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Dragon Ball z/ fire emblem discussion

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Dragon Ball z/ fire emblem discussion

Postby susuki » Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:41 pm

Here all fans of dragon Ball z and Fire emblem( although not many know about fire emblem) talk about them. Anything and everything :sweat:
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Postby susuki » Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:46 pm

Favorite char. is vegeta. :rock: anyone else?
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:37 pm

vegeta is my fave chacter. dbz is good, but i cant get enough of dragon ball heheh
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Postby Psycho Ann » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:54 pm

Is there a reason DBZ is grouped with Fire Emblem?

Anyway, my favorite char would be SSJ2 Teen Gohan... then later on Perfect (Mystic as it's called here) Gohan. Vegeta would follow after Piccolo ^^
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Postby Pent » Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:03 pm

Vegeta is mine, although I havn't seen DBZ in six months. I think they might just be grouped togather because they are his favorite two animes, but I will let him answer that.
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Postby VEGETA » Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:15 pm

If you have to ask me who my fav character is, then you obviously aren't the brightest crayon in the box <admin note: watch the comments, that was a tad bit inappropriate>

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Postby Lunis » Thu Mar 18, 2004 6:14 am

In any threads related to my favorite DBZ character, you can see that I obsessively talk about Cell. I've even made a thread about him. ^_^
Other characters that I like are Gotenks (greatest, funnest [not a word *lol*], coolest kid ever!! I love his attacks and his attitude!), and Super Buu (From the time he absorbed Gotenks to the time he absorbed Gohan, but especially after Gohan. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him when he was fighting Vegetto. And it was fun watching him celebrate after he absorbed Vegetto. The pink actually works for him :sweat: !) I also like the Supreme Kai.

As for Vegeta, he was my favorite character in the Ginyu Saga. He's pretty cool. I hope you don't mind if I say what I don't particularly like about him. He has too much pride. He rushes in head first and doesn't think about it first. He regrets sacrificing himself for his family, sort of, not exactly. He's obsessed with hating Goku and making fun of him. He even risked saving the world because he didn't want to be fused with Goku. Grr. But I should say some good things about him, too. It was really fun watching him and Goku inside Buu. They were hilarious. Especially when Vegeta wouldn't help Goku with the green things. *lol* But he really scared me in the first Broly movie. I mean he just totally froze stiff! :o I mean, totally out of it!

SSJ2 Gohan was pretty cool. But I can't help holding some kind of a dislike for him, because he killed Cell. :( And people come to me and say, "Ha ha! Cell was beat by a little kid!" And I'm like, "No, because Gohan got help from Vegeta and Goku, two of the most powerful beings in the world (besides Cell and Gohan, of course)!!" And also, it doesn't really matter that he was a kid. He was super srtong! :sniffle: But they still mock Cell. Some day, I'll wish him back with the Dragon Balls and sick him on the people who said that! :lol: JK, of course. But yeah, SSJ2 Gohan was cool. So was Gohan in the Buu saga, but I liked him teen better.
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Postby inkhana » Thu Mar 18, 2004 3:24 pm

Link, please try to keep the situation on topic. If you wish to discuss RK, Naruto or Inuyasha, please do so in the appropriate threads.

DBZ/FE fans...carry on...:)

I haven't really seen enough of DBZ to call myself a fan, or to be dead set against it, but I do like Fire Emblem...:) Someday I'll actually get around and beat it...:stressed:

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Postby Taslin_Jewel » Thu Mar 18, 2004 3:43 pm

Die-hard FE fan, that's me! I only wish I could beat level 19....
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Postby skynes » Fri Mar 19, 2004 2:43 am

I like Goku... Yeah I know that's kinda generic but I do :P

Something that annoyed me with DBZ was when Gohan fought Buu he didn't go Super Saijinn. I mean had he turned SS he would have creamed Buu. He already had him on the ropes. I think Pride got the better of him there. He should have just went SS and blasted him!

My fave bad guy is Perfect Cell. He just looks cool. And I love his attitude.

Dumbest Bad Guy was Frieza, Count HOW many times he insulted Goku calling him a stupid monkey! TOO MANY! Get with the program Frieza and make better insults!
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Postby Psycho Ann » Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:41 am

I shall post in Gohan's defense~! XD Gohan *couldn't* go to SSJ since his power-up by Elder Kai overid the ability. He would never be able to go to SSJ again, and though there are rumors that he didn't because turning SSJ while having the Elder Kai power-up would destroy the world--the rumor is false. DBGT is non-canon as far as I'm concerned, so it doesn't count XD XD
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Postby Lunis » Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:41 am

*lol* Yeah, Frieza is an idiot. But the villain I despise most is King Cold. Yeeuuuuugch!! What a whimp. And the quote, "At least they could let us take showers." Ugh! Who really cares at that point! There's something wrong with that guy. He's girly and cowardly.

I thought Gohan was in "Mystic" transformation. (I've heard it called that.) I thought it was just like Super Saiyan, only a different way to do it. Like he can't transform in that stage or something. Well, I don't know. Maybe it was just pride.

EDIT: Ah you got to it before me, Ann. :) Oh really? He can't go Super Saiyan anymore? That kind of stinks. And I don't really watch DBGT. I think it is a disgrace. Totally different than the real stuff. They just made it feel so fake. They should never have tried to remake that show. They totally ruined it. I don't count it in things like you said either, Ann.
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Postby skynes » Fri Mar 19, 2004 10:15 am

Psycho Ann wrote:I shall post in Gohan's defense~! XD Gohan *couldn't* go to SSJ since his power-up by Elder Kai overid the ability. He would never be able to go to SSJ again, and though there are rumors that he didn't because turning SSJ while having the Elder Kai power-up would destroy the world--the rumor is false. DBGT is non-canon as far as I'm concerned, so it doesn't count XD XD

I didn't know that either. I thought he was just being cocky and didn't think he needed to transform, thus getting his butt kicked and Goku having to step in.

I hated DBGT. I think it sucked big time. I don't care about all this space travel and weird aliens! I just wanna see adult Goku trash bad guys!
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Postby Psycho Ann » Fri Mar 19, 2004 10:34 am

Yeah, it's called Msytic here, though I'm trying to refer to him as 'Perfect Gohan' (after seeing some japanese import figurines labeling him that--I'm a purist in all forms) without having to explain each time XD So I just use Elder-Kai Power-up from time to time.

Freeza, to me, is just in self-denial. After being the strongest in the universe (after King Cold), I guess most would be in self-denial as well when a 1000 yr old legend is actually true. XD XD

I'm glad there's mutual dislike for DBGT--what was TOEI thinking?!
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Postby susuki » Fri Mar 19, 2004 12:56 pm

Iam justfinished reading all of your reviews and I have beaten the whole game offire emblem. Next you get to do hector's quest. then hard modes of all. Which of courseisharde. If you need help just ask meon the game okay? Yes, if you look me up I have a picture of Jaffar, the angel of death,who of course if your good enough, you get him, and he rocks! Peace :rock:
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Postby Danyasaur » Fri Mar 19, 2004 1:10 pm

I like FE! . . . although, I haven't played it in a while, I started a few months ago and played it for about 3 days got to level 20 then I stoped cuz' stupid DORKas kept dieing U_U *I hate you Dorcas* . . . I should start playing it again *runs off to play*
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Postby susuki » Fri Mar 19, 2004 1:18 pm

Here's a word of advice...Don't bring Dorcas.He suks! If hedoes die then go on because I never use him! You get way better people than him later on. trust me! like Jaffar ,who is pictured by me. He is socool! :evil:
(quote)Who beside me has been chosen to survive the ruthlessness of the world...(quote)
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Postby susuki » Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:29 am

Has anyone heard the rumors of the new FE game? well, rumor has it that a new one is coming out in april, although some say in Japan, it might come out here in japanese. That would stink huh? I would think it would come out in american, wouldnt u? :cool:
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