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Best Bishie Contest!: Round 1 XD

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Postby true_noir_chloe » Wed May 05, 2004 1:42 pm



[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Kesshin » Wed May 05, 2004 5:32 pm

Well, all right! Time for round two!!
When is round two starting, by the way? :sweat:
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-Luke 12:27-28

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Postby Kisa » Wed May 05, 2004 7:04 pm

Ooops, guess I missed out here . . . oh well posting them for fun, lol! ^_^'

Group 1:
Duo Maxwell!

Group 2:

Group 3:
Zechs Marquise!

Group 4:

Group 5:
Oujirou Mihara!

Group 6:
Seto Kaiba

Group 7:
Himura Kenshin!

Group 8:

Group 9:
Aoshi Shinomori!!!!!

Group 10:

Group 11:
Kyo Sohma!!!!!

Group 12:
Vash the Stampede!!!!!

Group 13:
Hatsuharu Sohma!!!!!

Group 14:

Group 15:

YAY!!!!!!! Bishies!!!!!! ^_^ *glomps all my choices*
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Bishie Contest Round 1 Results

Postby true_noir_chloe » Wed May 05, 2004 8:38 pm

Sorry, you missed the deadline Belldandy, but most of your picks made it, I think. ^_^

Mave asked me to post this tonight for her. She will be setting up the next round to be posted tomorrow. I know you're all excited about that. :p Thanks again for placing your votes here, we had some really close races, and even a tie.

So, *drumroll* here are the results from the 1st round (Winner is in red and will be placed first):

Goku 27
Duo Maxwell 20

Daisuke 30
Hiei 18

Sesshomaru 31
Zechs Marquise 17

Wolfwood 32
Roy Mustang 16

Tie, and both will be in the next round
Oujirou Mihara 24
Edward Elric 24

Seto Kaiba 25
Sanzo 23

Himura Kenshin 32
Shannon 16

Sanosuke 26
Eyes 22

Aoshi Shinomori 27
Heero Yuy 21

Kurama 27
Yue 21

Kyo Sohma 30
Kiba 18

Dark Mousy 26
Vash the Stampede 22

Itachi Uchiha 25
Hatsuharu Sohma 23

Krad 35
Tasuki 13

Inuyasha 29
Amon 19

Okay, as you can see, Krad was our big winner overall, and there were horrible slaughters of some of our bishies. (Shannon :sniffle: )

Mave will be posting the next round as soon as she's able tomorrow.

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Debitt » Wed May 05, 2004 8:54 pm

Goku!!!!!! ^____________________________________________^

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Postby CDLviking » Wed May 05, 2004 8:59 pm

I'm surprised that Amon lost considering how vocal his supporters were, and how was very vocal about Inuyasha.
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Postby Mave » Thu May 06, 2004 6:26 am

The next round will begin at 4 p.m. EDT, today (May 6, Thursday). Brace yourself. It will be just as tough (if not worse). Haha :evil:

Thanks Chloe for posting the results for me. ^^ I apologize, I was down with a migraine last night and I have a final exam today. Life is rough sometimes but God remains good. :thumb:

I'm pleased with this round despite some slaughters. Each candidate put up a good fight that we even had a tie (!). It certainly has made Chloe and I a little wiser as contests moderators. ^_^

We had 48 votes in total, 10 male, 4 unspecified gender and the rest, female.

CDLviking, perhaps anime title awareness, plays a bigger role. I know more about Inuyasha than I know Amon. Ppl tend to vote for something they're familiar with.
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Postby Iapetus » Thu May 06, 2004 6:50 am

SANZO lost to KAIBA?!?!?!


I would have voted had I got back before it ended... although apparently one vote wasn't going to be able to save him... ;_;

Now I have another reason not to like Kaiba...

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Postby MyrrhLynn » Thu May 06, 2004 8:15 am

true_noir_chloe wrote:Krad 35
Tasuki 13
Okay, as you can see, Krad was our big winner overall, and there were horrible slaughters of some of our bishies. (Shannon :sniffle: )

Awww! Poor Shannon :sniffle:

Yay! I predicted Krad's win correctly! Although I think the reason Krad won has more to do with that pic of him being waaay cool looking and the fact that I don't think Tasuki is very popular as a bishie (at least among girls ;) )

Overall I'm happy with the results. Well actually I'd be happy as long as Aoshi won! :grin:

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Postby The_Marauding_Maniac » Thu May 06, 2004 12:02 pm

HAng on hang on hang on.... The votes ended and I counted, but I thought EDWARD won :eyebrow:
Luke was here.
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Postby Kisa » Thu May 06, 2004 1:20 pm

NOooooooo! *sniff* *cries for all mine who lost . . .*
How could Haru and Vash lose???!!!! -_-
Anyway . . . YAY to mine who won! ^_^
Especially Kyo and Aoshi!!!!!!
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Postby Ducky » Thu May 06, 2004 1:38 pm

Yay Wolfwood! Too bad for Shannon... (even though I didn't actually vote for him... Kenshin's got the red hair thing and well...) anyway Wolfwood won and that makes me happy :rock:
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Postby Mave » Thu May 06, 2004 1:38 pm

Chloe and I each counted the votes separately and double-checked with each other. Edward Elric and Oujirou remains 24 equal and therefore, qualify for the next round. I just double-checked before posting for the new round and it looks fine.

I must however note that there was slight error in Duo vs Goku. Duo was 21 while Goku is 27. Either ways, the miscount would have not effected the results.

Pls don't feel upset or sad that your fav. bishie lost. Many of my personal favourites didn't make it too but it's OK, I still love them! :) It doesn't make your bishie any less outstanding. ^_^ I believe all bishies fought well in this round and will do so too in future rounds to come.

The second round has begun and I invite you to join in the fun!
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Postby inkhana » Thu May 06, 2004 4:10 pm

Closed; let's go to the next round! :D

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SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
BOOSTER: What? THIS thing's a cake?

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