This is supposed to be good, though it's designed for married men and not single men. I think every guy struggles with lust at some point in their life, and most are currently struggling with it or just giving into it and even feeding it at every possible chance, one or the other.
It is a major struggle with me... There is a program out there you may want to check out... It may not work right on your comptuer, it doesn't work on mine, but if it does work, it's worth having. Find the e-mail of someone you trust and who can keep you accountable, and download this program
You can ignore the site it came from if you want... It seems shocking (the name of the site) but it does that to make you do a double take, to show that they're not all "That s word is from satan" and it is a really good site run by people who actualy want to see the end to the problem with pornography in a Christian's life. Just a warning, the program doesn't work on every configuration... It doesn't send the e-mail on my computer.
ADDENDUM to the site: I'm a little upset that they let themselves be the butt of the daily show's top joke report of the day, but honestly I suppose whatever gets the news out is good...