See this thread for my previous experience with this hospital.
I am in a frustrating situation and I really need your prayers.
I went to the Imaging Center for a blood draw today. Routine stuff. Pebbles and I have been there before and were allowed back with no hassle, no problems.
But today, this lady there gave us a really hard time. Told me Pebbles would contaminate the needles and equipment if she went back (which is not true --needles are packaged and Pebbles' feet are no dirtier than the bottoms of people's shoes--I keep her clean and well-groomed.). I said that, by law, I am allowed to be accompanied by my service dog in the back and explained that I had been there several times before with her with no problems. I wanted to be treated like everyone else.
She said she needed to do the blood draw in the lobby. I repeated what I had
said before. She went away to call her supervisor. She comes back and says that she would need to do my blood draw in my car. I again repeat what I had said before --I am allowed to be accompanied by my service dog and should be treated like everyone else. She goes away again to call her supervisor.
I try to get a hold of one of the trainers from CPL, but everyone was out to lunch, I think. While I was leaving a message, she comes back in and calls me back to the room (finally!). But she says that Pebbles will have to wait in the hallway. So I put Pebbles in a down (laying down) by the door where we can still see each other. The lady does the blood draw and I am done (in less than a minute!). Pebbles and I then leave. A one minute blood draw turned into a 30 minute trying to educate the lady and be let back in the room.
I want to handle this appropriately --being firm but still being kind. I just want to make sure that the Imaging Center is following the law and that others with service dogs will be treated well in the future. I plan on writing them a letter telling them what happened and what the laws are concerning people with disabilities and service dogs. I want good to come out of this. Please pray that this will get through to them somehow.
I have to go back to the Imaging Center on Monday for a CT scan. Please pray that there are no more access issues. Having a test done is stressful enough.
Thank you.