me & other Christian where not being good Christian cause he brought up some verse where it talk's about women covering up & dressing modestly & he said cause Christian women where swimsuits there not good Christian & there hypocrites & that's another reason he doesn't fellow Christianity. Which I message him & asked him why is he quoting a book he believed to be corrupted. That just really doesn't surprise be how hypocritical Muslim will be when quoting the Bible saying it's corrupted when they want it to be & not when they say so. It remind me off how Satan try to use Scripture against Jesus when he was being tempted.

I have had that same problem with atheist also where they will read the Bible & misquote it & try to use it to put Christians down & say see this is way I'm an atheist but not read the full chapter or book in the Bible. It really get's on my nerves. I like to say to them if you don't believe in God then way are you quoting a book which is made to strengthen faith in Him. Seriously atheist & Muslim alike have both got on my nerves & only makes me want to avoid them at all cost & the cults.

So yea sorry for the long rant but yea that's how I feel about Islam. I really don't hate Muslims I want to see them saved but as for the Islam the religion it self well I want to see that go away as much as I want to see the religion of atheism go away.
My favorite Quote from the Bible
To be absent from the Body is to be in the present of the LORD. This verses I hold dear to my heart & it helps me get through the day at times & the fear of DEATH & other fears in the world as I feel we go more towards the end times.

My favorite book from the Old Testament: The Book of Psalms.

My Favorite Character from the Bible beside My LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST is the Apostle Paul.

Favorite Book from the New Testament is the Book of Revelation.


The RETURN, My friends animated Christian movie about the Return of JESUS CHRIST:

Really great Christian Music Video another one of my friends on youtube made with the movie Passion of the CHRIST. His name is TheComizmik truth here is a link to his music video he made:

A video about JFK, & Mr.Martin Luther King:

My favorite President of the USA is Mr.Abraham Lincoln, Second Favorite President is JFK.

Alright GOD/JESUS Bless you Everybody & keeping LOVING JESUS.
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Postby Nate » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:01 pm

Well this thread is going to get ugly fast.
UncleShal wrote:I really thought alot of people on this site when get made at my post & say I'm posting Muslim hate & hatred toward Islam

I didn't think you were when you made this thread. But you definitely are posting Muslim hate and hatred toward Islam now.
expose the lies of Islam where they are wrong about Christianity.

Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a liar. They do interpret Jesus in a different way than Christianity but that doesn't make them liars and it doesn't mean the things they say are lies.
She stop talking to me & never replied once to any of my message I sent to her explaining this stuff.

Okay, so quick question. If your friend was always telling you constantly about the lies Christianity told about Mohammed and showed you Muslim sites where they showed you the truth of Islam and kept messaging you about it constantly, wouldn't you at some point stop talking to her and not reply to any of her messages? I'm sure at first you would try and debate with her, I know that, but eventually, wouldn't you get tired of her constantly trying to convert you?

Think about it from her point of view.
the part that I don't like about Islam is that anyone that try to leave it is threaten to be killed.

That's not true at all. That's a complete and utter lie. Yes, there are SOME Muslims who will kill or threaten the life of a convert. However, not ALL Muslims do that. Many Muslims are completely fine if someone converts to another religion. The ones that will threaten to kill converts are usually the ones who live in countries in the Middle East. Most Muslims who are born in say, the US or Canada will not threaten to kill a family member who leaves the Muslim faith.
Trust me Islam out of all the occult I have come across has to be the worst one of all

Islam is NOT A CULT. That's a lie and the only reason to call it a cult is out of hatred. It's just a religion like any other religion.
second to Islam is atheism.

Atheism isn't a cult either. In fact it kind of can't be a cult since they don't believe in a god.
Both of those cults I don't like & promote hatred towards Christianity.

First, no, they do not promote hatred of Christianity. We had an atheist member here at CAA for a while who was very nice and polite, and really liked us, but just didn't believe in God. Not all atheists hate Christians, not all Muslims hate Christians, and nowhere is hatred of Christianity promoted in either Islam or atheism. Yes, some atheists and Muslims do hate Christians, but so what? Some Christians hate atheists and Muslims, does Christianity promote hatred to those groups? Of course not. So don't make generalizations about entire belief systems like that.
The crazy thing though I have seen a Muslim tell me for his reason of rejecting Christianity is that rap music & the Illuminati are responsible for Christianity & was made by them to control people & that Islam is the true faith to fellow.

I have seen a Christian tell me that social security numbers are the mark of the beast in Revelation. I have seen a Christian tell me that Harry Potter is a secret plot to get children to become witches. I have seen a Christian say that Catholics were responsible for the Holocaust. I have seen a Christian say that soldiers are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq because God hates gays.

So guess what? ANYONE from ANY RELIGION can say crazy stuff.
Also if he actually read the Bible he would know

You do realize many non-Christians actually do read the Bible, right? Just because they don't believe the same things you do about it doesn't mean they didn't read it. That's extremely arrogant to think that anyone who reads the Bible will believe exactly the same things about it as you do.
if he read it he would know that the Bible hasn't been changed

Actually that's not true, the Bible has changed many times. For example, I'll wager you're a Protestant. That means you don't have books like Tobit or 1 and 2 Maccabees in your Bible, right? Those books (the Deuterocanonical books as they're called) were removed from the Protestant Bible. They are still in the Catholic Bible.

And that's not even getting into stuff like the story of Jesus and the adulterous woman (the one where He says "Let he without sin cast the first stone") where if you look at older copies of the manuscript, that story is not in them, meaning it was put in later. So yes. The Bible has changed. You can say God allowed or caused those changes, and that's fine. You can also say those changes were caused by Satan and the changes are evil and wrong, and that's fine too. But it has changed and to say it hasn't is wrong.
calling Mohammad what he was a pedophile

While that is an accurate statement, you do realize how insulting that sounds, right? You can't just say stuff like that and not expect the person to get mad, ESPECIALLY if it's about a religious leader they look up to. If I called Jerry Falwell a racist (and he was a racist) then I bet you anyone who goes to Liberty University or likes Jerry Falwell will get mad. In fact, we had a thread recently where I said Martin Luther was a terrible person and a mod told me to knock off making controversial statements and said that saying things like that can provoke fights, whether intentional or not. In fact I could have gotten a strike for it.

You're definitely in the wrong on this one.
Seriously Islam has to go. It's very backwards

Yep, there's that hatred again.
they don't really under stand anything to do with Christianity.

Most Christians seem to not really understand anything to do with Christianity except "You'll go to Heaven if you pray to Jesus."
But the funny thing is I have seen several Muslim quote the Bible to try to prove Christian to be bad people & Jesus not being God, but then they go back & say they believe the Bible to be corrupt

How is that funny? They're saying "These verses are corrupted, and therefore are proof Jesus isn't God." That makes perfect logical sense to me. Now if you don't believe the verses are corrupted, then that's understandable, but it makes sense to show how Jesus isn't God by showing that the verses are corrupted.
That just really doesn't surprise be how hypocritical Muslim will be when quoting the Bible saying it's corrupted when they want it to be & not when they say so.

One, that's not hypocrisy. Two, they're not saying "It's not corrupted here." They're saying "If you really believe this, then why aren't you following it?" They're saying "This book is corrupted, but you don't even follow it and you think it's not corrupted." That's what they're saying. It makes perfect sense. I don't see how you don't understand that.
say see this is way I'm an atheist but not read the full chapter or book in the Bible.

Some atheists have read the Bible more than most Christians have.
I like to say to them if you don't believe in God then way are you quoting a book which is made to strengthen faith in Him.

Because they're showing the parts that they think are wrong or corrupted, which is why they don't believe in the Bible. That makes perfect sense again. Besides, you realize that they can do the same to you, right? They could say "If you're not a Muslim, why are you reading a translation of the Qu'ran?" or "If you're not an atheist why are you reading Richard Dawkins' book The God Delusion?" A Christian would respond "I am reading them to become more informed on your beliefs, and to show you what I think is wrong about them." The Christian isn't reading it because they want to believe those things, but because they're "gathering intel" on how to attack the enemy. So how is it nonsensical that non-Christians would read the Bible for the same reason?
I really don't hate Muslims I want to see them saved but as for the Islam the religion it self well I want to see that go away as much as I want to see the religion of atheism go away.

"I don't hate Muslims but I hate Muslims." Okay. Also atheism is not a religion. Atheism is the absence of religion. Saying atheism is a religion is like saying being unemployed is a job.

Ezekiel 23:20
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Postby Midori » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:26 pm

No. We will not discuss this topic any longer. If you cannot comply this thread will be locked, and I'd hate to do that to UncleShal.
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Postby UncleShal » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:51 pm

Actually the Supreme courts here in the States have ruled that atheism is a religion. Also if you search up the definition of religion you will find out that you don't need a deity for something to be religious that is the error some many people make now a day's is that you need to believe in a God in order to be religious. You don't. Seriously I alway's get called a bad person when I stand up against atheist & Muslim that attack me. So then I should then be nicer & let people walk over me right. I find so many people that say I'm a horrible Christian even other Christians.

See I'm not a horrible Christian & I don't hate people. If I hated people so much which even Christian have told me I do then I wouldn't even bother getting on youtube to preach the Gospel in the first place & tell people they need Jesus is there life that are on the fast track to Hell. I think the most loving thing you can do is warn a person that the road he is one is leading him to destruction.

Seriously I think if some of the Biblical Character where on Earth today like John the Baptist then most Christian wouldn't be Christian today. Most people wouldn't even fellow Jesus & people would be genuine with there faith. I have been put down by so many people especially some Christian & I wouldn't be surprised if some of these people would want me to burn in Hell. Seriously. You want to know hateful try getting swear at all the time & called uneducated cause you don't believe in Evolution or insulted all the time cause you believe in God. People are telling me to be nicer let these people walk all over me. I'm tired of that.

Seriously I don't want to give up my faith in Jesus Christ but if I'm going to be told I'm a horrible Christian by almost every person I talk to & a horrible person for speaking the truth & what's on my heart then yea I can show people horrible. See what people don't get is that how I am now is light compared to how I was before I got saved.

I use to threaten people, curse & swear all the time & really be all way's angry & want to beat people up. Trust me I'm totally different now then what I was back then. But people still hound me & tell me I'm horrible & not really saved & hateful person. If only people could see how words like that really hurt me inside especially when coming from Christian & make me want to cry. Seriously it hurt me more coming from Christian then it does from Unbelievers cause it means that Christian don't want to accept me for who I am & want to make me to be something else & really hate me.

I mean maybe what I said was a little wrong but hey that's how I feel about things. But I just get this feeling that nowadays people really feel you can get to heaven & have Salvation any old way. Seriously. Meaning you just have to be a good person & you can get to Heaven. You never need Jesus is your life to get there & have Salvation. Mostly cause people don't want to offend people of other faiths. So they water down the Gospel & become politically correct & say well you can be a good person & you will get to Heaven when really have the people they say that to most of the time have no love for most of the Christian the ran into & are the most hateful people you will ever come across.

I'm tired of this. Seriously if people want to say I'm hateful & a horrible Christian then so be it I'm horrible. But I'm not. It just makes me said & want to islotate myself from other people. Trust me it really does. I have never told a single person I want them to burn in Hell never. I want them to be saved. So much so that I even cry about it seriously. I'm one of the most genie honest Christian you will ever meet. But like I said before people say that because of that I'm a hateful person & that I'm condemning other when really I want to see them saved. But hey I'll be that just realize that if you are Christian which I'm guessing you are you will be spending eternity with me in Heaven so if you can't put up with me on Earth then most likely you will hate that I'm going to be in Heaven.
My favorite Quote from the Bible
To be absent from the Body is to be in the present of the LORD. This verses I hold dear to my heart & it helps me get through the day at times & the fear of DEATH & other fears in the world as I feel we go more towards the end times.

My favorite book from the Old Testament: The Book of Psalms.

My Favorite Character from the Bible beside My LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST is the Apostle Paul.

Favorite Book from the New Testament is the Book of Revelation.


The RETURN, My friends animated Christian movie about the Return of JESUS CHRIST:

Really great Christian Music Video another one of my friends on youtube made with the movie Passion of the CHRIST. His name is TheComizmik truth here is a link to his music video he made:

A video about JFK, & Mr.Martin Luther King:

My favorite President of the USA is Mr.Abraham Lincoln, Second Favorite President is JFK.

Alright GOD/JESUS Bless you Everybody & keeping LOVING JESUS.
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