Well for all my life I have had fears so bad that I got a ulcer and got violently ill everyday and got treated like vermin as well as a freak/outcast by my peers.So everyday for the last 12 years of my life I have been on my own without any friends and durning break time for the last 12 yrs I have been walking around the yard been ridiculed like I was a parasite.It got even worse when people found out that I beleve in christ and the bible so now they call me a bible thumper and a prude and a queer.Also I have aspergers syndrome which make it harder for my to communicate and read social cues.Not many people take the bible to heart or seriously where I live and most guys in my area belittle the bible and are always on about sex and how many people they have been with while the girls are very matirealistic and care only about looks and money and popularity and whats new in and disregared the bible.I Have always been lonely and it has gotten worse since I am 18 and have not made any good friends in my life and have never had a girlfriend.I do sometimes think that I am destined to be lonely and sad in this world and never have a soul mate.To me I think that the my life is a living hell which I have to get over and endure all the cruelty and misery in the world.
So my Phobia list
Clasterphobia (mild)
fear of churches (Because thats where funerals are held)
graveyards (The place of death)
fear of comets.
fear of hell
fear of globle warming
fear of rotting
I am also very shy .Also sorry for the spelling errors since I am very upset at the moment.