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Yu Yu Hakusho!!!

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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Mar 28, 2004 11:53 am

Kireihana wrote:Uhh... I'm don't really gush over anime bishonen... I mean, they're cartoons, after all...

I would hug you, but we live in completely different locations and it would probably be misconstrued anyway.

About series, I still am not sure, though I'll stick by what I said. There are a number of people here who have seen all of it, they might be able to answer your questions.
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Postby HikariChan » Mon Mar 29, 2004 7:57 am

im am confusing my self!
do most anime shows change seasons by when they have different music or a different bad guy! i'm jus trying to figure this out^___^'

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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Mar 29, 2004 11:15 am

A season is technically one year's worth of new episodes. Theoretically this is 13, 26 or 52 episodes, depending on the scope of the series. Therefore, one main villain could span several series, or several villains could be contained within a single series. Most shows, however, change openings based upon major sagas.
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Postby Lunis » Tue Mar 30, 2004 5:05 am

;) Aw c'mon! You gotta love bishies! Loving cartoons makes the world more colorful! You have to use your imagination. Be a kid at heart or something! :lol: But I guess everyone has their cup of tea. Just as long as they don't criticize mine. You don't know how many people have said, "You watch Yugioh?! That is a kiddy show! I can't believe you still watch cartoons!" :waah!:

laka(I think it was) wrote: My favorite all time charecter that was on the show was Jin, The WindMaster. He's got those cute little ears and since I'm Irish I just adore his accent. He allways seems to be in a good mood!

Yeah I like Jin a lot. I can't believe I missed the episode where Yusuke beats him! Aaah!

My favorite character, though, is Hiei. Not Kurama :shady: . Definitely Hiei. Love his voice, love his attitude and toughness, love the way he looks, love the way he acts toward Kuwabara :lol: (I love the way he acts toward everyone, for that matter :P ). Hiei forever and all the way!! :thumb:
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Mar 30, 2004 5:18 am

I didn't say I had anything against anime, or even against kid's shows (which I really wouldn't classify Yu Gi Oh! as). I do have something against gushing, which in my mind reflects a great deal. But I'm not really here to complain.
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Postby Lunis » Tue Mar 30, 2004 5:47 am

Nah, you're fine ;) . I was just remembering other people (not on this board) that have ridiculed me. But sometimes I have a hard time doing it myself, coughcoughultimatemusclecoughisdescustingcough. *clears throat* What? I didn't say anything :eyeroll: . But I don't keep going over it, saying that the show is stipid, around them. Again I say I'm not saying any of you do this. Man, I talk a lot! :eh:
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Postby HikariChan » Tue Mar 30, 2004 7:47 am

i like yu-gi-oh even if it does seem like its a kiddie show!!
*back to yu yu hakusho*
i wont go into whos my favorite:sweat: it'll get crazi in here!!
i can understand how ppl arnt that crazi about it^____^'
this is weird!! yu yu hakusho didnt come on yesterday!?
is it off the air now?! cause they only played DBZ the whole time!
it better not just be DBZ on toonami now!!!

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Postby MasterDias » Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:23 pm

The only reason Yu Gi Oh! seems like a kid's show is because 4kids butchered and hacked it up.

Now back to Yu Yu Hakusho...

Technically, I've only seen one episode of the anime, but I have read the first several volumes of the manga in Shonen Jump. I like Togashi's style.
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Postby HikariChan » Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:09 pm

thats neat! i havent read much of the mangas! i have only read the ones in shonen jump. i like the manga alot!

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Postby Lunis » Tue Mar 30, 2004 1:19 pm

You didn't hear? Toonami is showing all DBZ until April something, and then Toonami will only be on weekends. At least that's how I understood it. I like the DBZ part, but not the no YYH or the only weekends part! :sniffle: Either they will change it soon or they will get a mega load of angry fans.
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Postby Whitephoenix » Tue Mar 30, 2004 3:13 pm

Concerning the questions a few pages back regarding the number of episodes/sagas, there are 112 episodes, and I've heard about four OAVs but I haven't found much info.
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Postby Psycho Ann » Tue Mar 30, 2004 8:31 pm

The reason why I only now stepped back into this thread after my inital post on page 1 (or was it 2?) is because there's not enough people here that could discuss the really cool characters (Raizen--if you ever find out who he is, has got to be one of the coolest Togashi's characters *ever*. Mukuro too, she's just awesome. Sensui I'd like better if he wasn't insane... reminds me too much of a cross between Hisoka and Kuroro of HxH) and plot twists that happen in the final (or second to final, even the third to last) sagas of the series--both manga and anime. Well, I speak for manga since I've read all volumes (repeatedly, man, my favorite volumes were towards the end where Togashi went all crazy on the art--I suspect he just drew directly with ink on paper) and my anime knowledge of YYH is quite minimal--but judging from cards and games my friend (Psycho Pau actually) collected the anime did touch the end of the manga.

But then again, I stand with UC (and the guys) that there's way too much gushing here--even for me, a rabid fangirl in my own right. I'll see if things calm down later...

In YYH's defense, no, it doesn't resemble DBZ other than that they both are based on the same culture/religion (otherworld, demons, inner powers--basic Asian stuff, you even see much of these in Naruto) and are both shonen... which if you break it down all shonen plots would have the same DEFEAT - TRAINING - VICTORY formula. Not to mention the foundational "I'll never give up!" (available in variations like "I'll succeed", "Must go on", "Victory is mine/ours"), friendship can shake the universe--literally", and the rule of villan power increase in proportion to character current level. I can also easily pull parallels between Naruto and DBZ including different stages/forms of "power-ups" for those that have read up to the lastest chapters.

YYH is a classic itself, though I won't recommend it to just anyone. (especially the later volumes of the manga where the plot plunged head-first into very dark/disturbing/graphic stuff by the time Sensui came along--which was after the Dark Tournament saga)


Argh! I just ranted *coughprocrastinatedcough* again didn't I? *rushes back to her homework*
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Mar 31, 2004 5:23 am

It is true that Naruto has now used the cliche different power stages formula. I'd be fine with this if the multiples weren't so high, which annoys me. Twelve times stronger? What is that?

Psycho Ann wrote:But then again, I stand with UC (and the guys) that there's way too much gushing here--even for me, a rabid fangirl in my own right. I'll see if things calm down later...

While I'm glad to hear you say that, you do realize that the phrase "UC (and the guys)" excludes me from the distinction made? Heh.
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Postby HikariChan » Wed Mar 31, 2004 6:57 am

You didn't hear? Toonami is showing all DBZ until April something, and then Toonami will only be on weekends

Is that true? thats not kewl! i want to watch other shows then DBZ. no offence but toonami plays DBZ too much! they need to put different shows on (not just YYH).

man YYH was geting to the good parts! thats where they stoped the show last time!
( well not the exacted spot but close enough)

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Postby Lunis » Wed Mar 31, 2004 11:24 am

UC wrote: While I'm glad to hear you say that, you do realize that the phrase "UC (and the guys)" excludes me from the distinction made? Heh.

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Postby HikariChan » Thu Apr 01, 2004 7:06 am

....:::::::sweat:I dont get it::::::....

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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:48 am

Very well. Allow me to explain.

By stating "the boys" Psycho Ann has indicated an entire category. All the boys here in this thread are contained within "the boys." By saying UC and "the boys" Ann was technically saying that UC is outside the category of "the boys." Did that make sense?
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Postby Psycho Ann » Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:04 pm

Oops, sorry about that UC, I guess I missed an 'other' in the phrase "and the boys" (UC and the *other* guys might have been more appropriate). However, on other news, I don't remember if I ever told you that it feels like I'm calling you "uncreative" evertime I type "UC".

Now, I shall rebound and get back on topic.

Personally, I'm wondering if Toonami or whatever would license the following YYH sagas, it's the type of anime you can't really do much without butchering it to pieces to get it to a rating that Toonami usually shows.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Apr 01, 2004 4:19 pm

Oh, you probably have. I've had four or so individuals say much the same thing, so I might merely be attributing these events to whoever is handy. I don't mind, though. I've ceased to think of UC as a shortened version of uncreative any longer, except in technicality.

Topic... topic...
I'm pleased to see in this issue of Shonen Jump that the battles are not the classic stage matches (for those of you not with Shonen Jump: Kuwabara fought the second Saint Beast, that fight is still going). By the previous phrase I mean it isn't like the only method of defeating an opponent is to power up to the next level. Many anime, particularly Digimon, are very guilty of this.

By contrast, we show some real intelligence at times, and some interesting combat techniques. I'm impressed, and YYH has risen in my personal ranks of manga ever. It has probably passed Shaman King by this point...
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Postby Psycho Ann » Thu Apr 01, 2004 6:40 pm

Agreed, Togashi is one of those writers that incorporate more strategies then strength or pure-will. He also does some of the most unique and innovative battle scenes (towards the end of the YYH manga, there's a 3-5 page Hiei battle and even with the scribbly art I was just in awe). Togashi brings this trait of him a step furthur in HunterxHunter so much that you're forced at times to remember the different forms of "ki" just so you can follow the post-battle explanations. He kinda gets too technical for average readers, but I personally love details in writing.

As for SK fights... well at least I find them better than Yu-Gi-Oh! ones. YGO is just getting too repetitive for me (Yugi gets angry - Yami Yugi comes out - game is played - game is won).

BACK on topic... the next chapter of Kuwabara's fight is one of my favorites. I love it when even the "regular" guys can kick some serious demon butt.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:33 am

This is off topic, but you mentioned Yu Gi Oh matches and I felt it absolutely necessary to mention that the Shonen Jump a month back features an issue during which Yugi does nothing but draw a single card. I went back and counted the pages.

I'm glad to hear that Togashi has complex fighting in other manga as well. I've yet to read a manga during which the fighting is too technical for me, and I do love complexity...
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Postby Lunis » Fri Apr 02, 2004 7:36 am

UC wrote: I've ceased to think of UC as a shortened version of uncreative any longer, except in technicality.

:o So that's what UC means! I finally found out! I never knew it means uncreative! I get it! Ahaha! Yay!

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Postby HikariChan » Fri Apr 02, 2004 7:51 am

aw i get it now!! sorry:forehead:

man i need to catch up on the thread ^____^'

toonami better put YYH back on the air!! or at least somthing different from DBZ!!

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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Apr 02, 2004 10:25 am

Lunis wrote::o So that's what UC means! I finally found out! I never knew it means uncreative! I get it! Ahaha! Yay!


Yes. I'm surprised how many people never got this. It's meant to be funny, as in "uncreative pseudonym" but there is a character limit that is too small. Ah well, you understand now. Back to the topic.
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Postby MasterDias » Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:14 pm

I've read some of Hunter X Hunter. It's pretty good.

I like Togashi's style and such. It has been interesting seeing Kuwabara fight.
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Postby Lunis » Sat Apr 03, 2004 5:17 am

This may sound stupid, but, what is Hunter X Hunter?
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Postby HikariChan » Sat Apr 03, 2004 8:17 am

dont worry lunis^_____^' i havent heard of it either.
(i like you new avatar lunis)

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Postby Lunis » Mon Apr 05, 2004 5:58 am

Thanks! :hug: I had to resize it, and it's a little squarey :( .
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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:03 am

HikariChan wrote:
toonami better put YYH back on the air!! or at least somthing different from DBZ!!

If they don't put something other than DBZ on there, I will flip out .I know they're doing new stuff for when they air on Saturday, but the weekday Toonami needs to be shot right now.

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Postby Mave » Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:23 am

Psycho Ann wrote:Agreed, Togashi is one of those writers that incorporate more strategies then strength or pure-will. He also does some of the most unique and innovative battle scenes (towards the end of the YYH manga, there's a 3-5 page Hiei battle and even with the scribbly art I was just in awe). Togashi brings this trait of him a step furthur in HunterxHunter so much that you're forced at times to remember the different forms of "ki" just so you can follow the post-battle explanations. He kinda gets too technical for average readers, but I personally love details in writing.

I was never one who pays close attention to fight strategies. Well, at least until Naruto came along. However, I do give credit and admiration to Togashi for being outstanding in creating original and unique story plots, character designs and new concepts.

HunterXHunter is a very good series IMO. But, I've fallen behind in updates. So, Lunis, I can' t really describe it well enough to give it justice so I will refrain from doing so. ^^;

He also created Level E, which has a different style of art altogether from YYH or HXH (less big eyes, cute looks). But in general, Togashi likes to paint the world we live in as a hostile and dangerous place.

Back to topic, I guess I understand the ki stuff in YYH better than HXH. And to those who keep comparing YYH with DBZ (or vice versa), just don't.
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