I was given a puppy on Christmas day on 2007 and he had just died today at 11:05. I did cry and all but, I just feel like I am over it. I just no longer harbor the pain like I used to before. I mean, yeah, I am upset that my dog died and I did have a dog before him that I had grieved for days but, for some reason, I'm just not as sad as I thought I was. Is there something wrong with me? I feel as if I don't care anymore about him, but I do care and I just feel as if animals don't matter to me anymore, but I don't want to feel this way! I've been an animal lover ever since I can remember, especially for dogs, but I've gotten over him quite quickly and I just don't care anymore so much about animals.
What's wrong with me?
(P.S,: I'm not crying at all, why is that? I don't like the feeling of being nonchalant about death)