For security reasons, this site will be shutting down on Monday, February 24 at 10:00 AM Pacific time. Thank you to everyone who has visited the site over the years. We may be back in another capacity, but there is no time frame. If you have data you wish to save, you are encouraged to download or save it to your computer before the forums close.


The name is Darkoon...

If you're new to CAA, we invite you to tell us about yourself here. This is the place to post your own bio or read up on other members. Be as in depth as you like!

The name is Darkoon...

Postby darkoon » Wed Jul 23, 2003 11:02 am

I was once another lost human soul, who loved to draw and became good to the outside world... I never believed I had a problem until Jesus showed me my inner self. i was scared to face the future... But GOD hold my hand, and made me strong and bold to defeat every evil that came to me, be it mundane anime as hentay, also the world itself and its selfishness... Today, I draw comics and organize tournaments for those who draw a lot. GOD is with me every step ahead, and I hope all of you had an experience to tell a friend too... Dont stay quiet and let the word spread unto the people, JESUS LIVES!!!

Darkoon ;)
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Posts: 64
Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2003 9:13 am
Location: I really dont know... Im going to ask mom...

Postby weisskreuz/chic » Wed Jul 23, 2003 7:01 pm

Awesome, I will make sure that I will spread the word.
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Postby Stephen » Wed Jul 23, 2003 8:41 pm

Welcome aboard
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jul 24, 2003 8:11 am

Well, I hate to say hello to you again, but it can't hurt, can it? Glad to have you with us, we can always use new art talent, and would you consider my e-mail regarding that?
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uc pseudonym
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