Postby Saint Kevin » Tue Sep 09, 2008 9:54 pm
I'm praying for you bro, and really, you don't need to get down on yourself. Any time you get those feelings like you aren't worth much, know that those feelings aren't from God (but are a false accusation from the accuser of the brethren - satan). God made you unique, gifted and placed where you are for a mission and a purpose.
Lust has no place in the work that God has given you, and it will have a negative impact on your relationship with God, your relationships with others, and your feelings about yourself. I know, because I struggled with that for many years, and have really just now gotten to the point where it isn't any more.
Realize this: As long as you aren't who God wants to be, you are going to suffer, and so are many others (the brothers and sisters you could be helping, and lost people you could be bringing the love and hope and peace of the Gospel). Having said that, the sooner you deal with your sin and get it out of your life, the better. There is absolutely nothing wrong with admitting failure, and asking for help. Though it is hard, it is the best thing you can do (I know from the tough experience of not asking for help for my own struggle with lust, that so much time and so many opportunities were wasted from not having the humility to ask for help).
Having said all of this, I can also say that simply taking away the bad in your life (porn and whatever else), isn't sufficient by itself. You must also replace that time and energy you spent pursuing the flesh instead pursuing God. The best thing for that is to make a commitment to spending time in the Bible every day (or every other day, or every week to'll get there eventually as God puts a greater and greater love for His word in your heart). Also, go to a bible-teaching and believing church, and make an effort to make friends there and fellowship with them. This will help you tremendously, as will trying to get involved with the older men in the fellowship (many of whom have had the same struggles as you, have overcome, and who are more than willing to do everything they can to help a young man like you).
I hope this has helped, and I will remember you in my prayers. Feel free to PM me or to look me up on YIM. Remember...there is never shame in admitting you are human, and in asking for help. Find people in your life that you can trust with this that are strong believers in the Lord, and ask them for their help.
Our lives are but a vapor, let us not let waste our time and breath on vanities, but let us spend ourselves for the Kingdom, seeking a better resurrection.
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