~darkelfgirl~ wrote:Yes! It is so awesome ^^--I don't know if the part I'm thinking is the inspiration for the part where Shynael left Shard....I didn't finish that chapter yet (I had to stop to do my homework). Is it the part in the great hall when the battle pauses?
MangArtist wrote:(Do movies and games count?)
uc pseudonym wrote:I found the ending to Link's Awakening a bit sad. Everything was resolved, yes, but also ended absolutely and permanently. Except for a few seconds at the beginning, nothing you did even existed...
uc pseudonym wrote:No. I like endings.
minakichan wrote:It has a name, actually: Post-Story Depression (or Post-Anime Depression) ^^.
I actually get TERRIBLE Post-Story Depression; I'll cry for the next 1-2 days, and once I've even gotten myself sick crying. I just feel extreme attachment to the characters, and I don't to see them go, even if the ending is perfect; I want to interact with them even more, it's like they've become precious to me (and yeah, I'm pretty much a sentimental sap). It's very catharthic though, and sometimes I just love being miserable. Also, I like getting PSD (not PMS >_>) when my life hasn't been going very well because it's an outlet and I can make all the feelings go away when I'm done.
ChristianKitsune wrote:I also hate waiting a year for the next book to come out.. XD That's also depressing...its like a mini-end.
SirThinks2Much wrote:Even worse with cliffhanger endings. AUGH
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