I'm going to do my best to go through this and hopefully help you out (or I could also just confuse you :S because i am confusing, but hopefullly not!!!). Also if anyone has any other ideas about what Hana should say feel free to correct me or put your input in...I am by no means 100% correct -- I'm just a student too ^^
First of all, I think it's kind of safe to say never use babel fish? Or any online translator that will translate in chunks. O.o Because it's always so confusing.
And it's ok if you use it
![Happy :)](./images/smilies/smile.gif)
I have a little hand held dictionary that I am using cooonstantly looking up kanji and re-checking words and stuff to make sure I'm right. The program I mentioned called NJ Star Japanese also has that same kinda thing aaand I have textbooks (Genki I and Genki II) for looking up stuff
Anyways, to what you wanted to say.
first of all,
ちょっと means like a little or a bit and 人 means ひと which is person. So I really have no idea where Babelfish popped that one out because it was totally random XD!!
I think it would be easier to use a phrase like こんにちわ konnichiwa or hello. You could also say え! maybe which is just kind of like hey!
to say my name is hana you can say
私 (わたし) の 名前 (なまえ) は 花 (はな) です。 watashi no namae wa hana desu. Or you could simply say hana desu where the 'my name is' is implied (note in the Japanese language I or watashi is often left out because it's assumed that you are talking about yourself and so forth.).
The common phrase for nice to meet you is どうぞ よろしく or dozo yoroshiku but you would say this at the end of your speech where you put yosh onegaishimasu. I think you would say instead, douzo yoroshiku onegaishimasu - most polite and more common than yosh onegaishimasu (ive never heard anyone say that). You can just say douzo yoroshiku (adding the onegaishimasu makes it more polite).
You can say はじめました which is hajimemashita to say it's nice to meet you (literally it's like how do you do kind of).
It's also common and easy to say this for I am not very good at Japanese:
私(わたし) は 日本語 (にほんご) が 上手じゃりません(じょうずじゃありません)literally this means I am not so good at the Japanese language (Japanese).
You can also say
わたし は にほんご が へた です。
which means literally I am clumsy or poor at Japanese.
For these next few sentences I am not entirely sure because my Japanese isn't quite that advanced yet...
for I regretably need help with my Japanese study you can say
私(Watashi) の 日本語(にほんご) を 勉強(べんきょう)が てつだう を ください
which literally means... Please help with my Japanese study(ing). Maybe that's the best I can do (ha ha ごめねさい
私 は 上手じゃりません でも がんばります! (Sorry [B]my[B] Japanese isn't so good but I am doing my best!)
Your Yosh! is just fine ^^ But you would say for your age Juuyonsai - じゅうよnさい or 十四さ and don't forget です.
Lastly there is any easier way to say when your birthday is. You would say
watashino tanjyoubi wa nanagatsu, juusan desu.
(for others if 13th is a special number and i forgot, please correct me -- im lazy and dont want to look it up ^^;;)
私の (わたしの) 誕生日 (たんじょうび) は 七月 (なながつ) 十三 (じゅうさん) です。
and then you would say your dozou yoroshiku onegaishimasu
だいじょうぶ ですか (daijyoubu desuka - are you alright)
えと。。。わかりますか (eto - uhmm ... wakarimasuka - do you understand)
I hope this was helpful to you!!
Please let me know and I am happy to explain something further even if it's just a term that you don't know - also if I made a mistake please correct me ^^
疲れたあ と眠い ですよ。。。おやすみなさい!
(tsukareta to nemui desuyo ... oyasumi nasai!)
I am exhausted and sleepy ... good night!