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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:59 pm

Yaaah, I really don't like to post in here because I know other people have more serious problems and the like. But I'm at my wit's end here due to a combination of issues.

I haven't been getting much sleep lately and I'm usually the one that falls asleep before midnight. Now, I haven't been able to fall asleep before 4 in the morning and then I wake up feeling horrible around 10. I'm not doing anything, I'm just waiting for sleep to come. I would try sleep meds or melatonin (a sort of natural sleep drug) but I have before and I always wake up feeling drugged up.

When I DO get sleep, I have horrible dreams that attack my weak areas or conflict my mind. I've watched a little girl I was protecting die violently, I get shot in the throat by a friend (not a real life one), I break a man's jaw by prying it apart with my hands out of anger... yaaah, these aren't exactly fun dreams.

I know they're just dreams but they are challenging. I struggle internally with several things and usually it's a like a see-saw that balances itself and I handle it fine. Now one issue weighs heavily and I get over that and then the other end weighs heavily and I just feel very unbalanced back and forth.

Basically, I'm asking for a little prayer that this is resolved. Iunno if God is trying to tell me "Hey! You have issues! Confront them instead of ignoring them!", Iunno. If someone has gone through something similar before, some advice would be helpful too. I am praying about it myself, ofcourse.
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Postby ADXC » Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:23 pm

Well, I don't know what to say about the dreams you've been having; however your lack of sleep could be because you haven't been using up a lot of energy a day.

You need to reset your Biological clock in order to go to bed and get up earlier.

What I recommend is that you do many things in a day to use up energy(Like working and stuff.), set your alarm for an earlier time and wake up at that time(It will be hard at first, but if you steadily go down in time like say you'll set your alarm for 9:30 it will be easier to get up then than to set it for 8:00. Do this steadily over time and the shift should work.). If you have trouble falling asleep you could also read the Bible. That will certainly make your eyes tired while it helps you learn more of the Bible!
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:32 pm

I'll be praying as well ^__^

May I ask what are some of thie things bothering you ^^? Sometimes telling someone your problems (or things that make you go grrr) will help in discovering the problem (unless you already know) ^__^

As for the dreams.. Have you been watching too many Godzilla movies :P

(J/K ;P)

They sound pretty vivid, so maybe you can make them lucid as well ^^ Try walking away from said situation ^__^ That prolly sounded very weird, but if you put yourself (besides for the one that's already there) in your dream, you should be able to control your own actions and even the outcome of your dream ^^

And of course, there's praying that you don't have anymore nightmares like that ^^
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Postby Strafe » Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:55 pm

You understand the prophetic nature of dreams, yes? Well, pray that these are not prophetic, and are merely nonsense. Otherwise, you will find out first hand what these prophecies were. And that wouldn't be pretty.

Well I understand what you mean by the see-saw of issues, since I deal with such things as well, but I don't suppose God speaks in such violent dreams, as they are against the nature of God himself.

I wouldn't go so far as to connect your dreams with your spiritual life just yet. yet, meaning pray for God's peace, but if nothing happens, then you might look further in. And nightmares have a scientific side as well. Perhaps you may be causing them with your habits. You might want to go research this online.
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:01 am

ADXC: I did have to get up at around 5 AM every morning to go to work for a while. That work season is over and while I still do a lot of things around the house, I haven't been doing as much. So no work to do may contribute. I'll try doing something then.

Tsuki: These problems I'd rather not be known as they are very personal but they run along the lines of self-acceptance/hatred and such. Godzilla movies? Nah, they're not that violent. :p I also have no control of my dreams other than my own actions. It's crazy.

Strafe: I'm hoping that these aren't prophetic or anything myself. You're probably right about God not speaking in this way. Though usually when I get nightmares I always feel a nasty presence in my room, so I just call on God, command it to go away, and it immediately leaves. This is rare but since it's not happening this time, I dunno what's going on.

I haven't really been doing/reading/watching anything that could cause such extremes in my dreams. It's not the violence that bothers me but it's the loss, betrayal, and the control of my anger.

Thanks for the prayers, gaiz.
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Postby ADXC » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:59 am

I don't mean to pry, but what anger do you have? Maybe if you speak in general terms you don't have to give us the specifics so that this may remain a personal issue.

Also concerning this betrayal that you see in your dream via your friend shooting you in the throat, have you ever encountered an issue such as this in real life(Not the shooting part, but the betrayal.). Or if you haven't maybe you fell as though a friend could be deceitful and this subconscious thought is coming to life in your dream. Or you may just have an issue where you can't trust this person because of something.

I can see now that there may be some issues you need to confront and put to rest.

Also about the anger, have you been going to bed angry? If so then this unrest could come to life in your dreams. The Bible says to never let the sun set on your anger or something like that. Meaning don't go to bed angry, ask God to remove this anger.

I don't know if Im helping any, but Im trying.
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Postby CrimsonRyu17 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:05 pm

Hm. Anger is always something I've had to deal with, I've a bit of a short temper. Pretty sure I don't go to bed feeling angry either, more like "I'd rly like to sleep right now." D:

The friend in my dream was not a real person that I knew, I just knew it was someone close. Now that I really think about what you said... I have been betrayed/abandoned before and this is something I want to avoid. I'm starting to think these dreams are extreme forms of my feelings when it happens, which is strange because it's not rly happening now BUT I have slight paranoia that it'll happen again. I think that's answer. Idunno for sure but it fits.

I feel a little bit more at ease now, getting this out. Hopefully these dreams won't mess with me anymore and I'll get some decent sleep. Thanks for helping.
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Postby ADXC » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:21 pm

I hope that you are able to have peaceful sleep. Also if you feel that they could happen again, pray to God about it. To show you what you need to do to stop them or He could just remove them all together.

Perhaps, God is asking you to forgive those that betrayed/abandoned you. I know this would be very hard to do, but if you could then you may resolve the issue. If you have no contact with them, then just forgive them in your heart and say to the Lord that you forgive them.

God may be calling you to do something, but I don't know though so just do what you feel you need to do.
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