If the police didn't tell you guys everything, they're possibly investigating home robberies, that may be going on in your neighborhood.
As stupid as it sounds lock your doors whether your home or not. And don't leave your garage door open if you have one.
"Between forty and fifty percent of burglaries are accomplished through unlocked doors or windows," says Jean O'Neil. Surprisingly, 40 percent of homes don't have dead-bolt locks or have them only on main entry doors, according to the NCPC.
Also just
be aware, (not paranoid), of what's happening outside. ie. looking out the windows and noticing odd activities, strange cars or people. Just being aware of what's happening around you helps to stop something from happening or at the very least gives you time to deal with it.
I'm not trying to scare you or anything. But sometimes God allows false alarms to keep us safe. You & your family are in my prayers.