OOC:Once again, the spelling Nazis have to come along to cite multiple violations... did you TRY to spell some of these things wrong, I mean it looks like you put in an excellent effort O_O.
This rp is about a company that has conceled people with abnormal gifts in a artifioal town.This was started by the person i will play as Tyson 50 years ago Tyson was born.He had metal plated arms and the control over shadows.His mother fell ill and pasted away.Thigs he imagind cam to life in the form of shotows the city nere by became cuncerdd thinking a evil spirt is angerd a company got invalved called Kloe. they found tyson and broughthim to the city they suduced him numbing his powers his side effict was geting presshure it finaly relyse 50 yds 360*things dismantel.Kloe gatherd what was left and made the finding spot of Tyson there base of operation.Tyson whent into a coma and during his sleep sometimes things of his dreams leak out of his mine.Kloe has also found others with abnormalities. in the beging of the rp Tyson wakes up and meets the other residince and together they will try to escape Kloe thank you
-There is a space after every period (not before a period).
-Commas are to occur roughly after a breath, except before the usage of "and" where there is a natural breath (generally).
-"I" is always a capital letter, as it is a pronoun, like the beginning letter of a person or place's specific name, (United States, Phoenix Arizona, David ect.).
-Most internet browsers today come with built in spell-check. So when you see a red squiggly line under a word, say "angerd", right click on it and change it to the best suggestion, in this case "angered".
That would be a most excellent start to avoid run-ins with CAA's resident grammar Nazis!
Thank you,
(Corrected form, that is at least... somewhat better.)
This is an RP about a company that has concealed people with abnormal gifts in an artificial town. This was all started by the person I will play as, Tyson. 50 years ago, Tyson was born. He had metal plated arms and control over shadows. His mother fell ill and passed away. Things he imagined came to life in the form of shadows and the city nearby became concerned, thinking an evil spirit was angered and so a company got involved called Kloe. They found Tyson and brought him to the city. Then they subdued him, numbing his powers. He gave into the pressure after 50 yards with 360 things destroyed. Kloe gathered what was left and made the place where they found Tyson their base of operations. Tyson went into a coma and during his sleep, sometimes things from his dreams would leak out of him mind. Kloe has also found others with abnormalities. In the beginning of the RP, Tyson wakes up and meets the other residents and together they will try to escape Kloe. Thank you.